《Her Innocent Love ✔ 'Completed'》Ch - 16 "Flashback/4"


"Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes, and roll down my cheeks."

~ Unknown 

Part 16 

Angel's Pov. (Age 16)


Angel, when are you coming home?" Mom asked sweetly. 

"I'm on my way mom, don't worry about me, I'm a big girl now" I said giggling to which she chuckled. 

"Sweetie, you can get as big as you want, but for me, you'll always be my little Angel running around in two piggies" she said, making me laugh. 

"Okey mom, I'll talk to you when I'm home" I cut the call and waited for the bus. I texted blaize about my day to which he replied immediately making me giggle.

'How was your day?' I asked him. 

'Very bad, I missed you the whole day.' He replied with a sad emoticon.

'I miss you too Blaize, when will you come here' I asked sadly.

'We will not be getting holiday before Christmas, I'll not be able to come Angel, maybe next year' He replied making me more sad.

'It's ok, you can enjoy Christmas with your family, I'll also celebrate it with mom' I texted. 

We talked in text messages till my stop came. After saying bye to him, I entered my street, it'll be just a 5 minute walk.

It's been months since blaize went back to Newyork, I miss him really much, school isn't the same as before now, I miss Chris calling me cupcake, I miss everything. 

Mom said everything will be fine, that time will pass out soon but days are passing like years without Blaize here. 

I don't talk with anyone in school, I'm known for being a silent girl, No one even tried to come to me for a talk or anything because they think I'm a weird girl. 

Just two months ago, there was this boy who came into our school, Alex Ian Parker, he is a transfer student. 

On his first day, he asked me the way to the office which I gladly showed him. Since then, he started to talk with me and even at lunch, we sat together. 

But when I told blaize about him he said, I shouldn't talk to him because he is a stranger and he doesn't trust that guy. 


So I told Ian that I wouldn't talk to him because I already have a boyfriend, who wouldn't like it if I spend my time with strangers. 

I asked mom about this but she said, I should do what my heart wants. So I decided to do as Blaize said, because he is everything to me after mom. 

Ian didn't persuade me any further and we stopped sitting together.


When I reached home, my brows furrowed in confusion, because there was a very shiny car parked outside our house. I'm not good at cars so don't know about the name. 

I shrugged and entered, "Mom I'm home and very hungry so--" my voice was struck in my throat when I saw 3 people sitting with mom. 

But I can clearly recognise one, which is Ian.

"Ian?" I asked in confusion. He smiled at me and said "Hey Angel, it's nice to meet you too after school" 

"You two know each other" Mom asked and we nodded. "Yeah he is my classmate, Ian" I answered her with the hint in my eyes, which she understood and made an O face. 

"Okay, let me introduce you to my lovely daughter" Mom is always sweet with everyone. "Angel, this is Mrs Clara Parker and this is her husband, Mr Aaron Parker, and you know his brother already... and people she is the most precious treasure in my life. My daughter, Angelina Hughes" she said with a very proud voice. 

I smiled and hugged her. "Why are they here mom?" 

"Angel, Clara is here for her treatment, it's been 6 years of their marriage but they weren't able to conceive." She explained to me her problem, Clara's walls swelled due to which she couldn't conceive a baby, but she can be alright with the treatment.

"So what do you want my help with?" I asked her. 

"Actually, she needed a nurse to take care of her at home, her eating schedule and medicine. Even if they have a maid, she needs someone who can take very good care of her. And since it's your holiday till new year, you can do that job" she explained. 

"But what about your nurses at the hospital?" I asked, it's not like I don't want to do that job, I'm just nervous. 


"They are all busy taking care of other patients dear, plus I want you to go out and experience some work" she told me. 

"Okay then, I'll do the job" I said smiling, even if Clara is 10 year older than me, we will still be good sisters. 


It's going to be Christmas tomorrow and I'm very excited about it, because I'm going to celebrate it with Clara, Aaron and Ian. 

Yes I've been taking care of her for a month, her medicine, her food timing, and everything else. Mom said she is recovering very fast and I'm doing a very good job. 

Aaron is a very gentle person, who loves his wife intensely. He also treats me like his little sister. Sometimes I imagine myself and Blaize together like them.

It makes me really happy that after next year, we will be together again. 

Clara and I also become sisters. I can share everything with her, even though I'm a very introverted girl, but she can read me like an open book. 

They all knew about Blaize too because the whole day I talked about Blaize like every time. 

Ian and I also became good friends, we again started sitting together at school, he even dropped me at home and I started to trust him, not like Blaize but like a good friend.

I told Blaize about my job and he is happy with it, but still asked me to be careful. I didn't tell him about Ian because I don't want him to get angry. I didn't lie to him but neither did I tell the truth. I know it is wrong.

I told mom about this, she said if I'm not doing anything wrong, then there is no need to feel bad. Because Blaize will always hold my heart no matter who comes in my life or not.

Oh Blaize, when will we meet again, I miss your touches, your gorgeous eyes-- my thoughts were interrupted my Ian. "Lina?" Yes he likes to call me lina.

I was standing outside his mansion, yes their house is really big, I was so awed at first but now I'm used to it. 

I ran to him and hugged him really tight. Yes, the news is worth it. "Lina, will you stop grinning like Christmas lights and tell me the good news that you were talking about?" He asked when I untangled myself from him. 

"Oh God Ian I'm so happy that I want to shout all over the world." I replied, yes I'm that happy, told you I'm so excited for Christmas this year.

"Will you cut this suspense and say something?" He asked impatiently.

I giggled and brought out the white stick from my pocket. It will make him really happy. 

"See, it's positive, the pregnancy test is positive" I replied in a very loud voice.

The joy and happiness on his face made me more happy. Finally Clara's treatment was successful and she was able to conceive a baby. Yeyyyy I'm so happy.

"Really? This is the best thing I have ever heard" he hugged me very tight. "Come let's go inside, I already called mom and she is so happy and said this is the best Christmas gift for her." I said and pulled him inside the mansion.

Clara is so happy that she is crying like a baby in Aaron's arms. Of courses pregnancy hormones. 

She is one and half weeks pregnant and we need to be more careful now for her and also the baby. 

We enjoyed our Christmas very joyfully, but Clara needed a complete bed rest so she stayed in her room with Aaron. 

I'm so happy that God finally gave them the happiness of becoming parents.

I just wish that Blaize could be here so I could enjoy much more with him. Oh god, with this news I forgot to tell Blaize about this. 

I called him immediately but the line was dead, strange. I called many times but still the line was dead. 

I texted him multiple times but no response. I told mom, she said it must be the network issue, so I brushed it off. 

I'll tell him tomorrow, he'll be so happy.







But I wasn't aware of the storm coming right at me, in the face of heartbreak. 





Author's Note

Hope you guys like this chapter.

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