《Call me kitten (boyxboy love) ✓》3. Eager (NSFW)


Zoey was already at our usual table when I entered the bar. Sweat was running down my back after my panicky walk, I had planned on taking the bus but the encounter with Ash had made me jump out of my skin and I had to get rid of the excess energy. Zoey gave me a quick hug and handed me a beer.

"Damn you're sweaty, did you run all the way here?"

"Almost, didn't want you to have to wait for me. It'll dry."

I took a deep swig of the beer and my body started to slowly calm down. I was on safe ground now. No new co-workers with too much confidence and sapphire eyes. Just Zoey. She asked how I was doing, and I shrugged.

"Ok I guess, same old," I said and pressed the frosty beer glass to my forehead.

"Jay, don't give me that crap, I can see that you're upset about something. Is it work?"

She could see right through me as always and I didn't like it. I didn't know how to respond, but I knew she would just keep on pressing until I did, so I had to come up with something that was at least partly true. Because if I lied, she would spot that too.

"Meh, nothing special really. Just a new... co-worker that I don't know how to handle."

Zoey leaned across the table and squinted her eyes.

"What do you mean 'handle'? Details, please."

I squirmed in my seat, but I knew I had to give her more.

"Lots of ambiguous signals or whatever you call it. I don't know how to act on it, if I should act at all. You know when they look like they're flirting with you but maybe they don't. I don't know."

"Of course you should act on it!" She clapped her hands in excitement. "Otherwise you won't find out if it's real or not, What kind of signals?"

The moment in the copier room played in my head, making my insides tingle. I was sure as hell not going to tell her about that.

"Nothing special, just glances and smiles. Stuff like that you know," I said vaguely. "But I won't act on it, it's at work and all."

"Screw that, you don't have a policy against that stuff, right? You're 24 years old, God damn it, not a fucking teenager. Ask her out for coffee or something. Easy."

Her. Right. Of course, Zoey would think it was a girl I was talking about. She would go nuts with questions if I told her that it was I guy, so I decided to keep my mouth shut about that. I just needed to change the subject.

"Yeah, right. I'll think about it. But enough of that, how are you doing? Is everything ok with you and Daniel now?"

A dirty trick, but I was desperate. If you asked my sister about the relationship with her boyfriend, she couldn't help herself. But anything other than the subject of office dating. And she fell for it instantly, throwing herself into a lengthy tirade about what Daniel had done or not done, how she interpreted his actions, and I could just lean back and agree with her in everything she said, all the while order more beer for her, as I stuck to my one. When she was halfway through her fourth beer she suddenly rose from her seat.

"Christ, I need to pee!" she exclaimed to half the bar. "Keep an eye on my purse, I need to go like yesterday."


I nodded as I realized that I was in the exact same situation as her. But she had beat me to it, so I just had to sit here waiting for her like a nice little brother, with my hand on her purse. The problems my sister had spewed out really made my own problems just wither away and nothing seemed important anymore. Not my job, not Ash or how I felt about him. I couldn't care less.

Someone grabbed my baseball cap from behind me. But before I could turn around the cap was on my head again, backwards. I inhaled sharply as Ash slid down in the chair beside me.

Holy fuck. What is he doing here?

"There, all better," he grinned. "Now I can see your eyes. How's the date going?"

He pointed at Zoey's purse on the table. I clenched my teeth trying to get a grip on the situation and the utter shock of him appearing.

"It's not a date," I said and heard the strain in my own voice. "That's my sister's purse."

Ash cocked an eyebrow, looking surprised.

"Oh, your sister?" he said, almost relieved. "Big sister or little sister?"

"Big sister."

In the next second Zoey sat back down in her chair and gave Ash a frown. I tried to come up with a good explanation for Ash being here, but before I could answer, Ash held out his hand to her.

"Ash, I'm James' new co-worker," he said with a dazzling smile at her and she took his hand.

I could see the exact moment she put two and two together.

Damn, damn, DAMN!

"Zoey," she greeted and returned the smile. "Jay's sister. Are you here with friends?"

Ash shook his head.

"Just saw Jamie through the window," he said and leaned back in his chair. "Just thought I'd say hi."

