《The Wedding Plan》Chapter 3


 With a timid smiled, she nodded, and Sebastian walked away. Eleanor looked at the business card while he walked away, and her heart skipped a beat as she came to her senses.

She wanted to work at Crain so badly, but she had just fell on her ass in front the new CEO. This has to be a bad omen. A sigh from the universe. I'm doomed. She yelled in her head.

Sebastian's meeting did not go according to plan. Mr. Montgomery wasn't at all impressed and refused to sign a contract with Crain Enterprises. After leaving the meeting, he looked around for the coffee girl, but she was nowhere to be found. He hoped she had left to go see a doctor. But she hadn't called. He wondered if she was going to. He certainly hoped so.

Eleanor was in the hospital waiting room. The doctor had already looked at her ankle and told her she would recover in no time, as long as she didn't strain it. As she waited for her ride home, she contemplated the card that the handsome wall had given her. She wondered if she should call him or not; he seemed genuinely concerned.

As she pondered what she should do, her eyes glanced to the side and saw the magazine the lady next to her was reading. On the cover was Sebastian Crain, with an apparently drunk model in his arms.

Eleanor laughed at herself for being so gullible. So, these must be his true colors. She said to herself. Now she knew that she should definitively not call him. In her eyes, Sebastian seemed like a decent enough person, but now she had her doubts. She would not associate herself with him.

The best thing to do was for her to just bury what happened in the back of her mind. Forget that she ever met him face to face and focus on her current goal. To work at Crain Enterprises. Regardless of who was the current CEO of Crain, it was still an excellent company, and Sebastian Crain certainly seemed too busy to even remember her. So, she had nothing to worry about.


In her head, Eleanor cursed the handsome wall. Everything in her life was going smoothly until she tried to walk into the same elevator as Sebastian Crain.


Right before the internship at Montgomery Consulting ended, Eleanor applied to one at Crain Enterprises and the reply had just arrived. She looked at the screen with her hands shaking before opening the email.

Taking a deep breath, she clicked on it. Her heart stopped. The email had the news she desperately wanted to hear. She was ecstatic. Smiling from ear to ear at the screen in front of her, she read the email over and over to make sure that it was true. She needed to be sure that she had not misinterpreted it.

Congratulations Eleanor Montgomery. We are pleased to announce that you have been accepted into the Crain Enterprises' Internship Program. We look forward to working with you.

She was now part of the Crain's internship program. Only a select few got in, and the ones that did would most likely be offered a permanent position after the experimental period. This was it. Her hard work was paying off.

Suddenly she felt something else crawling its way through her happiness. Her path to happiness had just hit a wall. Sebastian Crain invaded her thoughts once again. She would work close to him. He probably doesn't remember it. It was three months ago. She told herself over and over. In a few days, she would start working at Crain, and that was all that mattered.

If she stuck with her life's plan, success would be closer each day. Nothing was going to stray her away from her dream career and from reaching her full potential. No distractions, your goal is right up ahead.

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