《Her Innocent Love ✔ 'Completed'》Ch - 24 "Holding Her"


"Meet me where it all ends, I'll hold your hand And we will begin again" 

~ Unknown 

Part 24

Blaize's Pov 

I was sipping my wine silently while watching Angel who was playing with her fingers nervously.

I wonder what she is thinking, because she seems very deep in her thoughts, Adrian asked her if she's alright but she didn't even notice his question.

Kyle and Declan were discussing their new business plan while Bryan was playing on his laptop. Adrian was giving me looks to talk to her and I rolled my eyes at him. Why would I do that even? 

He shook his head and then Facepalm himself. Just then her phone rang and she jerked out of her thoughts. 

She picked it up without even seeing the called ID, but I saw it was my father. Why is he calling her now? 

"Y-yes?" She said nervously.

I don't know what dad had said to her but just then tears started to escape her eyes and a smile started to appear on her face.

"Really? Like really really?" She asked with her voice cracking. After this everyone's attention in the car was on her. 

She nodded her head and cut the call after saying "Okey, I'm coming, I'm coming" 

Her phone beeped and she checked the message then looked at me. "B-Blaize, please take me there?" She showed me her phone and I saw the address, it's our family hospital. 

Why does she want to go there? Tears were continually flowing down her eyes.

"Why would I do that?" The smile left her face at my question. 

"Please, please Blaize I need to be there right now please" she pleaded like she was desperate to go there. 

I wanted to take her there but decided against it because I wanted my heart to believe that I don't care about her, so I shook my head at her with a glare. 

"I have no time for this stupidity" 

She pleaded with her eyes then looked at Adrian "Ad-Adrian please, please take me there, I need to go there right now please, I'll do anything you say, just please I'm begging you" my heart felt a very sharp pain at her begging for something from someone. 

I was about to tell the driver when Adrian said first "you don't need to beg for anything Angel" he took the phone from her and told the address to the driver.

"Is everything okay?" Declan asked her. 

"Yes finally, everything is okay" she said with tears filled eyes and a smile on her face. "Thank you so much God" she said closing her eyes and joining her hands. 

Driver said we reached and she didn't wait for a second but dashed into the hospital. "We should check on her" Adrian said and I was about to deny when I saw Chris's car there, what is he doing here? 


"Yeah I should definitely check what's happening inside there" I said and followed her inside. 

I was quite shocked at her hugging dad, who was patting her head softly. "Are-are you telling the truth? Operation was successful?" He nodded his head and showed her inside the room. 

He was about to say something but Angel just dashed into the room. She is behaving like a kid who is going to get his favourite candy after such a long time. 

"What's going on here?" I said making my presence known. Dad sighed looking at me there and walked out passing me silently. 

I looked at Chris for answers and then looked inside the room. I froze when I saw who's inside the room. 

Layla (Angel's mother) lying on the bed unconscious. 

What? How is this even possible? She should be in Paris, so what is she doing here? I looked at Chris. "Layla? She supposed to be in Paris? What happened to her?" I asked him, confused. 

"She has been in a coma for 5 years now, precisely since she landed in Newyork. When Angel and her mother came Newyork, they had an accident at the airport. Layla was badly injured and has been in a coma and since then Angel is working hard to save her mother." The information Chris gave shook me to the core. 

"Even on mother's day, I was in that same hospital for my weekly checkup and saw her crying. There we got to know that layla had a serious heart attack and needed an urgent heart surgery or else she could die" Adrian cut off Benny in the middle.

"Wait a minute, she was not in the hospital that day, she was with her son. We heard his voice on call" I wanted to ask the same but my voice is lost right now. 

"Huh? No she was in hospital with me, but yeah when I saw her she was on call and there was a boy sitting beside her but soon his mother came and took him with her" I look at her speechless. 

It means she was worried that day for layla and that someone special is her mother. Dammit why couldn't I think of that. And why didn't she tell me that?

"So how did marriage come in between?" I asked with a small voice. 

" Doctor said the operation would cost 22.5 million dollars and where would she get that money? So I took her to dad's office because I knew he would help her. But I didn't know he would ask her to marry you in return" she told me how dad made excuses for money and she had no other option than agreeing with him. 

