《Dad's New Girlfriend》Chapter 8


A month later...

Leah's POV

I didn't hear anything else about the sibling thing, I don't think it's true so I'm not worried. Since then Jennifer is acting really weird. She doesn't smile as much, she is always covering her face, she doesn't come to me anymore I feel like I kissed her wrong or something she doesn't want anything to do with me. I hope not because I really miss her. I don't hate Jennifer anymore, She is amazing but she doesn't really go out anymore. She goes to work and come straight home no where else. On top of that she is always frantic, scared to do a mistake. Every time I try to help her with something my dad stops me or she tells me not to since she doesn't want dad to get mad at me, which honestly is really weird. I don't know but I hope the silly, sweet, caring, loving Jennifer comes back because I really miss her.

Right now I'm sitting in the living room with my dad and we are watching a movie. Jennifer came to the living room after cleaning the house and went to go lay down on dad but he pulled away from her, you could see the hurt in her eyes. She then tried to hold his hand but he pulled that away to making her sigh. But when she did he looked at her with a glare and she looked down. I guess she didn't want to make him angry so she sat on the couch I was on.

After the movie my dad got a message and right after he went straight to the door. "Where are you going?" Jennifer asked confused. "To go to the doctor appointment for the baby" He said and Jennifer looked away and back at him. "Be safe" she said but he already closed the front door. He is acting so cold towards her. She sighed and went to her bedroom and I followed. She sat on the bed and put her head in her hands. I went up to her and rubbed her back making her jump but that wasn't my intention.

"Hey" she smiled. "Hey" she whispered. I sat down in front of her and looked in her eyes, her tired eyes. "You ok?" I asked and put my hand on her thigh to comfort her. "I'm good" she said fake smiling. "You're lying, I can tell. What's wrong? You aren't the same silly Jennifer." I said and she looked down trying not to cry but I pulled her chin up and made her look up. "What's wrong?" I whispered and she shook her head meaning she doesn't know why. "You're beautiful even when you're going through things" I whispered and leaned in to kiss her. As soon as my lips landed on hers she tensed up so I pulled away. "What?" I asked but she ignored and smashed her lips onto mine.

I slipped in my tongue making her moan while grabbing her thigh. She groaned in pain and pulled my hand away from there and put it on her hips. So I left it there. Her face was covered with her hair so I went to move it and put it behind her ear but she grabbed my hand and intertwined with it. I was confused because she won't let me touch her so I pulled away. "What's wrong?" I asked and she sighed. "Nothing baby, just kiss me please" she begged while moving closer. She started to kiss my neck and leave wet kisses all over. I gave in and pulled her chin up and kissed her. I put my hand on her thigh again and gripped it. She groaned in pain again. So I pulled away and looked at her weird. "What's wrong with your thigh?" I asked and she tensed up. "I hit it on the counter the other day and there is a small bruise" she said. "Can I see?" I asked and she tensed up again.


"Please just kiss me and give me love" she begged more. It was weird because it seems like she needs love or any type of affection. Like she doesn't get any or something which is ridiculous because my dad love her. "Give me some loving" she begged more so I gave in and kissed her neck. I started off with light wet pecks but as soon as I heard her soft moans I went more rough. I started to such harshly and give her neck little bites. "Ugh" she whimpered when I bit a little bruise that I thought was a hickey. "Sorry" I muttered pulling away. "It's okay" she kissed me once more. It was long and passionate and pulled away leaving our foreheads touching.

After that little intimate moment we laid down and she was on my chest tangled with me. We stayed in that position until my dad came in since he told Jennifer to get up. "Jennifer get up" he said and she woke up tensed but she obeyed. She got up and followed him out to the kitchen. We were watching a movie so I turned it off and went to my room.

Jennifer's POV

I followed Joe out the room and we ended up in the kitchen. He got himself a cup and got water from the refrigerator. "I decided that I want the mother of my child to stay in this house with us" he said and I felt my heart get ripped from my chest. Even though he has been abusing me since I found out about the affair. "Okay" I whispered with my voice cracking. He nodded and walked out.

I really wonder sometimes on how I get myself trapped into these situations. How did I get here? Is this my destiny? To get cheated on and then get beat up. I just don't know why I have this type of lifestyle. I don't know why I fall so easily and quickly. That's the part I hate about myself. Lastly, even though the way he is treating me I would and will still forgive him because I'm not that type of person. I forgive to easily just like I fall to easily.

