《Innocent Bet》Chapter 7


Summer's p.o.v

I get to class and put my head down on my folded arms for the remaining fifteen minutes of lunch. I then slowly start to fall asleep.

Just as I was about to reach out to Dave Franco's hand, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I shoot my head up and spring up in my seat.

"Did you have a good nap?" Luke asked. I glare at him, Dave Franco! "Well, Okay then."

He takes a seat next to me. Annoyed with him, I cross my arms and sink down in my seat as the lesson started.

I'm happy that my last class is History. It's my favorite subject, I happen to be in the honors class. My History teacher is also the best!

"Today, you will be assigned a project. Your partner being the person next to you." I look over to my right to see that Luke had already been looking at me with a small smile. I turn back to the front. "Each group will be assigned with a colony that you will have to collect information for, put it into a slide, and then turn it into me. If you want to present it let me know but I will not be forcing anyone to present the project." Sighs of relief are heard throughout the room. "Once you are assigned your colony you may get started right away, this project is due next week." My teacher said as he is passing out the papers we need to complete the project.

"Hello sunshine."

"I'm still mad at you!" I put my hand up to his face.

"Is it because I'm hooking up with someone else that isn't you?" He whispers.

My eyes go wide.

"Luke!" I whisper yell. "That's not it!"

"You're jealous."

He's right.

"You're wrong! Also we have a project to work on so shush!"

"We haven't even gotten our state yet."

"Doesn't mean we can't read the requirements for the project." I said in a duh tone.

"You guys have Maryland." My teacher said.

We both nodded our heads.

"Okay, we need about twenty slides. I do ten each, you do ten each. And I swear if you don't do your part and cause me to get a bad grade I will hurt you!"

"Good, I like It rough." He whispers and winks. I roll my eyes. "Also, who exactly has better grades here?"

Ugh, he's right again.

"Piss off!" I whisper.

I turn around and start on the project.

"When you drop me off you can come in so we can work on the project."

"Okay, sounds good." I keep my head down and tune everyone out once I start scribbling down what I need for the project.


I pack my stuff up after the final bell rings. I walk to my car with Luke strolling behind me. I got a few stares walking out of the school but luckily people will forget about it in the next minute.

"You really don't want to be seen with me now do you?" Luke asked.

"Correct, now get in the car before I throw my shoe at you!"

"You're so feisty, babe."

The nickname is fine when we're alone but when we're at a school where rumors spread like a virus I want to stuff a cloth in his mouth.

"Don't call me that!" I whisper as people walk past giving us weird looks. "Not here!"


"Why not? Babe."

"Luke!" I stomp my foot.

"Oh, come here sunshine. You know you love me."

He pulls me into a hug resting his chin on my head. I rest my check on his chest and return the hug.

"I really don't." He's really getting on my nerves. "Just get in the damn car Luke! You're the only person I cuss at."

I pull away from the hug. Luke still has his arms around my waist and I place my hands on his forearms, tilting my head up to look at him.

"I must be special." He smiles.

"You're definitely something, handsome."

I pull away completely from the embrace and get in the car. Luke does the same.

He gives me the address to his house and we drive over.


His house is almost as jaw-dropping as mine. Almost.

I pull into his curved driveway and the door to his house immediately opens. Standing in the doorway is a women, tiny and skinny. She had nice golden slightly tan skin, her hair is light brown and tied back. She is very beautiful from far away, I wonder how much more beautiful she is up close.

I get out of the car and once I got closer, I recognize that it is Mrs. Matthews. My moms best friend.

"Oh, Summer!" Her eyes light up when she sees me. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!"

She pulls me into a huge mamma bear hug.

"Hi Melissa!" I couldn't help but smile.

"You know my mom?" Luke asked.

"Oh my gosh, Luke where have you been?" Melissa said. "You and Summer used to be so close as kids until they moved a few neighborhoods over then you guys stopped hanging out so often. Then once you got older you seemed too busy with hooking up that I just gave up on trying to get you and Summer together."

"Mom! I think that's enough explanation." Luke said as his cheeks turn red. Mine do the same.

