《The Billionaire's Personal Shopper》The Games We Play
My body was achy all over. Sluggishly I rolled away from the source of warmth beside me and groaned when I tried to sit up. I moved so slow I tired myself out and laid back down. Lucas chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me back to him. He kissed my temple.
"Should I run you a bath?" He asked, holding me tight to his warm body.
My fingers brushed against his chest, it made him squirm a little. It made me smile, "I'll just take a quick shower to feel human again." I purposely brushed my fingers ever so lightly against his chest again. Flicking a finger over his nipple which made him growl, "You're ticklish this morning."
"You're a little tease this morning." He threw back, "Also I don't have any condoms left so you're not getting any."
"You only had three left." I pointed out.
He sat up, shaking his head at me, "Well, I never assumed I'd use all three in one night."
My cheeks heated at the mere thought of us rolling around. We weren't thinking clearly last night, just taking what we needed. We enjoyed ourselves but now a daunting thought flittered through my mind. Owen and Joy. I couldn't remember if I had been quiet or not. I'd say not when I considered the state of my body
"You know where the bathroom is." Lucas reminded me, "You can go first."
Suddenly finding a hidden strength within me I sat up and furiously shook my head, "I'm not going out there." I whispered, "My God, what we did last night." I closed my eyes, not even breathing anymore as I kept shaking my head, "I can't go out there." I forced out.
Lucas chuckled, "Now you feel embarrassed?" That amused him greatly, "Well, Owen won't be around since he had a shift this morning. Joy might still be around, but I doubt that she'll say anything. She adores you."
I could feel that. The kindness Joy showed me didn't feel forced. It felt like she actually liked me and well, I also liked spending time with her. She was filled with positivity. She was the kind of person who could anchor you to the world, make you feel a little bit human again while you were falling into a pit of darkness.
"Okay, then I'll take a shower first?" I asked but also stated.
Lucas was now propped against the headboard, regarding me as if he was watching a show, "Yes, you can go take a shower. Use whatever you need." He said with a little smile playing on his lips.
He was in some mood this morning and I didn't like it. Rolling out of bed I felt a bit too aware of the clothes I wasn't wearing. I wanted to cover up. I searched the floor for our clothes. My clothes. I found Lucas' shirt and quickly shrugged it on.
"Oh, you had to ruin it." He mumbled.
I glared at him, "You are so annoying this morning." I whispered.
He grinned, "Yeah? Might be the three times you made me cum."
That was it, I was so done with him this morning. I quickly opened his closet, grabbed a clean towel and walked out of his room, closing the door behind me. I wanted to slam it shut to make a statement but there might be other people in the apartment. I couldn't be rude, instead, I stomped to the bathroom like a woman on a mission. I was about to open the door but it nearly slammed in my face.
"Oh, God!" Joy squealed, "I'm so sorry."
"No it's okay, I should have paid attention." I tried to hush her, "Can I?" I gestured to the bathroom and she quickly nodding. Unconsciously she patted the belt around her fluffy pale blue robe. I guess we were both a little nervous and embarrassed.
"Go ahead." She said quickly, "I'm going to get dressed." She muttered, gesturing behind her.
I pointed to the bathroom, "And I'm going to take a shower."
"Right." She muttered.
We both went our separate ways. I quickly closed the door behind me and leaned against it. So this living together with other people was challenging. It wasn't that bad when you were having a lovely time, eating and drinking wine and watching thrilling series. However, when you fucked the brains out of your boyfriend and then had to face them – That was just awful.
I couldn't focus on this, I still had an email to read.
Lucas told me to use whatever I needed. I opened a toothbrush and used it, reminding myself I needed to get Lucas some products at my house too. He already left some stuff behind like his gel and deodorant. I wanted him to feel comfortable though. After brushing my teeth I quickly showered, washing the evidence away of my rather intense night with the boyfriend. When I dried my body off and tightly wrapped the towel around me I felt a lot more human. I stepped out of the bathroom and jumped hearing Joy's voice calling out to me.
"Do you want some coffee?" She called from the kitchen.
"That'd be lovely," I called back, trying to sound as calm as possible and not like a squeaky little girl.
Entering Lucas' room I quickly closed the door behind me. The tease of a man was seated in bed, phone in hand as he scrolled through whatever he was looking at. He looked up from his phone and met her gaze.
He chuckled, "You okay?" He asked.
"Just peachy." I muttered, "Joy is making coffee by the way." I reached for my weekend bag near his closet and lifted it up. Lucas quickly hopped out of bed and helped me. Placing the bag on the end of his bed. He kissed my hair, "I'll go grab a shower."
"Thank you," I muttered.