"That's great," Zoey said, a lite too much enthusiasm in her voice. "I need to get home now anyway; you and Jay can continue here if you want."

I stared at her in pure terror, but she just gave me an all too happy smile and got up. She hugged me tight.

"Act now, little brother," she whispered in my ear.

I held on to her franticly.

"Damn it, Zoey! Don't you dare leave me here with him!" I hissed in a panic. "You can't do this to me!"

But she just wiggled her way out of my grasp and went for the exit, waving back at us. Something icy cold spread in my gut. I had been brutally abandoned by my own sister. Stuck with the person I least of all wanted to be with right now. I tried acting annoyed, putting my cap back on the right way and gulping down the rest of my beer.

"Did you follow me here or what?" I heard myself say.

Wow, did I just say that? Alcohol did strange stuff to me. Ash smiled.

"Let's say I did, what would you say to that?"

"That you're crazy and need to get help for it."

Ash laughed, a hoarse laugh that pulled at my heart. I balled up my fists and remembered that I still needed to use the restroom, badly. Maybe I could escape through the back door afterwards? If there was a back door. I got up.

"Need the restroom," I muttered and made my way to the restroom door.

When I was finished, I just stood there in the booth, breathing. I needed to find a way out of this. My body acted all bonkers when he was around. The problem was that my mind was too startled to be able to think of any plans. The only thing clear in my head now was his laughter, how relieved he had looked when he understood that it was my sister and not a date. How his eyes gleamed when he sat down beside me.


Oh, fuck me.

This was unbearable. I could say that I needed to get up early and just bail. That was the only thing I could come up with. If he thought I was a pussy, so be it. I didn't care. I took a deep breath and unlocked the door of the booth. A hand landed on my chest, and I was pushed inside the booth again. Ash locked the door and forced my back against the wall and looked down at me. I wanted to scream something to protest, but my mouth didn't cooperate, and my breath caught in my throat. Slowly he turned my baseball cap backwards again.

"Told you I wanted to see your eyes," he mumbled.

He was too close again. Way too close. The heat from his hand on my chest radiated through the fabric of my shirt and I could feel each finger, every single point of contact. My whole body was aware of him. But I didn't want this, I knew that. I wasn't interested, I was just jealous. I grabbed the hand he was pressing against my chest and tried to pry it off me, but he just locked my hands against the wall.

"W–what are you doing?" I managed to croak and tried to sound angry, looking up at him.

The dim light of the fluorescents outside made his eyes glimmer in a thousand shades of blue and he leaned down closer to me, his breath playing over my face, his lips almost touching mine.

So. Damn. Close.

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing?" he purred, and I felt the soft skin of his lips move against mine as he uttered the words.

The touch was light as a feather but caused an almost painful wave of desire in me that I couldn't stop. He leaned back a little, finger tracing my lips.

"Want more?"

I stared at him, wanting to say yes but I knew I should say no. I opened my mouth, about to tell him to leave me alone when he trailed his other hand on my semi-hard cock.

"F-fuck.. Yes.."

He smirked and leaned in again. The kiss was hungry, aggressive. Our tongues wrestled for dominance, he tasted like alcohol and smoke, and it made me so turned on that I moaned into his mouth. He got the upper hand and sucked in my lower lip in his mouth, biting it softly and made his way down my throat. The feeling when he licked the pit of my throat sent flashes of pleasure out in my body, straight down to my crotch and I grinded against him.

"Oh... eager baby," Ash mused and pressed me harder to the wall and let go of my hands.

I grabbed his neck and kissed him again, feeling the strands of his hair between my fingers and his tongue circling mine. He pushed his thigh between my legs, making me groan as he pressed against my hardening cock. I had never felt anything like it. Ash grabbed my belt and loosened it, moving on to the buttons in my jeans. A sudden jolt of self-doubt washed over me.

What the hell am I doing?

I broke the kiss and looked at him.

"Wait..." I panted.

Ash met my gaze and stopped unbuttoning my jeans, rubbing slow circles on my crotch.


"I-I don't know... I h-haven't done anything like th-this before..."

