《Forced Enemies》Chapter Thirteen


What the fuck?

I looked down, pulling the warm covers off my body to look at myself.

My eyes widened when I saw I only had a large shirt on, the grey material sticking to my skin once I put the blanket back on top.

I turned back towards Kye, his breath moving the piece of hair that fell from his forehead.

I reached my hand out, and then pulled it back. My body yearning for his touch.

I looked at his bare arm, tattoos covering it from shoulder down.

This time I allowed my hand to reach out and touch him, tracing the dark spots of ink.

I hate him so fucking much

I was so mad at him, for everything he's done to me. But I can't seem to pull away, and I softly moved my fingers around the dark imagines.

I don't know how long I sat there, tracing each tattoo, from his arm and then onto his back.

And when I looked at his face again, his eyes were open, watching me as I touched him.

"Oh-" I said startled. "Sorry," I muttered, pulling my hand away.

He didn't say anything when he grabbed my hand again, putting it back on his arm and closing his eyes.

I paused for a moment, confusion hitting me quickly. But then I started to trace the tattoos again as he fell back asleep once more.

I watched as his mouth started to part, obvious signs he was going into a deep sleep.

And I couldn't help but think this was the most peaceful moment we have had. No fights, no arguing, no trying to kill each other.

It was nice

✥ ✥ ✥

"I don't understand," I said quietly, grabbing the cup of coffee Kye placed down for me.


"It's simple Aliyah," Kye rolled his eyes. "We have to do everything together, even sleep in the same bed."

"No one's here, I don't see the need to," I said, taking a sip from the mug.

He sighed, gripping the counter as he stared at me, "trust me, I don't either," he muttered out.

He looked at the clock and the grabbed his suit jacket, placing his cup in the sink.

"I'm leaving," he said shortly, walking towards the front door and shutting it harshly.

"Okay," I muttered, jumping down from the stool and placing my finished cup in the sink.

I looked back, and stared at the empty house, the furniture feeling foreign to me as I stared around.

I sighed, pulling my hair back in a ponytail and walked down the hallway.

I decided today was going to be a day of checking out the house.

The house Kye and I owned

I shivered at the thought. No one was here besides us, no one lived here besides us.

I went inside the first room, noticing it was a guest room.

A perfect place I could sleep

I walked over to the other rooms, and they either consisted of bedrooms or storage rooms.

I found a few that were game rooms or movie rooms, but the rest were all the same.

Until I came across one, opening it to see that it was an office.

I smiled as I walked over, noticing the scattered papers on the desk.

"If he's not going to tell me anything, I might as well find out myself," I said, my voice echoing through the lonely room.

I searched through every drawer and every cupboard, finding nothing.

I shut the last drawer harshly, frustration on my features as I walked out of the room.


"That was uneventful," I whispered to myself, making my way back towards the main bedroom.

A master bathroom was connected to the room, and I quickly turned on the shower and undressed.

The water was warm when I went in, the glass fogging up quickly as I washed my hair.

I grabbed the towel and stepped out, noticing the brush that was in the drawer and used it to comb through my hair.

I got changed into more comfy clothes and turned on the tv, the day passing by quickly as I laid there.

And when I yawned, I shut it off, pulling the blanket closer and snuggling into the pillow.

I went in and out of sleep, and when I was just about to drift off, I didn't miss the dip in the bed, and the arm that briefly touched mine.


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