《Come over》Goodnight


He lies next to me,

"I'm sure there's other ways you can reward me" He says as he takes his knife from his waistline

"L-like what?" I ask nervously

"Well, I'm sure I could make lots of money from what's inside of you" He whispers as he moves the knife from my stomach to my chest

"What're you gonna do? Kill me" I ask, trying to stay calm

"No, I don't wanna kill you, I just wanna have fun" He puts the knife over my throat and climbs on top of me.

"W-What kind of fun?" I ask as I blush

He lowers his head to my neck

"You get to pick" He whispers and I feel my body shudder

"Why don't you take your mask off and kiss me?" I really hope this work

"Now, why would I do that? I'm getting plenty of enjoyment watching you like this" He says, I feel the knife press harder

"Fine, suit yourself" I turn my head to look away but I feel him grab my chin

"Look at me" He says as he redirects my vision to his

"Give me a reason too" I say, maybe this time it will work

He slightly lifts his mask, so only his lips are showing. He moves to my ear

"Ok" He whispers

I gulp, I wasn't expecting this

He moves his lips to mine and kisses me, I feel the knife come off my neck and hear it hit the ground as he put his hands on my waist.

I feel him move his hands under my shirt and slowly take it off, his hands on my skin feels amazing

He moves his head down to my neck and I let out a little gasp as he bites me, I can feel my neck bruising


"W-what if people see?" It's hard to speak

He moves up to look at me in the eyes

"Then they will know you're mine" He says as he puts his mask back on and gets off of me

"What- are you just gonna leave?" I'm kind of pressed now

"Well, what if people see?" He says, mocking me

"Yo-" I start to speak but he cuts me off

"You might wanna come up with a good story" He says as he moves my head to see my neck

"Shit" I sigh

It was worth it, but what do I tell Billy

Ghostface gets up and walks over to the window, he opens it.

"Wait" I say as I get up and walk over to him

He turns to face me, and I hug him, he seems confused at first but he hugs me back and I don't wanna let go, I know I have too though

"Goodnight" I say as I finally let go of him

"Goodnight y/n" Ghostface says as he jumps out the window.

Turns out, he doesn't actually jump out of the window, he climbs down. That makes more sense, and explains how he hasn't broken any bones

I go to the bathroom to check my neck, there is a very noticeable hickey. What the fuck do I tell my parents, or Billy

I go to back to my room and lay down, I keep thinking of him. I wish he would spend the night again,


I get a text, I check my phone to see if it's Billy

"Can I come over?" Billy asks

Shit, what do I do.

"Yes ofc" I reply

I guess I should just tell him, there's no reason to hide it.

I pace around and stress clean my room for probably 15 minutes before I hear a knock


I run downstairs and open the door,

"You don't have to knock, no ones home" I say as I see Billy standing there

"I was just being respectful" He says back

We walk up to my room and once we get there I sit on my bed and he joins me

"I-I need to tell you something" I say, anxious

"You can tell me anything" He sounds genuine

"Ok, I made out with someone, it just happened, but I didn't wanna lie to you about it" It feels awful to say aloud

There's silence for a moment

"So that isn't a straightener burn?" He says as he points to my neck

"No" I look at my lap nervously

"Look at me" He says,

Our eyes lock before he continues

"I'm not mad at you. You can do whatever you want, with whoever you want, I just hope I am apart of the anyone, but if I'm not I will respect that" He's so sweet,

"T-Thankyou" I says as I put out my arms, hoping he will hug me

He puts his arms out and grabs me, we just sit there for a moment.

"Do I have to let go?" I mumble with my head in his chest

"Of course not" he says as he squeezes me tight and I lay on top of him

I don't know how long we stay like this for, but I end up falling asleep at some point

• • •

"Y/n" I hear Billy whisper

"Mhm" I mumble, not sure if I'm dreaming or not

"I need to use the bathroom" He's still whispering

I try to say something but I can't, I just roll off of him and onto my bed

After what feels like 5 seconds I feel him come back, I turn around to lay on his chest

"Holy shit" I try to not scream

"I knew you missed me" Ghostface says

"Billy is literally gonna be back any second" I try to whisper

"Come on, can't I just lay with you for a moment" He is so sarcastic

"Yeah you can, literally any other moment besides right now. I'm sorry but what if Billy sees you and calls the police" I really don't want him to get in trouble

"Come on, I don't mind a little vouyerism" He whispers and he puts his hands on my waist

"Ok, you're done. I'm gonna turn back around and Billy better be there when I turn back around" I whisper as I turn around and face the wall

"Fine" He lets go of me and walks out my bedroom door,

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