He grabbed his towel and left the room, whistling and sounding happy and cheerful. Lucas definitely enjoyed last night. To be fair it was a great night. I just had to remind myself that during the party I had to keep it down or not sleep with my boyfriend at all. After getting dressed, I pulled my hair up in a messy bun, packed up all my belongings and met up with Joy in the living room.
She nodded to the cup of coffee, "Just the way you like it."
"You are amazing."
She giggled, "Well, I heard that you are the amazing one here."
I wanted to die or just run away but I covered up the embarrassment I was feeling by sipping my coffee. Thankfully it wasn't steaming hot, otherwise, I'd be embarrassing myself even more.
"I'm sorry." Joy quickly added, "That was a bitchy thing to do when I know you are embarrassed about it." Her lips curled up to a smile, "But I just want to say this and then we never speak of it again. Owen and I will forever pretend that we don't know what you guys do behind closed doors."
I glanced at her, "Okay, say whatever you want. I can take one more."
She sat Indian style on the couch, her cup clutched tightly in her hands while she tried to hide her grin. Tried to, because she massively failed.
"Lucas seems so happy with you. I'm just so glad you two are dating." She let out a sigh, "That was all I wanted to say now I'll forever hold my peace."
"I love you," I told her.
She laughed, nearly spilling her coffee due to my sudden love confession. I said the 'L' word to Joy first. I'm sure Lucas was going to love that. Joy and I were sharing a laugh, being all loud and high pitched when Lucas casually walked past the living room.
"Good to know you love Joy." He called over his shoulder.
"I love her too, you know." Joy called after him.
This embarrassing morning was getting a lot better. I was just taking it easy with Joy who mentioned wanting to cook an amazing breakfast. I didn't need a filling breakfast though. Apparently, they had yogurt and some fruit in the fridge so I could make myself a bowl of yogurt with sweet berries. I was getting to my feet, offering Joy to grab her bowl too when Lucas called for me.
"It's Blackwood." He called.
I froze hearing that name, "What?" I called back.
Lucas made his way to the living room, shirtless and his black slacks undone and showing off his boxers. He held my phone out to me, a stern look on his face.
"It's Jacob Blackwood."
Cautiously I took the phone from him and answered it. Lucas didn't leave the room, he did zip up his pants. While he was focused on his pants I answered the call.
"This is Nina Merigold."
"Hello, Miss Merigold."
I hated how I felt a rush of white heat between my legs with just hearing that man's smooth voice. So dark so sinister so full of delicious promises. I turned my back to Lucas, not wanting him to see my face. I wasn't sure if I was keeping it together.
"Hello," I muttered.
"You never replied to my last email and you must know by now that I'm a man who likes to be very efficient with his time and doesn't like to procrastinate. So you might think this is a little straightforward and you might already have plans but if you can make some time for me today I'd like to meet up at my office to discuss things. Say in an hour?"
"An hour?" I repeated.
"Yes, can you make it?" He asked.
I swallowed nervously. The thing was I could probably make it, but I'd have to say no to breakfast. Lucas would probably not like this idea very much either. I had no choice though. This thing between Jacob and I needed to get resolved, fast. Jacob praised me to the moon and back, never once mentioning to my parents that I didn't work for him any longer. I never told them the truth either. We had a lot of issues between us and for the first time in forever we needed to actually sit down and handle this like adults.
No teasing and no running.
"I can make it, I'll see you in an hour."
Ending the call I took a deep breath to calm myself down and turned around to face Lucas. He had his arms folded across his chest, showing off that firm chest of his along with the muscles in his arms. He looked edible, I could run my tongue all over his chest again but I needed to focus. This was a very sensitive subject to all of us.
"You're going to meet him at his office?" Lucas asked.
"Yes, I need to get ready and head out right away."
"Do you think that's the right decision here?"
I knew what he was referring to. Jacob and I made out in his office, nearly doing things which I'd probably regret forever. It would have happened if my sense of flight didn't kick in. I've told Lucas all about it. He brushed it off then, trying to calm me down but right now he looked anything but aloof about it.
"I honestly don't know." I admitted to him, "I want to sit down with him and figure things out. Jacob lied to my parents and I kept up the lie. I know this world I live in means nothing to you but it means everything to my parents. Appearances are important to their businesses and their social lives. I won't do anything to threaten that."
"Fine." He didn't sound happy about my decision and I couldn't blame him, "I'll give you a ride to his office."
I didn't want to protest, things were a little tense between us. When I glanced at Joy I could tell that she was uncomfortable with the whole ordeal. She curled up and stared at her cup with her lips pressed to a tight line.
"I have to get a rain check on breakfast," I told her quietly.
