《Call me kitten (boyxboy love) ✓》7. Taking it easy (NSFW)


With one swift motion he rolled me over on my back on the couch and leaned over me. His smile was almost feral when he locked his lips onto mine in a crushing kiss. I could feel the buttons in my jeans being tugged open, he caressed my yearning cock through the fabric of my boxers and when I gasped of pleasure into his mouth, he just deepened the kiss and glided under the waistband with his fingers. With a smacking sound his mouth left my lips and traveled down my throat, my nipples, leaving wet marks all the way down to my belly button. When he just continued downward an unexpected pang of nervousness hit me. I suddenly realized what he was about to do. I had received blowjobs before and they had been ok, nothing special but ok. But it was different this time. This time it was a guy giving it. Ash lifted his head and looked up at me with those impossibly blue eyes.

"Relax, Jamie," he said softly. "I know what I'm doing."

Without letting go of my gaze he grabbed the root of my cock, licked his lips with a smile and let his tongue glide up along the shaft to my tip, where he made a circling motion. The mere vision of it was mind-sizzling and I couldn't take my eyes off him. Then he winked at me and just like that he had my whole length in his mouth, from the root to the tip.

Oh fuck.

My body jerked at the sensation, I inhaled sharply and clutched at the fabric of the couch. I could feel the metal ball of his piercing glide along my cock when he started to move, and that was a revelation in and of itself. So that was what the piercing was for. It was fucking unbelievable, and I moaned as he let the ball tickle the area just below my tip, just to devour me whole again in the next second. I didn't care about being nervous, that he was a guy or any other stupid things anymore, my whole world revolved around Ash and that mind-blowing feeling of his mouth. He didn't even look fazed about taking me all in, he seemed to enjoy it. Was this even real?

He cupped his hands around my balls and gave them a light massage, then he let two fingers travel down and press down on the area just below them. A sudden crash of pleasure hit me, and he sucked me faster and harder and my world was in a total spin.


Christ, what is he doing to me?

"Mmh.. w-what... sooo fucking g-good..." I panted, digging my fingers into his hair.

Ash hummed lustfully and the sound resonated into my cock, making the pleasure heighten even more. I would cum at any moment, I knew it, it would be impossible to stop. The feeling of his motions under my hand, that wet mouth of his repeatedly sucking me in, his fingers pressing behind my balls, it was too much. My toes curled up and I could hardly get any air. I needed to tell him, needed to warn him so that he didn't get it in his mouth.

"Ash, I-I'm.. c-cumming..." I whimpered and stared down at him.

But he just met my pleading eyes with a cocked eyebrow and pressed his tongue harder against my dick, deep-throating me fast. And I exploded into his mouth. My vision disappeared in a flash of white, I groaned loudly as the pure pulses of the orgasm tore through me, shaking my body to the core. Never in my life I had imagined that a blowjob would feel like this. And here was this guy just crushing that preconception with his gorgeous tongue. I gasped and tried to catch my breath when my vision returned and I watched as Ash licked his mouth with pleasure and smiled up at me. He had swallowed everything. I was astounded. He scooted up to me again and rested his arms on either side of my head and leaned down, giving me a slow kiss. I could taste myself in his mouth and desire rose in me again, something I thought to be impossible now.

"Told you that you taste good, kitten," he smiled and laid down beside me, caressing my forehead.

"You call that taking it easy?" I panted.

He chuckled.

"Let's call it a warm-up, if it makes you feel better."

"What was that... when you pressed..." I asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed to ask what the hell he was doing behind my balls.

Ash got up, dragging me with him so I stood there on the floor, almost swaying when he pulled up my jeans.

"That's a secret for now," he grinned. "Let's grab something to eat."

When I saw him standing there in front of me, I realized something very obvious. He still had a hard-on. A very prominent hard-on, by the looks of the bulge in his pants. Did he want me to do something about it? Suddenly I wasn't even sure what to do if he asked me. Or should I just take the lead? And do what? My only experience was jerking off by myself and maybe that wasn't the right way for him. But I felt selfish, to have received such an awesome blowjob when he was left unsatisfied.


"You don't want food?" Ash asked, looking questionably at me as I stood there with my hands at my sides.

"You haven't, I mean, you haven't cum," I mumbled vaguely and didn't dare look him in the eye.

He took my hands and placed them on his ass and slowly grinded himself against me. His cock was rock hard and so damn inviting and he growled quietly. I couldn't help to whimper, just his sounds made my dick alive again.

"Let me worry about that," he smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. "I like to prolong things, that's all. Let's make some food."

He walked ahead me into the kitchen. I went after him and pondered about what he had just said. Even managing to hold it in for so long was a mystery to me. To be able to walk around being that turned on and not do anything about it. But he seemed sure about it so who was I to argue with him? I hadn't even tried it out for myself, maybe it was better than it sounded. When I entered the kitchen Ash had his back at me and was rummaging through the fridge. I stopped in the doorway and just drank him all in. There had been male celebrities that I thought was good looking in an objective way, but this was something completely different. Just the mere vision of Ash as he stood there with his jeans hugging his hips, the black hair extra tousled from my fingers digging into it just a few moments ago, the faint lines of muscles on his shoulders and the two Japanese signs tattooed on his neck. My whole body was buzzing when I watched him.

In the locker room back in high school was the last time I had actually seen bare-chested men and back then you made it damn sure not to linger with your gaze even a millionth of a second too long. I never wanted to in the first place. What had changed that fact now? I didn't feel any different, I didn't know if I should, after a revelation like that. I just knew that Ash affected me so much that my body reacted just by him being in the same room.

"Not much going on in here, food-wise," Ash muttered and turned around. "If you don't want ketchup and pickles for dinner. Wanna call for a pizza?"

He picked up his phone from the table. I jumped at the opportunity. To pay for the pizza was the least I could do after getting a blowjob like that.

"Pizza works for me, if I'm paying for it," I said in a determined voice.

"No worries, they know me over there and–,"

"I'm paying for it."

He gave me an amused look and nodded.

"Someone's assertive today," he grinned. "Enjoy it while it lasts."

I didn't understand those last words, but I didn't care and turned around to fetch my wallet from the hallway. A drawn-out groan came from behind me, and it almost sounded like Ash had come and suddenly I had his hands on my hips. I tried to face him, but he held me in place and mewled quietly.

"What is it?" I said, worried that he had some kind of seizure.

"I... it... I mean..." he stammered, breathing heavy and ran his fingers down my back. "Don't tell me you have wings on your back."

I understood then what he had reacted to. My largest tattoo was two black and red wings, covering most of my back. Ever since I was a child, I had nurtured a dream to be able to fly and finally I had the dream symbolized in those wings. I was proud of the tattoo; it had taken dozens of hours to finish and not to mention a lot of money.

"Yeah, I have wings on my back," I said, still not understating why he was in a spin about it.

He rotated me so I faced him, and his eyes were glowing.

"Do you have any fucking idea how turned on I get when I see them?" he said, his voice husky and he pressed me against the kitchen sink. "I have a... thing for wings."

"I can see that," I smiled. "Weren't we supposed to order pizza?"

He groaned but nodded his head and released me.

"Yes. Yes, we are," he said, not completely in control of his voice.

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