《The Wedding Plan》Chapter 21


And then again, Eleanor was left waiting for her date. But she arrived a few minutes earlier, which meant that Sebastian could, perhaps, still arrive on time.

Sebastian arrived just five minutes later than the time they had agreed on. Which meant they still had five minutes before the show started, since Eleanor planned that ahead in case he was as late as always.

'You almost made it in time.' She smiled. 'Hurry, the play will begin shortly.'

She placed her hand on his arm and guided him inside the theater.

'I promise next time, I'll be early.'

'Better not dream too big, on time is enough. But for now, at least your effort counts. I mean it. So please, don't look so down, I understand that you are a busy person, you don't need to try so hard, you own me nothing.'

'Actually, I do.'

'You know what I mean.'

Two hours flew by in each other's company, with the help of a very well written political satire play, full of sarcasm and humor and mischief.

'So, what did you think?' she asked. 'I know it isn't the type of show that you're probably used to, but I thought they were pretty funny and talented. I had never watched them before, and I was pleasantly surprised.'

'It was very good. To be honest, I wasn't excepting it. For a recent amateur group their acting was amazing and whoever wrote the scrip as a mordacious and dark sense of humor that is quite enjoyable, at least for my taste. It was a nice evening. Thank you for bringing me.'

'You're welcome.'

She blushed and tugged a streak of hair behind her ear looking at their feet, realizing how slowly they're walking down the street, as if they were trying to make it longer, as if that could help them stretch the evening just a little more.


They agreed to keep some distance between them, but they were failing at carrying out their own rule.

Eleanor's apartment was nearby, so Sebastian insisted on walking her home, and this time she decided she should give in to his request. They walked side by side, at the same pace, without exchanging any words.

They were both thinking the same thing. They were both thinking that they seemed like two teenagers walking side by side with their crush. Not knowing what to say to each other, afraid of saying the wrong thing, hearts racing, nervous looks, butterflies in the stomach...

Sebastian realized he had never spent that much time trying to get to know someone, especially women, even though they only knew each other for a few of days. He wasn't the womanizer he was described as, but he was also not a saint.

Somehow, Eleanor was changing the way he saw and understood his relationship with other people. Before, he never cared much for others outside his family, and he never wanted to know more about others. He was always somewhat indifferent to people.

'We are here,' she announced.

He stepped out of his mind and into the present moment, looked at her, and got ready to say goodbye, even though he didn't want to.

On a whim, he hugged her tightly, leaving her speechless.

'Sebastian—' her voice was low. She felt like she couldn't even speak.

'Just let me stay like this for a few more seconds,' he begged.

Eleanor's heart was pounding like crazy. She could feel his warmth, his smell... and how good did he smell.

As he finally let go of her, he moved one hand to her waist and the other to her face. With his thumb he caressed her cheek, his hand pulling her face towards his as he narrowed the space between their bodies.


For a second, Eleanor's mind went blank. He was going to kiss her, and she didn't know what to do. Not that she didn't want to, but that would have made things a lot more complicated for them. And yet she didn't move a single inch. She didn't push him away.

'I don't think this is a good idea.' She had trouble speaking. Her voice did not seem to want to come out. 'This was what I meant the other day, Sebastian.'

'Damn it. You are right. I'm sorry,' he agreed as he stepped away and ran his fingers through his thick hair. 'I'm sorry. Good night.'

Eleanor watched him walk away as she processed what almost happened. She now knew for sure that Larissa was right in warning her. Maybe I should break our agreement now, before it is too late. She thought and walked into her apartment, still feeling Sebastian's arms around her, his heat, his hand on her cheek and his gaze piercing her.

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