I walked in our room and was about to go to sleep but Joe called my name. "Yes" I answered walking in the living room from where he called me from. When I went in the room I froze seeing the person we saw at Taco Bell, but she a little baby numb now. "Can you help me put the her suitcases in her room please" I nodded and picked them up bringing them to the guest room. Shortly after Joe comes in and drops off the rest of the luggage. I was about to walk out but Joe grabbed my arm making me tense up but I played it off. He made me face him, he pulled my chin up and looked into my eye since the other one was covered with my hair. He pushed it my hair behind my ear revealing a nasty purple and blue bruised eye. He caressed my cheek and gave me a soft kiss. It soon turned into a deep kiss with him putting me gently against the wall. I don't know why he is being so gentle with me, or so nice to me or even kissing me.


I moaned softly to his tongue coming in my mouth and he gripped my ass really hard making me whimper. He pulled away and looked at me in the eyes even though you really can see my other one since it is pretty swollen. He covered it back up with my hair. "I love you" I whispered since I was getting emotional from him giving me affection.

I thought he was gonna say it back but he ignored me and walked out. That made my heart break again, I love him and he can't even say it back. I walked back in the living room about to sit down. "Can you please make dinner I'm hungry" he said politely since we had company. "Of course" I said and walked to the kitchen making dinner.

I finished cooking dinner and now we are all sitting at the table: Leah, Joe, his baby momma, me. They were all talking while I was silent playing with my food but still eating it since I don't want Joe to get mad at me. "So you are?" Leah asked the lady. "I'm Mia, I'm carrying your fathers child" she said with a smile I just felt more hurt. "Why are you pregnant and not Jennifer? Are you the girl from the affair?"Leah asked with a mad tone. I could feel her getting mad so I tried to say something but Joe grabbed my thigh tightly on the thigh with the bruise. I gripped the chair try to release the pain. "No it's because Jennifer has bad eggs and we are just using Mia eggs" Joe said and I nodded agreeing with him. "You guys want a baby?!" Leah asked angrily and Joe nodded and followed behind him, but Leah had the expression like she doesn't believe me.

It was so awkward the rest of the dinner since you could tell Leah was mad. We finished dinner shortly after and I started to clean the mess everyone created and washed all the dishes. Finally after washing all this ugly dishes I went to the room to lay down and sleep but Leah came in the room mad. "You're having a baby with my dad from another women?!" I didn't like her tone so I corrected it. "Don't talk to me like that. You are no where near my level to even look at me" I said fixing my pillow do I could lay down. I was about to go to sleep but she shook the bed. "Leah" I groaned tiredly. "Tell me why your having a baby with my father" she said and I sat up. "I want to have a child but I can't do in finding another chance " I lied since Joe would beat my ass if I say otherwise. "I know you don't want it" she said and I looked away. "I have to go to work tomorrow, goodnight" I said simply and I heard her shut my bedroom door.


I woke up to big hands pulling the comforter off of me waking me up fully. I sat up to see to Joe sitting on the she of the bed but slowly made his way to me. I could smell the nasty alcohol in his breath, he then crashes his lips onto mine.

He pushed me on my back and starts to kiss me harder. He then went to my neck and started to make harsh hickies there. "Joe" I whimpered.

"Baby why so rough?" I teased. "You smell so fucking good" he gritted into my neck. "Mmhmm" I mumbled and he went to the top of my chest sucking harshly. "Uhhh" I whimpered.

"Joe be gentle. Your so rough" I whimpered but he didn't listen and went more rough. "Baby it's starting to hurt.... slow down" I cried out. "Please" I whispered in pain. He continued to ignore me and aggressively pull my pants with my underwear down.

"Joe stop" I begged but he didn't care and thrusted into me roughly without warning making me scream. Each thrust he went more harder and faster. I literally felt something drip down my thigh and it wasn't cum. "Stop!" I cried out and he collapsed on top of me since he finished, good thing I'm on birth control.

I pushed him off of me since he fell asleep on me. I looked down and see blood in between my thighs but there wasn't any on the bed, how weird. I tried to get up but I couldn't so I forced myself and almost fell. I made it to the bathroom and took a hot shower to relax myself. During the shower there was blood and water mixed together in the floor. I hate myself.

I finished the shower and got dressed in baggy clothes. I laid down and tried to get covers but he was on top of the so I curled myself up in a ball. I felt moving in the bed and instantly got scared. Joe wrapped his arms around me but I pushed them off and he pushed me away from him so I was on the edge of the bed. I just love my life.

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