The gang leader wants me Chapter 10


Chapter 10

Sebastian's POV

Her lips are so soft and delicate, when I pulled away I looked at those beautiful eyes which I could stare at all day.

We both sat silently staring at each other, Skylar was the first one to break it "why did you do that?" She asked timidly.

"Because baby girl, I'm in love with you"

"Your in love with me? But there are other girls out there who are so much prettier, I will only cause you burden" she said looking down.

I growled angry, I pulled her closer and I put my 2 fingers under her chin and lifted it up "don't you ever fucking say that you hear me, your the only women I want, those sluts only want my money and sex. They don't love me for me and don't you fucking say your gonna cause me burden, instead your causing me happiness, love"

She looked at me in shock "your happy with me?"

I nodded my head, "I never ever let those skanks in my bed, your the first women to sleep in my bed and go in my room, I've already fallen in love with you" I told her

She whispered "I I love you to Sebastian knight"

"Wait what did you say? Repeat it for me" I put each of her legs on my waist so she was facing to me

"I love you to Sebastian knight"

When she said that my eyes were wide open, I jumped up and spinned her around, she giggle which made me laugh as well, I carried her towards the house but before I did that I whispered in her ear "I love you to princess" and kissed her on the lips.

I was walking to the living room with Skylar in my arms, I was so happy that I have found the one, she's the best thing that ever happened to me, I love... my thoughts were interrupted "Sebastian?"

I looked down and pecked her on the lips "yes my love?"

"I don't have any clothes to wear other than this baggy jumper and ripped jean, so could I go shopping tommorow"

I Immediately said "no"

Skylar gasped "why?"

"How will you shop if you can't walk"


She sighs "oh yh, I forgot about that, so can you teach me how to walk again"

"Yes, love" she smiled which made the whole room light up.

Few hours later I sat down on the couch with Skylar on my lap, sleeping like a baby. I was teaching her how to walk again on her own and she did really well.

I carried her upstairs to our room and placed her on the bed, I took my jeans of and my shirt, leaving me with only my boxers.

I put the covers over us and moved closer to my princess, I grabbed her legs put it over my legs and I gently put her head on my chest, protectively adding my arms around her and went into a blissful sleep.

Skylar's POV

I woke up and my eyes caught an empty space on the bed, I looked around to see where Sebastian is but there were no signs of him, even the bathroom light was off. He probably be downstairs I thought.

I went in the bathroom did my business and walked towards the wardrobe, by the way I can walk now, it took few hours of learning but I got the hang of it with Sebastian's help.

I took out one of Sebastian's black v neck's and pulled my jumper over my head and put his shirt on me, I brushed my hair and went downstairs.

I was heading to the kitchen until I heard voice which were very familiar "give me that back you bastard!" And few minutes later I heard a glass break.

I walked inside the kitchen and saw Alec and John fighting over a bacon, I cleared my throat and they rushed towards me, both of them giving me a hug.

John and Alec let go of me and Alec spoke "look what John did" pointing to the glass, John gasp "I didn't do that, you being the clumsy idoit, you knocked the glass of the table."

Both of them were arguing with each other I just walked past them and grabbed a bowl, poured some milk in and put in cornflakes. I got a spoon and walked to the living room and guess what, Alec and John haven't shut up yet arrggghhh.


Few minutes later I put my bowl in the sink and washed the plate, john and Alec went somewhere and now its peaceful, thank god.

I was heading to Sebastian's office to check if he was there, I knocked on the door and a deep voice said "come in"

I opened the door and sticked my head in, I saw Sebastian sitting on his chair doing paper work.

He looked up to see who came in and once he saw me he smiled and motioned with his hand to come here. I was amazed with his office, there was a beautiful view of London.

I walked towards him, once I was close to him he pulled me down to his lap, I gasped because of the sudden movement. He kissed me on my lips, I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged his hair, which earned me a moan from him.

He licked my lower lip asking for entrance to my mouth, I denied he growled and pinched my butt which cause me to squeal, he quickly put his tongue in my mouth, I moaned and I could tell he was smirking against my mouth.

I pulled away breathless, he leaned his forehead on mine, i whispered "Sebastian?"

He replied "yes my love?"

"Can I go shopping today?"

He quickly said "no"

"But why?" I whined

"Because I said so, I have business to take care of, so I want you close to me," he commanded

"And I know you need clothes but you look more sexy with my shirt on" he smirked

I blushed and hid my head under his neck he laughed and let me tell you this, his laugh is so addictive.

"Sebastian please, I really want to go shopping" I argued

He just simply said "no, so end of discussion"

I sulked, I really wanted to go, so I did what Sebastian doesn't like, I pretended to cry hehehehe I'm so evil. My bottom lip trembled and I let out a sob, fake tears poured on my face. Once Sebastian heard me sob he pulled me closer to him.

"Love, what's wrong? baby don't cry, I'll do anything for you, tell me baby girl"

I whispered whilst crying "I I want t to g go s shopping" and let out a wimper

He quickly got his phone out whilst cradling me in his arms "hello...yh its me Sebastian... Amelia I want you to take Skylar shopping... Stop squealing like a pig...yh yh....hurry up and call 15 guards to company both of you...yh..okay bye."

When he put his phone away I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck, I yelled in excitement "THANK YOU SEBASTIAN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" And kissed him on his lips.

I let go off him and jumped up and down putting my hands up in the air screaming like a maniac, next minute I know Amelia comes barging in "what's wrong I hear screaming."

I run up her and hug her "we're going shopping" she squealed as well.

Someone else barges, or let's say 15 guards holding guns up ready to shoot, i stop screaming and ran to Sebastian who was standing up. My chest was on his back and I wrapped my arms around him.

He shouted "what the hell guys, stand down!"

Amelia shouted "you idiots why you aiming your guns at us, look what you've done, you scared her!"

All of the guards turn towards me and shouted in unison "we are so sorry"

I stuttered "I its o okay" giving them a smile

Sebastian said to them "all of you get the cars ready and Amelia could you go out as well, I need to speak with my baby girl"

They all replied "okay boss" they left and shut the door behind them

Sebastian turned around facing me and kissed me hard on the lips, he let go and whispered in my ear "be safe my love and you better come back at 6:30pm no later than that, you have 3 hours, so go have fun love"

I nodded and kissed him on the cheek and ran out before saying "okay daddy"

He growled and huskily said "you'll be punished for that" I laughed and went outside to Amelia who is waiting impatiently, I ran towards her and dragged her in the car, "we're gonna have so much fun."

I really like Amelia, me and her have become best of friends, she's like a sister to me which I never had.

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