He smiled, and pressed harder on my crotch, pulling his hand upwards, sending another wave of pleasure crashing through me.

"I know. Just enjoy the ride. If you don't like it, we stop. Okay?"

His blue eyes boring through mine, he dragged his fingers from my crotch upwards to my nipple and flicked it. I whimpered, closing my eyes at the sensation.



Ash pulled me into a crushing kiss and all my thoughts melted into pure bliss again. But after short a moment he ended the kiss and groaned.

"Unbutton me," he breathed.

I obeyed without hesitation, finding the buttons, and prying them open one by one. When I could feel his hard cock in my hand my craving for him went through the roof. He was hard for me. Horny for me. This was completely new, and I loved the feeling of knowing that he wanted me. It made me bolder, and I stroked my fingers up his shaft, hearing him growl as he pushed himself against me, making our cocks grind together. That hot hardness, his heated sounds, everything just made me want him even more.

He wrapped my hand around both our cocks, pressing them together and placed his own hand over mine. Then he started to stroke slowly. The feeling was mind-blowing, the friction of our hands, his firm grip on my hand and the hard strokes made me groan out loud in pleasure. He cupped his other hand over my mouth and gave me a lewd smile.

"Quiet now... You know where we are..." he whispered and slid his thumb over the tip of my cock, making me shake with desire.

I moaned under his hand and couldn't stop looking at him. His eyes, the hint of black around them, his whole fucking being was oozing sex. I licked the palm of his hand, making him growl and quicken his strokes. I was about to cum, I could feel it building up all the way down to my toes and he seemed to understand it, I could feel his cock starting to swell in my hand and his breathing became erratic. He pressed his forehead to mine, pushing his hand closer over my mouth and stared into my eyes. My orgasm exploded so fiercely that my knees buckled, my vision turned all white as my cum pumped out of my jerking cock. I felt Ash cum at the same time, his whole body shivering as his cum spurted out with mine, splashing up on our chests. I clung to him with my one free arm around his neck, breathing heavily. I had never cum that hard. Ever.

Ash inhaled deeply and lifted his head, at the same time removing his hand from my mouth and released the grip on our cocks. My knees felt like jelly. His smile was radiant as he looked at me with a satiated gaze. He was utterly irresistible. But the courage I had before was gone now and I almost felt embarrassed. I didn't know why but I felt unsure of myself.

"I've been wanting to do this since the first time I saw you," Ash said. "Do you have any idea how sexy you are?"

The blush burned my cheeks. Sexy? Me? Was he insane? I couldn't even spell the word.

"I'm not sexy," I said, feeling awkward. "There must be something seriously wrong with your eyesight."

Ash cocked his head and leaned in closer to me.

"Cut it out, pretty boy," he murmured and planted a light kiss on my lips. "Haven't you looked yourself in the mirror? Just the fact that your eyes are colored amber, do you realize what that does to me? Do you understand that I don't want you to hide them?"

Amber? I couldn't help feeling flattered, but being called sexy was something totally foreign to me. And that notion made me even more insecure. Was this a good thing? How could I act normal around Ash now when we were at work?

"You're overthinking this."

Ash placed a finger under my chin, tilting my head up. That gesture resonated in me. As a man I shouldn't like it at all, it was a sign of weakness to be handled like something small. But at the same time it was so compelling to me to have another man treat me like that. A man taller than me. My feelings were in total chaos.

"I know," I admitted. "I think I need... to digest this. Feeling a little woozy, or whatever you call it."

He chuckled.

"Woozy? Is it because I'm a guy?"

"Yeah. No. I don't know. My head is kinda all over the place right now."

I grabbed a paper napkin and wiped the front of my t-shirt, thanking God that I had my hoodie in the bar outside. Ash did the same and opened the door to the booth. The restroom was empty, and I sighed in relief. It seemed like both of us had the same thought, as we both made our way to the exit. When we got out in the street and I had zipped up my hoodie, he grasped my hand.


"Yeah?" I said, tentative.

"Don't overthink this, ok? See you tomorrow."

I just nodded in a daze as we parted ways, each taking our own way .


: Thanks @BegMe_Sir for help with the editing!

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