《Her Innocent Love ✔ 'Completed'》Ch - 22 "Marriage"


"The goal in marriage is not to think Alike, But to think Together"

~ Robert C Dodds 

Part 22

Angel's Pov.

"Angel, you still have time to think about it" Kate said standing behind me, she was brushing my hairs while I was just looking into the mirror blankly.

"No Kate, I already signed the papers, now I can't back out. I can't even break off this marriage later. I'm doing all this for mom" she signed and made a messy Bun hairstyle for my hair. 

Ray entered with a colorful bouquet in his hand "you know, if you weren't going to destroy your life, I would say you are looking most gorgeous girl I have ever seen" he said passing me a sad smile and handing me the flowers. 

"Oh you mean, I am not beautiful?" Kate asked him with a playful glare. 

"What? I didn't mean it in that way" Ray said with a worried look. 

Kate laughed and held his hand. "I was kidding idiot"

I smiled at them then looked into the mirror again. I was wearing a knee length wedding dress. The dress was off shoulder and puffed arms. I was feeling a little exposed because I don't wear dresses like these, But this dress is gifted by Benny and I didn't want to disrespect her so I had to accept it.

(Angel's Dress, .... ps. The girl in the picture isn't Angel :)))

"I know whatever you are doing, it's for your mom. But Angel I don't think your mom will be happy to see you killing your happiness for her" I shook my head at Ray's words. 

"No Ray, my happiness is when mom wakes up and starts talking to me again. I don't care whether she scolds me or what. But I just want her to wake up. And at that time I thought this is the only option I had, plus she is going to have surgery today and the doctor said if the operation will be successful then there is 50% chances for her to wake up." 

"But what if the operation won't be su-" I cut Kate off in middle words. 

"Don't say that please Kate, just the thought shatters my soul" she nodded and hugged me tightly.

"You know, I'm gonna miss you staying in this apartment," she said with a sad smile. 

"Think it as a positive way, you are going to get your alone time with Ray" she laughed and shook her head.

"God, you and your positive thoughts, don't forget to call me every day and please promise me you won't hide anything from me, even if it's a tiniest thing" I nodded my head at her and we made our way out to her car. 

Ray was driving the car and Kate was sitting by his side while I sat in the back. We all were heading to the small church where the wedding will take place. 

It will be a small wedding with only family members. Kate and Ray are the only family I have after mom, so I asked Ray to walk me to the aisle and he happily said yes. He always treats me like his little sister. 

"We are here" Kate said and they got out of the car and Ray opened the door for me. 

My heart was thumping really hard, I always wished for this day to come, marrying with Blaize but I didn't know it would happen in such circumstances.


I was tempted to get into the car again and drove away, because I'm scared. 

After yesterday I knew, Blaize's hate toward me has no limit at all. It really hurt to hear what he thought of me. I'm nothing for him but a Bitch, whore, gold-digger and a wrench. 

I don't even know what'd I do to deserve this all, but then again my heart still beats for him only. 

I should be ashamed of myself for how I could still love a man who hates me with every fibre in him. But still I want to know the reason for his hate. 

I want to take all his stress, anger, hate away and fill his life with just happiness but how could I do it if he won't allow me to pass the bridge of his heart.

I'm very confused on which path my life is going but I'm happy that mom will be okay soon. 

"Hey wake up from your daydream, come on, they are waiting for you." Ray said, smiling at me. He extended his arm to me and I wrapped my hands around his right arm. 

There was no music, no decorations, it felt so depressing but it's not like I was walking to my happiness or anything. 

Walking inside I saw Chris, Benny and Christian sitting on the few available chairs with Kyle and Declan, they all stood up when they noticed Me walking. 

Bryan and Adrian were standing near Blaize whispering something in his ears. 

I thought my heart was going to jump out of my ribcage the way it was thumping.

Just by looking at Blaize, everything went blurry, he was in black tuxedo, and white shirt. 

His hairs were slicked back, his eyes were sharp as the storm raging in them. His jaw was sharpened then the knife as he looked freshly shaved. 

He was looking very handsome yet very Angry. I know how angry he was for marrying me. 

I remember his words from yesterday. He not just hated me but he loathed me. It really hurts to see the person you only love that you are the only person whom he hates that much. 

His face had a scrowl when I reached him and Ray extended my hand toward him.

"Please take care of her, not only her name is Angel, but she is herself a very kind Angel, please don't let anyone hurt her" he said gently and Blaize's face turned red in anger. I could see how much he was trying to control. 

The wedding ceremony started but I was lost in my own world, my thoughts wandered to what is going to happen now. 

Will he torture me after our marriage, I can tell he will try his very best to make my life hell, to make me end this marriage, but I can't and most importantly will I able to bear all his torture? 

I know Blaize will never going to hurt me physically like Ian did, I trust him more then anyone in that case but Blaize had hurt me emotionally and he always succeeded in it, so how long will I able to bear his emotional torture? 

God, I just hope today mom's operation will get successful and she wakes up, I need her more than anything now. She will talk to Blaize. 