"Well come in, come in! You haven't been here in ages! The last time you were here you were ten. Then you stopped coming to my house after you moved! I always went over to yours." Melissa dragged me through the halls towards the kitchen.

I see many pictures hung up, she even has pictures of me hung up on the wall.

"Sit, sit." She pats a chair by the breakfast bar. Luke follows my actions. "I'll make you your favorite drink, then I'll show you some baby pictures of you two!" Excitement fills her eyes.

"Okay Melissa!" I giggle at how cute she is. Luke groans.

I sit on my phone while Melissa makes me sweet berry tea. I see a picture of HIM scrolling through Instagram, my stomach twist. I should tell Melissa, she'll help me. I just don't know when. I tense up a little and I can't seem to take my eyes off of HIM.

I feel a hand rest on my leg. I tense up even more. The other hand taking my phone away from me. I look over at Luke and I immediately relax. I take his hand on my leg and play with his fingers while his free hand is doing something on my phone.

"He won't hurt you again babe." He whispers. I nod my head.

Luke intertwines his fingers with mine as he gives my phone back. I immediately get off of Instagram and go on Wattpad. I start to read my spy book, going into a different universe as I read each word.


"Here you go sweetie!" Melissa hands me my tea and a peace of toast with jelly. She hands Luke the same thing.

"Thanks Melissa."

"Thanks mom."

She nods. She looks at the placement of our arms, even though our hands are behind the breakfast bar, the placement of our arms and the fact that we were using just one hand, is a huge giveaway. Her eyes light up and she smiles.

"I'm gonna go grab the pictures now." She said walking out of the kitchen.

I set my phone down and take my hand out of Luke's to eat my food.

Luke hops down from the chair and before I can pick up my toast my chair spins towards Luke.

Since the chair is tall but I'm short, this makes me about the same height as Luke. I'm still slightly shorter.

He places his hands on either side of me on the arm rest of the stool. He is standing in between my legs, but not like that you weirdos.

"You make my mom happy sunshine." He said. I tilt my head to the side slightly.


"I've never seen her eyes light up so much or her smile so much. Usually when Christina or Ria or any other girls I bring home comes over she hides in her room. With you, it's different."

"Luke, that's because I've known her since I was born."

"She's a family doctor. She practically knows half of my hook-ups since they were born."

"Yeah, but my mom is also her best friend. And I actually spent time here as a kid."

"Good point."

"I know."

"It's just good to see her, I don't know. Good to see that someone else besides me can make her eyes sparkle."

"You're her kid, and I'm basically her kid. It makes sense why her eyes would light up when I'm around."

"Also a good point. What I'm basically trying to say is, come and hang out with my mom more often. She needs someone after my dad left. I'm sure you know what happened. You were there."

He drops his head. I don't remember what happened.

"I mean, I get it if you can't. You have a life." He shakes his head.

What is he talking about? I haven't even said anything. Of course I'll hang out with Melissa!

I pick his head up and look him in his squished face.

"Duh I'll hang out with Melissa! I love her! I'll take her shopping any-day, we can have girl trips, fashion shows, play dress up. Anything a typical girl would do. And anything for Melissa of course!"

"Oh my gosh! I fucking love you sunshine!"

Luke grabs my face with his hands and he I inched closer to me. Umm...umm...umm. I froze. What am I supposed to do? My breathing gets softer as his minty breath fans my lips. My hands go up to Luke's neck. Just as it was about to happen...

"I'm back! Hope you guys didn't miss me too-" Melissa cut her sentence short. "Well, it seems I've interrupted something. Go on, continue."

I giggle and drop my hands from Luke's neck. He reluctantly removes his hands from my face.

"Mom!" Luke whines.

"Oh be quiet! You have all those other bimbos you hook up with that you can kiss."

I laugh at her comment and Luke glares at me.


"And here's you and Luke when you guys were three and first discovered playing in water."

It's a picture of Luke and I in his backyard with a kiddy pool. I was in a pink, black, and white stripe bathing suit. I was bent over slightly clapping my hands together laughing showing my small two bottom and top baby teeth. My hair was in small pigtails, but I was drenched in water.

I laugh at Luke's pose in the picture. He had pulled his pants down. His butt to the camera and his hands slapping his butt cheeks.

