
I walk to Grays room and pick him up. I check his diaper and he needs a change. I grab a cute little onesie and his diaper basket thing, its very smart, and carry it to Nick's room.

I spread the changing sheet on the bed and look at Nick.

"Can you go downstairs and ask a maid for his cereal, Alaia said they know where she kept it" i ask him. "Please".

"Fine" he gets up all grumpy, gives me a kiss and goes out. I look at Gray to find him staring up at me. He's probably wondering where his mama is. I kiss his head and discard his diaper. Should i bathe him?

I grab my phone and call Alaia.

"Is everything ok" she answers.

"Yep, perfect, are you having fun?" i ask her and she squeals and tells me all about how much fun she's having. Before ending the call i ask her, "oh, Laia, should i bathe Gray?" i ask her.

"Oh yeah, its time for it but if you dont thats ok" she says.

"Oh ill do it no problem, have fun at dinner" We say our byes and i take Grayson to his bathroom and give him a quick bath, then wrap him up in a towel and grab some baby powder, walking back to the bedroom.

"Where'd you go" Nick asks me.

"I gave him a bath, didn't i baby, yes i did" i coo, as i change his diaper and put on his cute little onesie. "eeee its so cute, Nick!" i squeal and he chuckles.

I clean up then feed him and once he's done we play for a while. When im tired i lay down and cuddle with him. "He's so soft" i whisper. Nick hums and puts his arm around me and Gray. We lay there for some time.


A knock on the door wakes me up. I look to the other side of the bed and see Nick and Gray watching some game with intent. I smile. I get up and answer the door, its kitchen staff, calling us for dinner.

"How long did i sleep?"i ask him.

"About an hour, Grayson missed you he kept whining but then i got him to watch football." he stands up with Grayson and kisses me. "So beautiful" he says and i blush and smile. We walk to the dining room and get seated.

We eat and then move to the living room. We all talk and Grayson is just crawling around.

"Ive never seen him this calm without Alaia for this long, youre good" Zia Shaina says and i smile at her. I should probably go home soon.

"Aria, darling, stay the night please, its late" mama says. I shake my head.

"Oh no, its ok Im just waiting for Alaia-"

"You're staying piccola" i hear Nick. I look at him with a sharp look. His parents are right there.

"Sì tesoro, stay, it would mean alot" Papa says. Oh yeah he also said i can call him papa when he heard me calling mama.

"Ok" i mumble. We talk a little more. Grayson is now on my chest, asleep, he has been for the past hour.

Everyone excuses themselves and i walk to Gray's nursery and put him down and grab his monitor then walk to Nicks room, the whole time he just kept following me.

"Nick why did you call me baby in front of everyone, its so embarrassing, comeonn" i whine. He holds my hips and kisses me.

"No, i can call you whatever i want, youre mine" he says. I roll my eyes.

"Give me clothes" i say. He brings me a gray tshirt, which will peobably fit me like a dress, and im just in my underwear.

"Fuck" he spits looking at my maroon lace clad body. I blush furiously and try to hide but he smashes his lips against mine. I kiss back.

Soon we're on the bed and im like literally grinding on him while making out.

"Baby- Fuck" he hisses. "We need to stop piccola" he says. I know he's saying that because of me and i shake my head. I wanna do this. Right now.

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