《Call me kitten (boyxboy love) ✓》27. Delicious devastation (NSFW)


This chapter contains rough oral, slight discipline


He leaned over me, and his expression was purely carnal.

"Open your mouth, let me see your tongue," he said, voice teeming with lust.

My eyes never left him as I obeyed. Slowly he let his salva drip from his tongue down into my open mouth, grabbed me harder by the neck and slammed inside my mouth with his hard cock. It was like electricity coursing through me when he hit my throat, I could still feel the sensation of his spit dripping down on my tongue and I should have felt humiliated, disgusted, but I didn't. The pure thrill of it made my need for him almost excruciating.

He pushed himself into my mouth with hard, deliberate thrusts, like he was marking me, making me his own, saliva and tears ran down my face and my legs shook under me. Ash let out a long groan when he pulled out, placing his hands on my cheeks, and looked down at my soaked face. He removed the headphones and put them on the desk.

"You are so goddamn tempting when you look like this," he murmured and trailed a finger down my face. "Delicious devastation... Get up."

I was trembling with desire and breathlessness, nothing was left in my head except for him. The feeling of his hands on my cheeks. The dark glow in his eyes. I got to my feet, legs shaking. Ash pulled off my sweatpants and let his finger slide along my agonizingly hard cock. I shivered and my legs almost gave out from under me at the sensation.

"Fuck, Ash... please..." I moaned quietly.

"You teased me so I really shouldn't..." he mused, but then he gave my dick two fast strokes, making me groan out loud. "But I just don't have the patience right now, you look too tasty. Where do you have condoms?"

Not even the speed of light could measure up to the speed I had when I handed him the packet I had in my dresser. Ash laughed his husky laugh and put the packet on the desk. He seized my hips, making me straddle him and pressed my upper body to him so my erection rubbed against his stomach, at the same time pressing two fingers into my mouth.

"You know where these are going, so make them all nice and wet now," he grinned.


I licked and sucked his fingers greedily, making him groan in surprise.

"You don't have any patience either, I see..." he said and pulled the fingers out of my mouth.

"Oh, f-fuuck me..." I gasped as I felt him slowly press both fingers into my entrance and I clung to Ash and closed my eyes.

"I intend to..." he whispered in my ear and made his movements deeper.

My body adjusted quickly to the size of his fingers as he thrusted them inside and I wanted more. I wanted him, not his damn fingers. I wanted him to fill me up completely. I could sense the tip of his cock slide against my balls, almost like he was teasing me and it was getting unbearable and I rolled my hips towards him.

"That's e-enough, you're killing m-me here..." I groaned.

"And there you go again with demanding things," he said, flashing me a warning smile and removed his fingers. "You just never learn, do you..."

With one swift motion he positioned me right above his hard erection, locked my arms behind my back and buried himself to the hilt with one hard push. I lost my breath as the pain and pleasure erupted in me simultaneously and I couldn't stifle the yelp coming out of my mouth. With slow, so incredibly slow movements he started to move inside me, at the same time holding my body in a vice with his one arm.

"Look at me," he said in a low voice, and I met his blue, glowing gaze. "How did you like fucking me earlier?"

He moved his hips, and his thrust was so deep that sparks danced before my eyes. I had trouble forming the words, my brain was just not in a state that permitted a conversation right now, when the only thing I could feel was his hard cock inside me and my own erection rubbing between our bodies.

"P-pleasant," I stuttered and tried to get my arms free to touch him. "Please..."

He just pressed my arms harder against my back and smiled. Slowly he pulled almost all the way out and then rammed into me again.

"If you had to make a choice?" he purred.

My head was spinning with the delicious torture he had me endure, I gasped and just couldn't stop looking into his eyes. Then he slapped me again, harder this time. To my astonishment the pain of the slap reverberated out in my body, making my desire shoot through the roof. I couldn't think straight. He grinned savagely at me and held my chin in a steady grip.


"Answer me, kitten."

"This... Damn it, this is better," I moaned and felt my cheeks flush.

He hummed in satisfaction and kissed me aggressively as he finally quickened his pace. Pleasure seared through me when his cock hit that spot inside me and I whimpered into his mouth, he sucked in my lower lip and bit down hard. The friction between our bodies was so perfect that my cock started jerking and my orgasm was mounting faster than I thought.

"Ash... I'm... about to c-cum..." I panted and he slammed into me even harder, making my legs quiver.

"Mhm... I can feel that," he breathed into my ear and ecstasy hit me at that very moment and my whole body tensed up. "Ooh, f-fuuck you feel so good...!"

His embrace became crushing as he pumped into me hard and deep, my cum spread out all over his stomach, and I could feel him shaking when the release tore through him. It was impossible to get enough of him, I simply couldn't, I was addicted. Pure and simple. Our breathing came fast and heavy in the silent room and he let go of my arms so I could finally wrap my arms around him, and I did. With all my remaining strength I hugged him close. Somehow I wanted to show him how much I liked it. How much I liked him.

"Ash... I... I mean..." I rambled and didn't know just how to articulate what I was actually feeling.

I could sense his smile against my cheek when he stroked his hand through my hair softly.

"I know..." he whispered gently and helped me get to my feet.

He gave me a mild push onto the bed and jumped in after me, pulling the sheets over us both and pulled me into another hug. His gaze wandered calmly over my face, like he was taking it all in. Had anyone ever looked at me like that? Almost looking into my soul? Never. His eyes pulled at my heart, as if it could break at any moment. Had I ever felt this way? No. Never.

What is happening to me?

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Ash smiled and caressed my cheek. "What is it?"

How could I explain it to him? I had never even uttered words like that before and I had a hard time even thinking in those terms. Because I didn't know what this was. It was big and new and thoroughly unknown.

"Don't know," I said, unsure how to answer. "I just feel so damn great right now. But the tea is probably cold by now."

He laughed and pulled me in closer. The tenderness in his touch made my insides into liquid. I nuzzled my face into his chest and just relished in his embrace.

"You keep me warm much better than tea," he mumbled and kissed my forehead gently.

I could get used to this. The thought of Ash living here until he got his own place came back to me when I was cuddling in his arms and just enjoying his closeness. What was it that I was so afraid of? It was the usual stuff, that I still had the need to be alone sometimes, be to myself. And most people didn't understand that need. That wouldn't be possible if I had someone living in my apartment, even for a short while. Would he even accept that I needed to have alone-time? But come to think of it, I had never even had that need since I met Ash. Weirdly enough.

"Have you given any thought to what you should do now... when you lose your place?" I said quietly.

He sighed lightly.

"Talked to Florian today, I can stay with him for a while, I've done that before."

"Doesn't sound like you're thrilled about it?"

He gave me a crooked smile.

"Florian's great, but he's kinda... flamboyant at times, it can get pretty irritating in the long run. So, I'm searching high and low for a place now. But it's cool of him to let me stay there, I can always rely on him in these kinds of situations."

Florian had a big house, so it would be easy for Ash to stay there, but I felt sorry for him anyway. He and Florian had such different personalities so I could understand him getting tired of it. Would Ash get tired of me in the same way? We were different from each other as well, just not in the same way. But would he even want to stay with me?

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