"Hey! Girlies! Please don't embarrass me! I'm right here!" He cries.

"Whatever whiny baby!" I said.

Melissa flips to the next page and my hands immediately went up to my mouth to muffle my laugh.

It was Luke, in heels that were too big for him. A pink Disney princess dress. A pink plastic purse. He had a black Dora wig on, a pair of Barbie sunglasses, and bright red lipstick. He was holding his hand up to the camera, showing off his purple painted nails.

"All righty that's enough!" Luke throws me over his shoulder but I don't protest. The laugh I was holding in has come out. Luke groans at me. "Thank you for the embarrassment mom, miss laughs a lot and I have a project to work on. Love you Momma!" Luke speeds walk to his room.

"You has a nice butt. What happened?"

"Shut up Summer!"

"Oh, you love me!"

Luke sets me down on his bed.

"I hate to say it but I do." His eyes widen in realization. "Not like that!"

"Mhm, I'll let it slide pretty boy."

I grab my phone out of my back pocket and roll over onto my stomach. Luke throws my bag at me and then plops down onto the bed next to me with his laptop.

"Come here." He pats the space next to him.

I crawl up towards the top of the bed and plop my butt down next to Luke. I place my legs on top of one of his legs, his legs are crossed.

We discuss the project and work on it as the sun goes down.

I felt myself getting tired and start to drift off to sleep while I rest my head on Luke's shoulder.


I wake up to an unfamiliar noise. The smell of Lemon and aqua fills my nose. A heavy arm resting on my waist. My leg resting on Luke's hip.

I reach for my phone on the nightstand next to me to see that it's 4:30. I have thirty minutes to an hour of sleep. Well then, good night.

I drift back off to sleep.


"Kiddo's guess what!" I hear Melissa say. Luke grumbles in response. "Snow day today! Which means there's more likely going to be accidents so I have to get to the hospital, but you guys get to stay home!"

It was my turn to grumble in response.

I hear Luke's door shut, then I sleep some more.


"Wake up sunshine!" Luke shakes me slightly.

"Grrrr mphf" I growl.

"I'll make you food."

I immediately open my eyes to be blinded by the light shining through his windows.

"Well good morning." He chuckles.

"Good Morning." I grumble.

"As much as I'd love to stay here and cuddle with you, I want food."


I swing my leg over him and cuddle into his chest.


"Oh my gosh fine! You also need to get me new clothes!" I said looking down at my clothes I wore yesterday.

"Okay, lets go!" Luke throws me one of his shirts. He then leads me to Melissa's room to find pants. "You look in here, and I will cook you breakfast."


I walk my cranky butt over to Melissa's dresser. I pull out a pair of black drawstring shorts and put them on. They fit perfectly. I slip out of my shirt and into Luke's shirt, my pants disappear as soon as I slip his shirt on. I roll my clothes up into a ball and throw it into Luke's room.

I trot my cranky butt down the stairs and into Luke's kitchen. I stop in my tracks when I see what was going on in front of me.

Luke is cooking? What? Luke...is cooking? And he's not even using the microwave!

"Look at my handsome boy! I'm so proud of you!" Luke grins at me. "You're cooking and not using the microwave!" His face drops.

"Stop being such a meanie Summer!"

"If I took a picture right now the internet will literally go crazy."


"A hot boy cooking shirtless!" Luke smirks at me and my eyes go wide. "Not that I think you're hot or anything. Pfft. Psshh. That's...that would just be weird. Hehe." I hop up onto the counter awkwardly and watch Luke cook my food.

"Mkay, sure. You don't think I'm hot."

"Shut up!" My face starts getting hot.

"Mhm." Luke winks and then looks down at what he's doing. "Anyways, I was thinking."

"Oh my gosh, you were thinking!"

Luke narrows his eyes at me. But continues.

"This might be awkward for us but we don't have to do it when my mom's not around. But uh I was thinking that, to make my mom happy, maybe we should um....how should I say this." He's starting to get nervous which is making me nervous. "We should um, I don't know. Act like we're a couple around her? But we won't have to around others."

While it would definitely be awkward. I love Melissa enough to act like I love her son.


He smiles.

