《Come over》First day


Hi! I just wanted to say I took lots of inspiration from another persons fic, mainly how funny their y/n is. Please follow them and read their stories :)

(Edit: The first few chapters aren't good because I made this as a joke with friends in the start. Also, I'm not actually attracted to murderers)

*beep, beep, beep..*

I slammed my hand on the alarm, time for the first day of school, yay.

I scroll on my phone for a few minutes before finally getting up to get dressed. I go downstairs to make some breakfast, and like usual my parents are already gone for work and I'm left to fend for myself.

At least they left me some lunch money.

I make some Lucky Charms and turn on the T.V,

"URGENT, the body of Casey Becker, a high school student, was found last night. Police are telling everyone to stay inside afte-"

I shut it off, I really don't care.

I look at the clock *9:01*. Time to go

I hop in my car and start driving, I pull into the parking lot and see the big "Woodsboro high" sign.

I sigh and get out of the car, before I know it, I'm waking through the front doors. Aiming for the principals office I look down at my phone for a SECOND and bump into someone, embarrassing as fuck.

"Hey, watch where you're going." Says the hottest man I've ever seen

"S-shit I'm sorry" I say quietly

"It's all good, just be careful. Some people here at as chill as me. I'm Loomis, Billy Loomis" says the man, holding out his hand

Weird way to introduce yourself

"I'm y/n" I say, while I awkwardly shake his hand? Who shakes hands in highschool..

We stand there in silence for a minute before I walk away to the office,


"damn he's hot" I mumbled

• • •


This school bell is loud as hell

I rush out of class, I did it, I survived the first day.

As I'm walking to my car I see billy, leaning on my car. Does he know that's it's my car? Maybe he was at the wrong car, but I won't complain.

"Uh, hey?" I say awkwardly

"Hey y/n, I missed you" He says with a cocky smile

"Awh, missed you too Loomis" I don't know how to react to that, we just met. But he's so cute that it's ok.

He stops leaning on the car, and then gets in, and winks.


I get in and awkwardly ask "Wanna come over?"

"You catch on quickly, I like it" he says with that cocky smile once again

Damn. He's hot.

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