
After a while, i look over to see that she's fallen asleep. I dont know what to do. I cant date her, she deserves better. I havent been in a relationship, i probably cant be loyal, although i do have an insane attraction to her and know she'd literally be euphoric. I sigh.

What the fuck is up with traffic today.

Soon, i hear her mumble something, i look over to check if she woke up, she didn't. She's talking in her sleep. I keep looking at her to make sure she's ok. The traffic is stuck so ill be fine.

Soon i see her eyes and nose scrunch. She whimpers. What the fuck.

"N-no." She cries out. Fuck. My heart clenches hearing her small whimpers. "S-stop, please stop" she whimpers again. What the fuck do i do.

"Aria" i call. Shit. I hold her shaking hands and try to wake her. "Aria, baby wake up" i say louder this she stirs and suddenly starts struggling and whimpering, trying to free her hands. "Aria its me! calm down" i say but she keeps looking at her hands held by mine in panic.

"Aria!" i shout making her head snap to me. She sighs and soon her breathing starts slowing but she continues crying silently. The traffic moves and i sigh. I cant leave her on her own. She needs someone to be there. To hold her when she's like this.

And ill be damned if any man but me, ever touched her. So i guess its time to suck it up and make her mine.

"Aria" I call as i drive. I love her name. Melody. she looks at me tiredly, and hums. I hate the hint of fear in her beautiful eyes. "Im taking you to my apartment in the city" i tell her. She furrows her eyebrows. "do not argue, youre coming" i say. She sighs but doesn't say anything.


About 10 minutes later, i reach the building and get out, tossing the keys to tony. I texted him that im coming, he parks my car. i help Aria out and lead her to the elevator. I have my hand gently holding her waist. I press the top floor and soon we get in.

"m' tired" she mumbles. I turn around. I nod. I lead her to my room. "i wanna change, iss uncomfy" she says and I nod again.

"Is my shirt and sweatpants ok?" i ask. she bops her head and walks to the bathroom. A few minutes later she walks out with her beautiful face free of makeup. But i choke on my spit when I see her in my shirt. She looks so fucking good in my shirt.

"i tried to wear pants, but they tew big" she pouts. Cute. I nod. I help her to bed and put the covers on her. I walk to the bathroom and after doing my business I lay down on my big living room couch.

I wake up again to loud cries. Fuck. I rush to my room to see Aria clutching her throat and gasping for air.

"N-no p-please Mark please no no" she cries. I feel my whole body tense. Who the fuck is Mark.

I walk quickly and wake her by calling her name loudly. She jolts awake then starts coughing. looking up, she clutches on to my tshirt and I hold her as sobs rake through her. My jaw is clenced.

After some time she has calmed down and looks up. i make her lay down but she doesn't let go of my arm.

"N-no" she mumbles. She looks up, her big eyes teary and her red lips swollen. "Stay here p-please, sleep h-here" she stutters.


"Are you sure baby?" i ask her. She nods and i get in bed, away from her, but she's still gripping my arm. I fall into a deep sleep with her by my side.


The next morning, i wake up to see her curled into my side, on top of my arm. My left arm is asleep but its worth it. Her form looks so tiny compared to mine.

Right, ill make her breakfast. I slowly release myself then do my business in the bathroom. I dont know how to fucking make anything. Fuck.


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