I jumped as priest said loudly to me,"Do you take Blaize Charles William as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" I think he was annoyed to repeat it again and again because I was lost in my thoughts. 


I looked over at Blaize who glared at me openly. My heart again beats faster than bullet train, I had to take a deep breath to control my erratic heart and breaths. 

I gulped then nodded "I-I do" I looked down because I didn't want to see more of his glare.

"Do you take Angelina Hughes as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" He asked to Blaize's this time. 

He rolled his eyes then glared at his father who passed him a wink in return.

"I do," He said with gritted teeth.

Then we exchanged the rings, he held my hand harshly and put the ring in my ring finger. It left the little scratch. 

Even if the scratch was little but It made a deep fear in my heart, will Blaize able to harm me physically too? Did I make any mistakes by trusting him too? 

I jumped out of my scary thoughts as Benny passed me the ring, I held his hand with my shaky one and ever slowly put the ring in his ring finger.

Then we both signed the legal documents of our marriage certificate and the priest pronounced us husband and wife. 

My hands started to sweat when he came closer to kiss me. 

It's not like we never kiss, but that time and this time was different.

He again harshly lifted my hand and kissed it. It didn't feel wrong, it means whatever he does, my heart will always love him. 

I just hope everything will go fine soon. But I wonder how long I will be able to hold this hope. 

We both walked to where everyone stood and clapped. 

I could see the scrowl on the face of Kyle, Declan, Chris and Bryan while Adrian and Christian had a small smile on his face.

Benny had a huge smile on her face, "Welcome to the family Angel" she gave me a very tight hug.

Kate also came forward and gave me a big hug. "God I can't believe my little Angel got married, I'm gonna miss you Angel" I saw tears in her eyes for the first time. "I'll miss you too, Kate," I said as tears escaped my eyes too. 

"Okay, we gotta move now, the gala is going to start in 4 hours and Angel needs time to get ready." Benny said holding my hands. 

"Oh my god I'm gonna see her in make up finally, I'm definitely gonna help you in it" my jaw dropped on Kate's words, how could she? She didn't look like she just cried right now. 

I'm definitely not going to do any make ups, if they force me then I'm gonna make fuss on it. I made up my mind on it and glared at Kate who laughed at my glare. 

Do I look funny? 

I turned to look at Blaize, who was glaring at me, should I also laugh at him? Or doesn't he have any more expression?

I sighed and walked out with Benny and Kate, while they took me to some designer parlour.




After 2 hours I got to know the most deadly combination on earth is Benny and Kate together. 

I got to know the parlour has a boutique in the background which contains only designer dresses. 

The dresses were so fluffy, colorful and so Uhm what can I say? Designer? Which I didn't like. I always like simple things. 

It's been two hours and they still didn't find any dress for me, which is really funny to see how many beautiful dresses were there and they still didn't find the right one. 

I tried my very very best to not to think about Blaize and mom, I just wish for everything to go back to normal.

Then I saw this red dress, it was really simple with no glittering and net pattern. I took the dress in my hand and the fabric was really soft. 

I told them that I want to wear this simple dress and they agreed because according to them the dress screams Angel. 

I looked at them like they had grown two heads. How can a dress scream even? 

I shook my head at them, just then 4 females came towards me and pulled me to the vanity chair. 

They said I had very long hair and I should get a good haircut. Instantly I clutched my hair away from them and told them not to touch my hair again. 

Only when Kate promised me that they won't cut my hair then I let them continue my hairstyle. 

They decided to make a messy Bun of my hair, and so many tendrils to fall.

They put so much makeup Equipment on the table and I gasped in horror. Again I made a fuss for makeup but they promised to use as much minimal make up as possible. 

There were only 10 minutes left for the gala to start when I got ready completely.

I don't know why they took so much effort to make me ready, it's not like there will be any happy moments or Blaize will even look at me with any other expression than hate?

I shook my head and looked myself into the mirror finally. I gasped at my reflection. I was actually looking very beautiful like those models in the fashion show, they did some smokey eyes makeup to me and dark red lipstick, my hairs look very beautiful with red roses in them. 

In accessories I wore diamond earrings and necklaces after 100 requests from Benny and I made her promise to take them back from me. 

I don't want to take any of her stuff especially if it is this valuable, but in return she made me promise to wear high heels, and I'm sure that I'm gonna make myself a joke when I'll trip in these heels. 

After getting ready we made our way to Benny's car and she drove to the venue, which was going to be held in Declan's most famous restaurant in Newyork.

I was very scared to go because my mind was more worried as I knew mom was in a surgery right now, I crossed my fingers in hope she will be alright. 

Please mom you need to be alright for me, I'm finally married to blaize, you need to know this, you need to talk to Blaize on why is he treating me this way, why does he hate me so much? I have no answers to all these questions.

I just need you mom, I need my support back, I wish Blaize could be like before too, that loving, kind and gentle person.

I wish....





Author's Note

Hope you guys like this chapter.

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