《Innocent Bet》Chapter 5
Summer's p.o.v
"Summer." Someone whispered, I groaned in response. "Summer!" The person said louder.
"Shhh, I'm sleeping." I said.
"Wake up sunshine!" The person pulled the blanket off of me. I sat up quickly and opened my eyes. "We have school today!"
"What the h-e-double toothpicks do you want Luke?"
"Seriously? There's cereal and I'm going back to sleep."
I fall back into my bed but before I can fall back asleep Luke grabbed my wrist and yanked my arms so hard I thought they were gonna fall off. I screamed as I slam into Luke's chest causing him to fall.
He groaned in pain. His face wrinkled up while he rubbed his head in the same spot he hit it last night. I moaned in pain as I rub my butt, this is the third time!
"Summer..." Luke attempted to say.
"Luke!" I yelled. I was about to go off on him but I was interrupted by my door slamming open.
I looked over at my door to see Bella in the doorway with a huge smile but her face dropped. Bella has half of her makeup done. At 4:30 am?
"Aw man!" Bella said.
"What?" I asked her.
"Well um... don't be mad but um, by the noises you were making I thought you guys were, well um you know... but it looks like you're just making out."
"Making out?" I asked. She also thought we were doing the dirty?
Bella snapped a picture of Luke and I. Luke was on his elbows while I was sitting in between his legs leaning against my bed with my legs resting on either side of him. Well, I see how she would think that.
"Why are you taking a picture?" I asked.
"I'm sending it to Sarah because we have a bet that one of you are gonna like the other. I'm betting that Luke starts to like you first." She shrugs. Um... WHAT?
"What the hell?" Luke said. "That's a good idea babe!" He turned to look at me. His smile grew big as he thought of ideas to torture me. "First one to fall in love, has to twerk to a song of the tigers choice during halftime. I would love to see you shake your ass." He winked and bit his lip.
I mean, I'm not stupid enough to trip and fall for him when he's not gonna catch me. So, why not?
"It's on Matthews!" I smirked.
We shook on it. We both look at Bella smiling very wide. I shake my head at her and get up. I step over Luke to go cook his breakfast he wanted so bad that he had to interrupt my sleep!
"What do you want now?" I asked.
"Help me up!" Luke whined.
"You have arms to push yourself up do it yourself!"
I walked out of my room with Bella and I went into the kitchen. Bella played with Duke while I cooked breakfast.
"Why did you agree?" I turned around with my spatula raised ready to hit someone to find it was just Luke. "That's not gonna hurt me." He said chuckling.
"Why did you agree to the bet?"
"Well Luke, nothing is gonna happen between us. God blessed, I can't even stand you sometimes!"
"God blessed?" He tilted his head.
"I don't say the other word for Gosh Darn it because I'm a holy child!"
"Okay sunshine." He chuckled. His eyes darkened as he looked me in the eyes, "Summer Rich, I will make you fall in love with me."
The way he is looking at me is making me remain silent and serious. I mean he's charming and all but I know him well enough not to do it. I want to look away but that just shows him I'm a weakling.
"Summer, your eggs are gonna burn." Luke said looking away from me.
"Oh crap!" I said turning around and turning the stove off. "Can you go get a plate?"
Luke got me a plate and I poured his eggs and hash brown onto his plate.
"Thanks babe." He said patting my head.
I feed Duke then I walk over to the other side of the island and plop my butt down next to Luke. I scroll through Instagram when I got a message. That's rare.
'Hey Summer, wanna hang tonight?' The message reads, it was from Garrett.
I roll my eyes. This dude has been trying to get with me for so long and it doesn't help that he knows where I live. I mean he's a sweet guy but he is a suck up to my family. He's the guy my family pictures me marrying, but not me. I actually never really even met the dude in person. I haven't seen him since like, tenth grade.
"Can you drive me to basketball tonight after the game and pick me up at 9:30?" Luke asked.
"Yeah, one of my friends wants to hang anyways so I'm probably gonna be out and about." He's not my friend, heck I barely know this dude. Why not get to know him though? i mean I will be marrying him.
"Okay." Luke said.
I run upstairs around 5:10 to get ready for prison. I grab my cheer uniform and hop into the shower right away so the cold water will wake me up.
I get out and brush my teeth. Squeeze into my cheer uniform then do my hair.
I drive Luke, Bella and I to school. All of us too tired to function. We all complained a lot of the way there about how much we hate it. I would like school way better, if I didn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn!
Luke ran down the stairs with his basketball bag. I dropped Bella off after the game which ended at 6:34 considering it started at 3:30. I am currently wearing socks and slides, leggings, and a short sleeved shirt, my hair flowing down my back.
