The gang leader wants me Chapter 16


Chapter 16

Skylar's POV

After we finished our breakfast, Sebastian got up and picked me up from my stool, he placed himself on my seat and made me sit on his lap.

"Love, I'm going out and I want you to stay here okay baby" he said

I asked "where are you going?"

He sighed "someone owns me a lot of money princess so I'm going to pay a little visit" and growled at the end.

I nodded "okay, I'll stay here but I'm going to go to the garden with spike and I promise to take Rodger with me"

He nodded then kissed me, I instantly put my arms around him and tugged on his hair which earned me a groan from him.

He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I gladly let him in, he shoved his tongue in and licked every part inside my mouth not missing anything.

I pulled away, me and Sebastian were breathing really heavily, I unwrapped my arms around his neck and layed my head on his chest whilst playing with his fingers.

Sebastian put one of his hands on my head, stroking my hair and humming a tune, he suddenly let go of me and placed me back on the stool.

"Bye love, I'll be back in a hour" he said and pecked both of my cheeks, Sebastian put his forehead on mine and whispered whilst looking in my eyes "I love you Skylar"

I whispered "I love you too Sebastian"

He smiled which made my heart melt, he nuzzled his nose on my nose and pecked my lips one last time and left.

I touched my lips, he loves me I thought and I smiled, I really love him, he's like my knight in shining armor. When ever I feel down he will always make me smile and laugh, he's such an handsome guy with beautiful tattoos.


I haven't seen all his tattoos yet but I love them so much more than he does.

I got up and started to search for spike "spike where are you?"

Few seconds later i was on the ground in the hall way with spike on top of me howling and barking, kept licking my cheeks, I laughed because it was really ticklish.

Me and spike are really close, i love him and treat him with so much love, i don't even know how he got in Sebastian's back garden but I'm happy he's here.

Sebastian doesn't really like him because spike has been taking his role of being protective, hahahaha boys will be boys, more like men will be men huh that make no sense but you guys get what I mean.

I felt like going to the gardens but I promised Sebastian I would take Rodger or one of the other guards with me. I walked to the living room and saw 5 guards sitting on the couch watchin TV.

I walked up to them and immediately saw Rodger laughing at the screen, I called out "Rodger" all 5 turned towards me.

"I want to go to the garden" giving him puppy dog eyes, I heard awws "I'll go" everyone shouted in unison, next minute you know all 5 of them are arguing who is going with me to the frickin garden.

So I just let them argue and walked out and headed towards the garden, I sat on my favourite bench. I love sitting here because you can see the water fountain and there are pink roses everywhere.

Spike jumped up on the bench and layed his head on my lap, I stroked his fur and kept feeling it, I leaned my head back on the bench and closed my eyes listening to the sounds around me.


I love coming here because it's so peaceful and relaxing it helps me.

Suddenly I heard a branch snapping next to me, I turned towards the noise and a black gloved hand covered my mouth.

Spike got up and was about to attack him but he fell on the ground and whined, "NOOO SPIKE!!!!" I screamed, I pushed his hand away from my mouth and ran to spike who is laying on the ground lifeless.

Tears trickling down my face and couldn't stop, the guy who shot him and put his hand on my mouth came my way.

I picked spike up and shuffled backwards, "you killed him" I whispered, looking straight in his eyes, he looked upset and happy?

What the hell! Is he happy because he killed my best friend

He kneeled in front of me, the only thing that's stopping him from coming closer to me is Spike's body, the man lifted his hand up and I automatically flinched because I thought he was going to hit me, guess I was wrong.

He put both of his hands on my cheek wiping the tears away, he gently said to me "I didn't kill him, he's just a sleep"

I was about to reply but was lifted in the air by another guy "Guy's she's so small and cute awww" I wiggled out of his grip and stepped back "please don't, I didn't do anything wrong I swear" I kept shaking my head, my heart was pumping loudly, you can almost hear it.

The guy who was kneeling down, I'm guessing their leader walked up to me and grabbed my chin, I don't even know how they look like because they have all have masks on.

"Princess don't be scared, shhh it will be alright" he was trying to stop me from crying but I couldn't.

I was again picked up bridal style, I screamed loud as I can, immediately one of the guys put duct tape on my mouth, stopping me from saying anything.

I looked behind the guys shoulder and saw one of them picking spike.

These guys sound awfully familiar but I can't seem to remember

They put me in a black car and tied my feet and arms with ropes, I kept wiggling trying to find a escape route but it seemed really impossible.

The otherside of the door opened and they gently? Put spike on my lap and then 2 of the mask guys sat on the back seat.

I turned my head to the driver the one who shot spike and suddenly he pulled his mask of, well, all of them.

I gasp and whispered "you" but it came muffled out "yghfy"

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