《You Are My Sunshine》Chapter 11 Jealous Husband


When Anu was finishing her assignments, she got a call from Riya. She felt guilty to speak with her. Earlier Anu informed Riya that she joined back the college and doing some part-time job. But she didn't reveal anything about her marriage. As they didn't saw each other for the past few months, Riya invited Anu for a lunch on the weekend. She is her only friend, how can Anu refuse her request.

Anu went early to the phoenix mall and was waiting in the food court for Riya's arrival. Riya loves hanging out here. It is the largest premium luxury and entertainment destination in Chennai which spreads across 20,000 square feet with more than eighty-six branded stores.

"Hi baby girl, again student ah? You are enjoying isn't it?" - Riya sat beside her.

"Hi Riya, yes kind of." - she chuckled.

Anu told Riya that some distant relatives helped them with her father's treatment and her studies. Though Riya cannot believe what Anu told her, she didn't ask anything further. Riya very well knew about their family and there is no such person who can help them to this extent. But after seeing the confident and peaceful look on her face, Riya concluded that she is happy. So she didn't push her further for details.

They talked about random things. After lunch, they explored the entire mall. Riya takes pleasure in window-shopping. Contrarily Anu always prefers staying at home rather than doing window-shopping. She will shop only if she requires anything. They visited almost all the stores in the mall. After four hours of scraping the floor, Riya bought a clutch. Finishing that big purchase, they settled for a snack. They both had 'Onion Bhajji' and a coffee.

Bhajji- One of the most loved snacks in South India similar to fritter made by deep-frying any vegetable of choice dipped in a batter made with chickpeas flour and other spices. Usually, served with coconut chutney.


When Anu was sipping her coffee, her eyes popped out when she saw Dev and Mugil in the escalator. Coincidently they happened to be at the mall for a site visit for a multiplex project, where they grabbed a contract on theatre foods. Looking after Anu's shocked face, Riya turned back to see the reason for her shock.

"Shit, they might have come for that multiplex project." - Riya bit her nails.

They stopped at the food court. Mugil wants to grab a cup of coffee. As they were very much on the floor, Riya thought of greeting them. Before Anu could think, Riya was standing in front of Dev.

"Hello, Sir" - she greeted.

He just nodded his head, but his eyes were fixed on Anu.

"Whether this girl knows about my relationship with Anu" - he thought to himself.

Anu pretended to be a stranger, and she was sipping her coffee like it is the tastiest drink in the world. Mugil was confused for a while. He wants to greet Anu, but how Riya will take that.

As Riya was busy talking with Dev, Mugil approached Anu's table.

"Hi, Anu, came for shopping?" - he started talking with her. But his entire focus was on gathering information about Riya rather than talking with Anu.

Mugil had already set his eyes on Riya. Whenever he has to inform Dev's schedule, he will take that as a chance and talk with Riya. This was going on for the past few months. But Anu as Riya's friend is a piece of new information for him. He got some new scope.

Mugil became a good friend for Anu. Whenever he visits Dev's mansion, he will talk with Anu for a while. He even runs errands for Sarada and Anu. Sometimes when Sarada needs someone to look after some transactions, Mugil was the one she will call. Even he was the one who helped in Anu's college admission. He treats Anu as his sister and wishes her happiness with his friend Dev.


Anu sensed Mugil's interest in Riya. They were busy talking and failed to notice the haunting look of Dev.

"Mugil, we are running out of time." - Dev announced with an angry tone.

"Coming Dev" - he shouted.

"Say something good about me" - he whispered in Anu's ears and rushed towards Dev.

"How you know Mugil?" - Riya asked Anu skeptically.

Anu felt guilty, but thinking of Dev's reaction when he came to know, she decided to keep their relation in dark, as it is probably the most efficient method for coping with the problem.

"I had interacted with him twice when I was working. Nothing more" - She gave a weak smile.

Anu somewhat managed the situation. Whereas in the car, Dev was burning with rage. Mugil's closeness with Anu irritated him.

"He cannot act like this in public. What will other people think? Isn't she married? They may guess Mugil is her boyfriend...So what, what's your problem." - Dev has an inner debate.

His train of thoughts was disturbed by Mugil's voice.

"Someone seems to be jealous" - he chuckled.

"Who is jealous? For what?" - He stammered.

"I know you man, Anu is like my own sister; Nothing to worry okay? My eyes are at your assistant."

"You mean Riya?" - he asked curiously.

"Yes!" - he smiled.

"Oh my God, when this happened?" - Dev became happy inwards with this information.

Even though he has nothing to do with Anu, he believes she is his and that no one has the authority to impose any rights on her.

Dev has known Riya for a while. She is sincere at her work. Not like his previous assistants who cake their faces to earn his attention.

Anu is so happy for Riya, and she wishes Riya's life with Mugil.

"I can't hide my identity for long; I have to talk with Riya soon." - She decided.

When she was sitting on the couch and thinking like this, Dev entered the room.

"Big shopping it seems?" - He teased.

"No, just we had lunch; she is my childhood friend. We're simply catching up with each other."

"She doesn't know about the marriage" - she added, like answering his quizzical gaze.

"Okay, did you left that job?" - he questioned.

"I did."

"Why is she answering me in one or two words?" - He thought. He likes her sweet voice and purposely angers her to hear her retort. But her single-word answers annoyed him.

Anu was feeling happy inwards as this was the first time they talked like a civilized couple otherwise; they used to retaliate against each other.

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