《Call me kitten (boyxboy love) ✓》38. I can do this (NSFW)


This chapter contains edging


A few hours into the workday Chris came by my cubicle and managed to disrupt that tiny sliver of concentration I had managed to get. I had been on pins and needles ever since I got off the bus and had just been waiting for the phone to buzz with a text from Ash, but so far nothing had happened. Chris cocked an eyebrow as he looked down at me over the cubicle wall.

"Damn, you're... dressing differently today," he said. "What's up with the goth necklace?"

I tried to smile innocently as my brain went haywire. What the hell should I say?

"It's Halloween, isn't it?" I finally managed to blurt out. "You're supposed to be in a costume then, right?"

Chris gave me a look as to see if I had gone completely insane.

"We're a month away from Halloween, Jack."

"Oh? Really? I must've misunderstood. How awkward!"

"Uhm... right," he said and chortled. "Well, see you in an hour for lunch."

I sank back in my chair and pulled at my collar. A strange part of me had wanted to tell Chris the truth, exactly what the necklace was about and that I actually liked wearing it. I wanted the whole damn world to know this new revelation. But at the same time, I knew that even Chris had his limits. I didn't want to scare him away. I looked at the phone again and realized that I started to look forward to Ash's text. That was probably insanity, but I wanted to know what his plans were. My body was tingling all over with anticipation. The phone buzzed.

"Restrooms in the lobby. Now."

I swallowed nervously and stood up. I guessed that he wanted us to meet downstairs because it would be fewer people there now than up in the office. Or maybe it was the other way around.

Ash was already waiting by one of the sinks as I got in and he pointed at the booth furthest away. The nervousness was crawling inside me like fire ants, and it got worse every second. As he turned to me in the booth I tried to breathe as normally as possible.

"I wanna give you a present," Ash purred and started to stroke my crotch.

My cock reacted in an instant, starving after the previous interruption and I moaned quietly. A present? Was he finally done teasing me? With calm fingers he unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down to my knees and placed my hands on his ass and pressed himself against me. I relished in his closeness and grinded against him, I wanted his mouth back on me, his hand around my cock, I wanted him to finish what he started so badly.

"Have you been frustrated, pet?" he whispered in my ear and licked his way down to my collar bone, flashes of pleasure erupting in me.

"Yeah... you're a cruel son of a bitch," I mumbled and slid my hands under his t-shirt, feeling the warm skin on his chest.

"Mm... I know. Turn around."

I obeyed and moaned as I could feel him starting to jack me off in slow motions as he slid his other hand in between my butt cheeks. The pleasure that had been denied me for so long was flowing free inside me now, and I had to force myself to remember where we were, so I didn't make too much noise. I would only last minutes, if he just gave me a few minutes I would be so damn satisfied. After just seconds I sensed that familiar cold wetness between my butt cheeks and tensed up.


"Are you... here?" I breathed somewhat anxiously.

He just chuckled and something hard began to press against my entrance.

"I told you I'd give you a present."

"Oh... shit," I grunted as he pressed the object further in and when I felt it lodge inside me, I understood what it was.

A butt plug. Did he bring my fucking tail to work? Chills ran down my spine. In a panic I fumbled behind me for the furry end to yank it out, but I couldn't feel anything, just a flat surface. Ash smacked my hand away.

"Stop fidgeting."

He started to rhythmically push at the plug as he continued to stroke me with deliberate, hard moves. The feeling of panic disappeared in an instant and was replaced with a shuddering pleasure that just kept climbing in my body and I whimpered in relief that I would finally get to cum. But then he let go of my cock and the plug stopped moving. I whined in disappointment and tried to grind against him, I was so damn close again that I was shaking.

He turned me around again and smiled excitedly. I just stared at him in incomprehension as he pulled up my pants, without removing the plug. 

"I thought we'd established that I'm a cruel son of a bitch?" Ash grinned.

"Oh hell, you can't require me to actually walk around... with this?" I croaked.

"That is exactly what I can. And I'm the one who decides when you can take it out."

I was at a loss for words. Was I supposed to work with this inside me? Until when? Until lunchtime? It was a whole damn hour away. Ash opened the booth and gingerly I stepped outside. Each time I took a step I could feel the plug move and my palms were beginning to get sticky with sweat. For a brief second, I wondered if I should yell the word yellow, but I didn't want to give in that easily to my own cowardice. I choked down a groan and looked up at him in defiance. I could do this.

"No problem," I said.

"Good boy," Ash smiled, looking proud. "And another thing. Open this when I tell you. See you at lunch."

He handed me a small, anonymous-looking packet and exited the restroom.

When I had, somewhat wobbly, managed to get to my cubicle again and carefully sat down, I shook the packet. It made no noise. It wasn't bigger than a pack of cigarettes, so it couldn't be anything overwhelming anyway. I turned to the computer again. The movement was enough for the plug to touch that sensitive spot inside me and I couldn't stifle the groan coming out of my mouth. This would be unbearable. I could feel it in every sitting position I tried, and as long as I could feel it my damn erection wasn't going down either. Ash knew exactly what he was doing.

The text came fifteen minutes before lunchtime. I had been sitting as still as I could and had tried my best at working and the sound of the phone made me jump and bite my tongue. Apparently, I was to open the packet when I got to the toilet and text him when I had opened it. I went for the toilets at the end of the corridor, locked myself in a booth and tore the packet open. Some form of chain link fell out in my hand. It looked like a long necklace, but when I tried to lock it, I couldn't. I texted Ash and he replied quickly.