I remember my behaviour yesterday with her and I felt my heart getting heavy and heavy with guilt. Dammit, she could have told me. 


My thoughts were cut off in the middle when I heard Angel's yelling. "Mom? Why aren't you replying? I - I know you need rest but please just once wake up and talk to me, I'm dying to hear your voice mom" she said desperately and shook layla hard. 

Nurse held her hand and tried to pull her out of the room. "Ma'am please, the patient need rest" 

"No, no please just once I want to hear her please" Angel said and tried to free her hand from the nurse. 

"She won't ma'am, she is still in Coma" that made her stop. She looked at the nurse in confusion. 

"But the doctor said there were 50% chances for her to wake up," Angel said in a small voice and I could feel the storm coming.

"What's happening here? The patient needs rest so please leave her alone" Doctor said when he saw the fuss in the room. 

When Angel saw the doctor, she came to him and held his collar. "Why did you lie to me? You said she will wake up, why did you lie? Why? Why?" I gasped and tried to pull her to me, but she had a very tight grip. 

"I-I thought she would wake up, how could you not wake her up?" She still didn't let him go. 

"Angel, let go of him" But she didn't listen to anyone. I shook her hard and yelled "Calm down yourself Angel" 

She left his collar and looked at me with wide eyes. Unexpectedly she hugged me tight and sobbed uncontrollably. 

I took a seat then pulled her on my lap and secured her in my arms while she cried like there was no tomorrow. I rubbed her back to calm her down but she just sobbed. 

"It was all my fault, it was all my fault, Nothing would have happened to mom if I hadn't asked her to leave Paris," I wanted to ask her why she did that, but I didn't because I wanted her to calm down. 

I brushed her hair gently and wiped her tears. "It's okay, it's okay Angel" Then kissed her head. 

She looked up at me and the pain in her eyes broke my heart. I wanted to take all of her pain. "Blaize, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, if I could just listen to you, only if I could" Again she buried her head in my chest and cried. 

Is she guilty of what she did? That she betrayed me? That's why she is sorry. I looked at my friends and Adrian smiled at me while giving me a look.

I really don't know what I should do, should I forgive her? But she didn't even confess that she is sorry for betraying me. 

Maybe I'll forgive her but not until she confesses to me of what she did. 

I kept brushing her back softly and kissed her head. 

I felt her sobs calm down and her breathing got even. Her habit hasn't changed, she always sleeps after crying her eyes out. 

I held her in bridal style and she hid her face in my neck while I carried her outside. 

"Where are you going?" I stopped and turned to look at Chris. 

"She needs rest so I'm taking her to my penthouse" he shook his head and led me outside while everyone followed. 

"You and her both will be staying with us in the mansion, dad asked me to bring you there and her stuff is already at the mansion." I wanted to argue but then thought against it because Angel looked so tired. 

My friends went in limo while I joined Chris and Benny in their car. 

I looked at Angel on my lap, her head was buried in my neck and I pulled her closer to me. 

I wanted to protect her from every painful thing from this world and I know that I still have feelings for her but I need time to understand her. 

I need time to figure out either she is guilty on her betrayal or she is just caring for her mother. I don't want my heart to break again. 

After reaching the mansion I took her to my room because Chris said her stuff is set into my room. I froze when I saw the room, it was decorated with roses and fragrant candles. 

Ignoring everything I laid her on the bed and took off her heels and opened her hairs. I know it would be uncomfortable sleeping with so many pins on her head, and decided to leave her dress as it is. 

After tugging her in, I brushed her baby hairs away from her face. She looked so innocent and peaceful that made me feel if I'm doing any mistakes by hurting her. 

But reality is cruel, even if I still have feelings for her, it still didn't change the fact what she did, and I won't forgive her until she confesses.

I sighed and made my way to the guest room. 

I wish we could be normal Angel, I want to be happy too, but I don't trust you enough that you'll return my love too or not. 

With so many confusing and painful thoughts I went to sleep, but that night sleep was far from my eyes. 

Especially after knowing about Layla, I want her to wake up too, so I can ask how she could let her daughter betray me, when I treated her with nothing but like mom. 

I hope she will wake up soon. 






Author's Note

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