"Okay, well that was easy."

"I'll do anything to make Melissa happy, Luke. She's like my second mom."

"I know, Summer. I love you even more. And you know what I mean."

"Yeah yeah, I don't hate you either."

Luke puts my food on a plate and hands it to me. I stuff my face, to Luke it looks like I haven't eaten in years. To me, I haven't eaten in a few hours.


We were currently sitting in Luke's room working on our project. Luke is starting to get frustrated because he can't find the information he needs. His frustration was starting to annoy me so we started to bicker.

"You know what, Luke." I place my laptop gently on his desk. "Why don't we watch a movie? Then when we're both a little cooled off, we can come back and I'll help you find whatever you need."

"Sounds good." He said in a bored tone getting up from his bed.

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"It wasn't even towards you!"

I cross my arms.

"Well after listening to you talk in that tone for the past hour, it gets annoying!"

He places his hands on my waist.

"One, you're hot when you're mad. Two, stop yelling at me and I'll cool off."

"Oh my gosh, lets just go watch the darn movie!"

I turn around to walk off but Luke pulls me back to him. My back is pressed against his chest and he picks me up and carries me down the stairs. I let out a slight "hmph" because I'm very annoyed with this stupid idiot.

"You love me." He said.

"I hate to say it but I do."

He sets me down by the couch then walks off to pick out a movie. I plop down onto the couch and cross my legs and arms and proceed to glare at the idiot.

"What do you want to watch babe?"

"A chick flick or comedy."

"Any specific movie?"


"Okie dokie!"

Luke put the movie Night School in, which happens to be one of my favorite comedies. After he put the movie in he walks back to the couch and sits next to me throwing me a blanket.


Luke now has his head in my lap. I play with his hair as we laugh along to Kevin Hart's Highschool speech.

"Kevin Hart is my favorite comedian." He laughs.

"I'm sure he's everybody's." I laugh with him.

"What time is it?" he asks.

"It's 5:30pm" I answer.

"What time did we even wake up?"


"That's the latest we both have woken up."


"Well I'm not getting on your nerves anymore, wanna go back and work on the project?"

"But I want to finish the movie." I whine.

"I have a laptop upstairs we can watch it on."

"I'll have to squint to see Kevin Hart then."

Luke laughs at my joke as he gets up.

"C'mon babe."

"I don't want to walk. It's so far." I said reaching my arm out and flicking my wrist. I knew what Luke was thinking when his blank expression turned into a smirk. "Let's Go!" I jump up from the couch.

"You lead the way sunshine."

"Or how about I race you? Last one there has to do whatever the other wants."

"Deal." He narrows his eyes at me.

"Ready! Set - see you later sucker!" I yelled bolting down the hall up the stairs.

"That's not fair!"

I run towards Luke's door and slam right into it. I stumble backwards a little bit but Luke catches me, grabbing my upper arms.

"Oh man!" I whine.

"That's Karma babe."


He pulls me back into my feet and I remember to turn the door knob and open the door this time.

"Since I'm nice, I say it's a tie." He said.

"Yeah, I guess." I plop down into his desk chair as he grabs his computer. "Can't you just hook it up to your tv?"

"That's what I'm doing. You need to start helping me while I hook this up, it's going to take a bit."



I start working on finding Luke's information. It took many websites but I managed to do it.

"Oh my gosh Luke my head is going to explode!"

"See, it wasn't so easy. Do you feel bad for bitching now?" He looks up from his school laptop.

"Uhh, yes."

We have finished the movie a while ago. It's is now 8:30pm.

"My mom should be home soon."

"Oh my gosh yay!" I love Melissa.

"So how much did you find for my part of the project?" He asked. I pick up the paper and hand it to him. "Just the amount I need combined with what I found!"

"I know, I'm the best." I flip my hair.

"Kiddos, I'm home!" Melissa said cheerily.

I smile and run towards the stairs staying on the landing where I can see Melissa walking into the door. Luke does the same.

"Hi mom!" Luke said.

"Hey Melissa!"

She studies us with a smile and she sees that I'm wearing Luke's shirt and her smile grows wider.

Luke and I walk downstairs to go hang out with Melissa.

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