"Fasten the clamps on your nipples under your t-shirt. Then it's just off to work again for you."

Shocked I looked at the ends of the chain. Sure enough, there were metal clamps at the ends, covered with black rubber and tiny screws to regulate the tension. Should I text yellow?

No. Hell no.

I pulled up my t-shirt and fastened one of the clamps around my nipple. I turned the screw just hard enough so it wouldn't fall off and then I did the same with the other clamp. But the phone buzzed again.

"If I see that you've chickened out with the screws you will feel it later, believe me."

Evidently, Ash wasn't just a sadist, he had x-ray vision as well. I cursed, closed my eyes, and started turning the screws slowly and pain shot through me, straight down to my cock. My breath hitched at the sensation. 

Jesus Christ, this was turning me on even more. 

I turned them a little more and muffled a moan. This would have to do, otherwise I wouldn't be able to function at work at all. I stepped out of the restroom with careful strides, painfully aware of every movement the chain did as I walked. When I sat down in my chair again my erection strained against the fabric of my pants, and I fought to keep my breathing steady. I could do this. Just breathe.

I heard Ash's voice just minutes later and I stood up as cautiously as possible to look over the wall of the cubicle. To my surprise he stood talking to Chris at his cubicle and I couldn't understand what errand he had up here at this hour. Then he gave me a quick glance and smirked deviously. 

In that very moment a total shockwave of pleasure coursed through my body. I stumbled backwards, crashing down into my chair again, the chain bounced against my chest making the pain from the nipple clamps just add to the pleasure, and I dug my fingers deep into the armrests to keep myself from groaning so loud the whole office would hear me. The plug had started to vibrate.

Was the plug remote controlled? Had he come up here just to get near enough to set it off? And where the hell had he gotten the plug and the clamps from to begin with? I breathed heavily and struggled intensely to ignore the mind-blowing feeling that the plug caused in me, but to no avail. They would come over here any second now, to ask me down to lunch. I wouldn't make it, I knew it. I would have to say yellow; I had no other option.

Then the vibrations stopped all of a sudden. I sat completely still for a second, and then drew a hacking breath and closed my eyes. Ash wasn't impossible. He probably understood that I wouldn't make it, and as I had to show myself in public, I had to look somewhat human.

"You look a little pale, what's up?" I heard Chris say and I looked up.

Ash wasn't with him. I slowly stood up and was careful not to move too fast.

"I'm ok," I said and forced a smile. "Just been sleeping like crap. Let's go eat."

Going down to the cafeteria, I had strategically tied my hoodie around my waist to hide my crotch so nobody would notice the dire situation going on down there. To anyone else but me I looked completely normal, but inside I was on fire because of the constant reminder that the plug and the clamps made at every step I took. I focused fiercely on my breathing.

Chris was in a great mood and told me that the Tinder girl he had met at the night of the office party wanted to see him again and I absentmindedly congratulated him. He kept on talking about her, but I just couldn't hear what he was saying anymore. I had never had a hard-on for this long and the constant subtle pleasure almost started to hurt. The only thing on my mind was when I would get to cum. Discretely, I looked around for Ash. How long was he planning on keeping me like this?

He approached us as we had finished eating, smiling innocently at me as he stapled our trays on his cart. Jesus, he was enjoying this.

"I'll bring the game we talked about tomorrow," Chris said to Ash, and I couldn't understand what he was talking about.

"Perfect, I've been wanting to play that for a while now," Ash answered and made a seemingly nonchalant move with his hand over his front pocket.

I flinched as the plug faintly started to buzz again and I stared in disbelief at Ash. It wasn't as strong a vibration as before but that didn't matter to my over-stimulated body now and I gritted my teeth not to make a sound.

"You done?" Chris asked and looked at me.

I wanted to scream at him to just fuck off and leave right now, that I was about to explode and die. But I just smiled and shook my head.

"I have... to talk to Ash... about a thing, so you go ahead," I said, not quite able to keep my voice steady.

Chris nodded and left us, and Ash sat down in front of me, his grin wicked. I met his gaze in utter despair.

"Want me to stop?" he purred.

I didn't know what I wanted anymore. I absolutely hated it and absolutely loved it, all at the same time, but right now I just knew that I was falling apart. My hands trembled and my fast breathing made the chain move and the clamps sent spikes of pain mixed with pleasure right down to the plug that just kept on buzzing.

"Pleeease... I wanna cum," I whimpered desperately.

"I do love seeing you beg for it. Come with me."

He stood up. At that point my mind just spiraled, and I caved in.


He immediately sat back down again and observed me intently, his blue gaze serious.

"To what?" he asked, and I lowered my eyes in humiliation.

"I can't... move. The buzz... But I wanna come with you."

His smile was radiant as he pulled out a small black box and pressed it once. To my huge relief the vibrations stopped and I slumped over the table, panting. He let me stay like that until I had my breathing under control and then he got up and I gingerly followed him, my head spinning with pent up desire, and I had to watch every step I took so I wouldn't just collapse in a heap. In a daze I realized that he wasn't walking towards the restroom, he went for the elevators instead and under my breath I asked him where we were going. He held up a bundle of keys.

"We're going to a place where people won't hear or bother us," he said and gave me a secretive smirk.


I know. I'm sorry. I'm evil. Will try to post as soon as possible. ^o^

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