《Come over》Ghostface


I wake up, laying on Billy

"Oh look who's finally awake" He says with a grin

"Holy shit I'm so sorry-" I jump up and turn red with embarrassment

"It's ok, I wasn't complaining" he gives me a small wink

I look at the clock *9:37*,

"Oh shit- you need to go before my parents get home!" I say, starting to panic a little

"Not yet" he says,

"What do you mean not yet? My parents will kill us if they see you" I say, getting a little agitated

"You're kinda hot when you're mad, I'll make you a deal. Give me your number, and I'll leave"

"Ok yeah whatever just give me your phone"

I put my name as "The hot one", because, I'm hot

"Cocky much?" He says before leaving

He's cute, besides how cocky he can be.

A few minutes past while I clean up and,


I look at my phone to see who it is, Unknown Caller.

"Hello?" I pick up

"Hello y/n, miss me" It's the deep voice again

"Not really" I say, teasingly

"This isn't a fucking joke. I will kill you, like I killed Casey" he says, his voice is still hot, it's kinda hard to take him serious

"Ok, then do it. Stop being such a tea-" I get cut off by a smashing noise

Glass smashing?

"Afraid yet?" Asks the voice

"No, but you have to pay for that" I say, shaking a little

I start to quietly walk to my room, the broken window sounded like it was in my bathroom, if I go fast enough I will make it and I can hide in my room.

I start speeding up and make it, I close the door and lock it, as quietly as I can.


"Well, that was dumb" I hear the voice say, but it wasn't from the phone this time..

"Billy is it you? If you wanna fuck me you can just say that" I say as I slowly turn around and notice a man in a white mask, with the eyes blacked out and a distorted mouth

I can't show fear

He pushes me against the wall, and takes a knife from his waist.

"I don't know if I should be scared, or turned on" I say, shaking at this point

"You can pick while I gut you like a fish" He runs the knife up my body till it's at my chest

"We're home y/n!" I hear my parents call

"Tell anyone and they die too" he whispers into my ear, my body gets a wave of enjoyment

"It'll be our little secret" I whisper back, he would've killed me by now if he really wanted too

I see him open my window and jump out of it, we're on the second story so I run over to make sure he didn't break his leg or anything. But he's already gone, like a ghost.

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