"It's gonna be cold." Luke said.
"Yeah I know, I'm washing some clothes right now since I forgot to yesterday and I don't have anything to wear. Plus, I'm not leaving the car for too long."
Luke drops his bags and runs back upstairs.
"You're gonna be late doofus!" I yelled.
Just as soon as he went up he came trotting downstairs with one of his shirts in his hand. He threw it at me and it lands right on my face. I pluck it off of my face and study the shirt.
It is a dark blue long sleeve shirt and has the words "Oakland Lions" written in gold. I turned it around to find "Matthews" written in gold on the back with his number "9".
"I am not wearing your shirt!" I said stomping my foot.
"Babe, I'm gonna be late. Just but it on nobody is gonna see!" Luke said picking up His basketball bag.
I contemplated for a short second but he's right.
I pulled my current shirt off and slip into Luke's shirt. His shirt stops at the very end of my butt. It's a little big on me,
but I like it. It also smells nice. He smells like lemon with a hint of salt water.
I throw my other shirt into a chair and stomp out the door after Luke.
"Garrett is meeting me at the school." I said.
"Okay, Be careful sunny it's kinda late."
"Luke, it's 7:30!"
"Yeah yeah, it's dark out!"
I drive silently the rest of the way with my radio on.
We get to the school and I drop Luke off by the team entrance and park my car while I wait for Garrett.
There was a tap at my window and I look up from my phone. It's Garrett. Holy guacamole is he more hot than he was in sophomore year.
I quickly got out of my car to greet him.
"Heyyy!" I said.
"Hey hot stuff!" He said checking me out. "Let's go for a walk and catch up!"
I nodded and started walking with him. We caught up and had some good laughs from our childhood memories. We got to the back of the football stadium. I started to turn back but Garrett stopped me.
"Wait! I-Uh-I need to show you something!" He said.
I let him lead me into the woods even though it was a little sketch. He led me to a blanket laid out on the ground with candles and fairy lights lighting up the place.
"Surprise?" He said.
"Garrett this is amazing!"
"Thanks! Uh- shall we?"
We sit on the blanket and look up at the sky. Stars scattered everywhere and the moon shining bright. I look over st Garrett. Darn is he hot! He looks back at me.
"You're so hot!" He said. "I want you." His voice was husky.
My heart started racing as he starts inching his face closer keeping a good distance between our bodies.
I got impatient and grab his face. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I start to pull away but Garrett pull my back. He rolls us over to where I'm on my back. He starts kissing my neck and I try to push him off but he garbs my wrist in one hand and hold it over my head.
"Stop!" I pleaded. "Please stop!"
"Sorry hot stuff, I can't help it."
I squirm around as he takes our pants off. I scream and cry and kick my legs but he's too heavy, and we're too far for anyone to hear. There goes my v-card.
"Garrett stop! I don't want to!"
He laughs at me. I don't want this to happen, I want to go home. This night escalated quick.
He traces out my curves with has hand and caresses my butt. He kisses me again, so hard I can feel his teeth. He then proceeds to go lower with his lips.
I bite his arm as hard as I can and he pulls back. I quickly get up, pull my pants up, kick his balls, then run for dear life towards the school.
I push through the double doors and bolt to the bathroom before anyone can see me.
I look at myself in the mirror, I have blood dripping down my chin from biting my lip to prevent sobs from coming out. My eyes are swollen from crying. My hair is a mess. I try to clean the blood up form my mouth and lips. My stomach twisted and I ran into the closest stall and hurled my food into the toilet. I sit there on the ground until I feel well enough to stand back up. I feel gross.
Once I was done, I cleaned myself up again. I'm shaking uncontrollably. I want to cry more but I can't. I have to wait till I'm home. I check if I have everything, which thank goodness I do. I check the time to see that it was 9:35. Crap! I've been hurling for about and hour. I have to beat Luke to the car.
I run out of the bathroom and bolt down the hall.
"Summer!" I stop in my tracks and slowly turn around to see Luke with his hair matted to his forehead. He had a smile on his face that immediately dropped when he looks me over. He speed walks over to me. "What the hell happened to you?"
He puts his hands up to my face but I flinch and step back.
"Luke, I just want to go home."
I want to thank God that nothing more than him laying his nasty hands on me happened. I shudder at the thought of it.
"You're not driving." He grabs my keys form my hands and I flinch at his touch. He studies me more. "You're telling me who the hell did this to you alright?"
I nodded my head. I don't want to go outside. What if he sees me and comes after me again? Luke's with me, he won't do anything. Right?
