《Forced Enemies》Chapter Twenty Two



I held my head, the familiar throbbing pain echoing inside my body.

I opened my eyes, squinting them in pain from the sunlight that was shining through the windows.

The sudden groaning sound underneath me made me stop moving, and when I opened my eyes more, Kye store back at me.

"Why do you always end up on top of me?" He asked quietly, wincing at how loud his words seemed.

"Says the one holding me down," I whispered back, gesturing towards his arms that were tightly wrapped around my waist.

"True," he smirked, slightly drifting his hands off my body.

I moved my hips, planning on getting off of him, but when he groaned again, he held my hips in place with his hands.

"Let me go," I said, trying to move out of his hold, but he only threw his head back against the pillow.

"Stop fucking moving," he hissed out, holding me down harder.

"What?" I said, "why?"

He murmured a curse under his breath, and slowly brought his head back up.

"Because if you move any further, I'm going to fucking explode."

I widened my eyes, surprised by his words.

"Oh," I whispered, watching as his eyes darkened more as he stared down at our bodies.

"Can I get off now?" I asked, slowly moving away from him.

He instantly sat up, taking my body with his.

I now sat in his lap, both of my legs straddling him.

"Now you can get off," he said, removing his hands from my hips.

I nodded, moving off of him and onto the other side of the bed.

He checked the time and got out of bed, ruffling his hair as he held his head.

"Fuck, we drank too much," he groaned, opening his drawer and opening a bottle of aspirin.


He passed me it too, and I quickly put it in my mouth, grabbing the water from my bed side table and drinking it quickly.

"Where are you going today?" I asked as he got dressed.

When he slipped off his shirt, I felt my body heat up, and I couldn't help but look at him.

He looked like he was fucking sculpted by a Greek god.

His muscles flexed as he pulled a shirt out of the drawer, and when he turned, my mouth went dry.

His whole chest was toned and filled with tattoos, starting from his chest and down to his abs.

I gulped and turned away, focusing my attention on the window before he caught me staring at him.

"I'm going on a mission," he said, pulling the black shirt over his body and securing the gear inside his belt.

"I want to come with you," I said quickly, getting out of bed.

"No," he said blankly, walking into the bathroom.

He went to the sink, going into his drawer and grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Please," I pleaded, "I can't stay in this house any longer."

He didn't say anything as he applied the paste, putting water on it and brushing his teeth.

"No," he mumbled.

I clenched my fists at my side, letting out a huff of breath.

"Fuck you," I said, leaving him in the bathroom.

I went back to the bed and changed into actual pyjamas.

I held the pillow as I closed my eyes, the headache slightly going away.

I heard the bathroom door open, and Kye walked through.

"I'll be back later on tonight," he said, closing the bedroom door behind him as he left.

When I heard the front door close, I quickly got out of bed, grabbing my mission clothes and getting ready.

I dialled a number on my phone, and then put it on my shoulder and against my ear, getting my hands free as I got changed.

"Aliyah?" I heard a mans voice on the other side and I smiled.

"Elijah," I said smiling, "I need your help."

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