"That's okay." She quietly answered back, "We'll have plenty of opportunities."
She sounded hopeful, almost as if she was begging me for those opportunities. I smiled at her and nodded. I wasn't going to see Jacob with the intention to give him what he wanted. I was going to see him get what I wanted. Then I'd leave that man behind in my past and focus on this future. It had been so much fun, so comfortable. I wouldn't give that up.
"Definitely," I told her with a reassuring smile.
I followed Lucas to his room and closed the door behind me. I grabbed my makeup bag, placed my half-finished cup of coffee on Lucas' desk and went to work. I needed to look like Nina Merigold the heiress not the Nina Merigold who was very comfortable in her casual attire.
"So this is about your job, right?" Lucas asked as he also got ready for work.
"Yes, he kept up the lie of me still working for him." I reminded him, "We need to sort that out. I assume he also wants to talk about the upcoming event he has planned. He did give me a personal invitation. My parents want me to attend it."
"Appearances and all," Lucas muttered.
I nodded.
"He'll forever be a part of your life, won't he?" Lucas asked.
"I hope you are right about him getting tired of me soon so it won't matter if we run into each other or not. He'll be done with me and focusing on some other lady who can appreciate his cocky personality."
Lucas stepped to me, standing behind me as he met my gaze in the mirror. He looked hopeful, yet his eyes were different than from Joy's a minute ago. He leaned in and brushed his lips against my temple. I closed my eyes and savored that gentle touch of his lips against my skin.
"Let's hope he finds another woman to bed soon."
I giggled, "That's a good way to phrase it." I opened my eyes and met his gaze again, "I'm almost done." I assured him, "Just five more minutes."
"Okay, I'll wait in the living room."
Once he left the bedroom I released a tired sigh. I could definitely not hurt that man or his friends who I also liked very much. They were my people and I needed to protect them. All I needed to do was to remind myself that Jacob wanted me for my body. Lucas wanted my body but also my mind. Owen and Joy were good people. This was my future. I needed to repeat these things in my head and I'd be fine.
I hoped.
Lucas dropped me off at Jacob's office. He kissed me goodbye and I'd lie if I said that kiss didn't hurt. It wasn't because he kissed me roughly and full of need but because he kissed me gently. As if it was the last time we'd be sharing a kiss. I left the car with my heart racing and a dull ache in my stomach. Taking my weekend bag with me I walked up to the intimidating building. Glancing over my shoulder I waved at Lucas. He returned the greeting with a smile. I smiled back and then entered the building, walking up to Fenna. She greeted me with a tight smile.
"Miss Merigold."
"Please, follow me." Fenna turned and took the lead with her head held high and her heels clicking away.
This woman definitely didn't like me anymore. I wondered if Nick mentioned to her that he wasn't interested or that she knew Jacob and I were involved in something way too complicated. Something which would also complicate her life and therefore she hated me.
Well, there was no need to be friends with everyone.
We took the elevator to the top floor, the ride up so very uncomfortable and so very awkward. We both kept our tongues though. Arriving at our floor Fenna guided me to Jacob's office. Her eyes wandered to the bag I was holding.
"Do you want me to keep that for you?" She asked.
I glanced down, "No, thanks." I flickered my eyes up and smiled at her, "I'm good."
She flashed me a polite smile, "Good." She then stepped forward and knocked on Jacob's door, "Miss Merigold is here to see you." She said as she opened the door, "You can head inside." She told me in that distant voice.
"Thanks," I replied back with the same tone.
I wasn't going to cave in and be all happy and cheery. If Fenna wanted to play games I was happy to play along. I played games like these for much longer than her. Surely I'd come on top.
"Nina." Jacob greeted cheerfully.
I faced him and answered him with a smirk, "Jacob."
He gestured to the chair before his desk, "Take a seat." He then looked at his assistant, "That would be all, Fenna."
"Yes, sir." She left the room quietly.
I walked up to Jacob's desk and sat down in the chair before him. The weekend bag I carried with me I dropped right next to my feet. Jacob sat down behind his desk looking the part of stern-looking CEO. The dark suit paired with a dove grey shirt and silver tie suited him. The scent of his fresh cologne reaching my nose and wrapping all around me.
I was getting intoxicated by his mere scent.
"Had a fun night?" He asked.
He just had to go there. Like I said I could also play games so I went along with it.
"I had so much fun I'm a little out of it this morning. So you'll have to excuse me if I'm a little slow."
His smirk never faltered but his eyes darkened. I knew he didn't like that which made me feel a lot more powerful. I crossed my legs and tilted my head to the side. I guess I could be in charge of this situation if I kept prodding the bear the right way.
Let the games begin, Jacob Blackwood.
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