"Summer! C'mon!"
Luke places his hand on my lower back. I shudder again. He isn't gonna question me yet. Luke and I walk to the car in silence I scoot closer to him as we approach my car.
He opens my side of the door for me. I hurry up and get in, happy to be in the safety of my car so no other dip crap can come sexually assault me. I'm gonna start keeping a lacrosse stick next to my bed.
Luke gets into the car after putting his basketball stuff in the back. He adjusts the seat since I'm shorter than he is. He speeds away from the school. It was silent until we got to the first red light.
"Tell me Babe." I started crying.
"Luke, I don't even know why I'm crying. I'm scared."
"Scared of what?"
"I was, I was..." I put my face in my hands. I want to be light hearted about this but I can't. It's too serious. "I was sexually assaulted." I choked out. I start to sob.
"You were what?" He yelled. "Fuck! I should've made sure you drove off safely. Shit!"
"Luke, it's not your fault! I was dumb enough to follow him into the woods."
"Summer, are you fucking serious? Who was it and what did they do?"
"It was G-Garrett." I spit his name out. I never want to say it again. "I bit him and kicked his balls before he could do anymore than pull off my pants."
"It's a good thing you're feisty."
"I know..." I managed to smile at Luke's comment.
We get back to my house and Luke quickly runs over to my side of the car. I told him everything that happened while he was at practice.
He opens my door for me.
"Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked looking back and forth between my eyes. I pry my lips open since they were glued shut but the dry blood.
"My lip."
"Do you want me to kiss it better?" He smirked. I froze and tense up. "Oh shit! I'm sorry babe, let's go inside."
I put in the code for my house and hurry inside. I immediately lock the door and turn on the alarm system.
"Where's your first aid kit?" Luke asked.
"There's one in my bathroom. I have to go let Duke out."
"I'm coming with you." I nod.
Duke did his business and I immediately shut the door and lock it.
"I'm gonna need a day off tomorrow."
"I'll stay with you."
"But you won't be able to go to basketball if you miss." I protested.
"And who's gonna be here with you while I'm gone?"
"I'm staying."
He walks upstairs to my room and I follow behind. Once we get to my room he lets me open my door and I turn on my lights.
"This is the first time a girl got me to go into their room."
"Luke!" I whined.
"Okay okay, I'll stop after I tell you that you look better in my shirt then I do."
I groan and go into my bathroom. Luke followed behind.
"Sit." He said patting the counter.
I obeyed as he grabbed stuff to clean up my lip. Once he got everything prepared, he tilted my chin up to get a better look. He started cleaning my bottom lip and I scrunched up the part of my face I can scrunch.
"I'm sorry sunshine."
I grab onto Luke's shirt on either side of him to try to get the focus of the pain away from my lip. I moaned in pain.
"All done!" He said backing up.
"Thanks handsome." I jump off the counter. "I'm gonna take a shower now."
"I'm sleeping in here just so you know. In case you wake up screaming."
"Thanks again Luke."
He nodded and gave me one last look before walking into my room and shutting my bathroom door.
I get into the shower and take a long, long shower. I scrubbed every inch of my body until my skin burned. I showered until I was uncontrollably shivering from how cold I was. I showered until my fingers wrinkled up to the point where I felt uncomfortable. I just showered.
Once I was done. I tip toed over to my bench where I would usually have my clothes. Oh crap! I forgot to grab clothes!
I wrap myself in a towel and I decided to brush my teeth, being careful I don't hit my lips to hard or stretch them too much. I brush until the toothpaste in my mouth turned red. I even use mouthwash even though it burns my lips.
I then wrap my hair in a towel and walk into my room. I find that Luke has already laid out some clothes for me.
I put on the lacy black bralette and lacy black underwear. Pfft boys and their sexy undergarments. I put on the all black athletic shorts which happen to be my favorite. I then study the shirt that Luke put out for me.
It was another basketball shirt. This time it is basically the same thing except for the words are blue and the shirt is yellow. It also has "2018" written on it bellow the school name.
I slip the shirt on and my body is immediately warm. I sigh. I then proceed to dry of my hair.
Luke knocks on my door.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
I go over to open the door to find his hair dripping, his shirt off, and he has a towel wrapped around his waist. He has his clothes in one hand. He smiles at me. Duke trotted in and plopped onto my bed.
"Hey babe, yellow is your color!" He looks me up and down.
My face heats up as I walk over to my nightstand to grab the remote so I can watch Netflix. I hop into my bed as Luke shuts the door to my bathroom.
I find a rom-com to watch and sit back. I try to forget everything that happened in the woods. It will haunt me forever.
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