《Nicknames》Chapter 36 ~ Finally




Tucking her head into the side of my neck she hides from the sun and holds me tightly. If I'm being honest, I love when she does that. It's cute as hell. But we do have to go to work.

"I'll make breakfast, Sunshine. Get dressed."

I slide out of bed only to have Luna follow me, stepping in front of me and stopping me in my tracks. "You know you've taken my virginity now, so I'm allowed to be clingy."

Smirking, I lift her into my arms. "Don't play with me, Luna. I will bend you over the vanity and fuck you while we both brush our teeth."

"Is that supposed to be a warning or a promise?" She teases back.

Oh, fuck me. Who the hell knew that Luna could match my libido? I get to have this? Is she really mine?

"Yes, I am," she responds to my question as she hops down. "I'll go get dressed and meet you downstairs."

I watch her naked form walk off and immediately already want her back in her so I can do what I said I would. Maybe we should quit our jobs and just make love to each other for the rest of our lives. How the hell did I survive two years?

Shaking my head in an attempt to clear it, I head to my bathroom to get ready. 30 minutes later I'm dressed in a typical button-up and slacks. Another 15 minutes pass before Luna meets me downstairs for breakfast. Today I just decided to make omelets. It was quick, which means I could make enough time to take this woman on the counter.

She comes down dressed in simple jeans and a long sleeve top. Her curly hair is up in a bun and instead of contacts, she wears her glasses. Cute little nerd.


"Thank you, Baby."

"You're welcome, sweetiekins."

Her steps falter and she stares at me with a dropped jaw as I fork a piece of my omelet into my mouth. I actually thought that one was a pretty good nickname. She shakes her head and sits down next to me, taking her food and digging in.

"What's it going to take for you to stop with the nicknames?" She sighs.

I shake my head. "No amount of money, food, or sex will make me stop coming up with cute little nicknames for my lover."

"When we have kids you'll have to stop. I don't want our kids calling me Tibble Nits or some shit like that."

"Tibble Nits?" What the fuck? I would think by now she would acknowledge that my nicknames are somewhat cute. "What the fuck is Tibble Nits?"

She bursts into laughter and I can't help but smile. She's so fucking adorable. Gripping her chin, I place a soft kiss on her lips. "I want our kids to have your laugh."

A cute giggle leaves her mouth and she puckers her lips for another kiss. I give it to her. When she pulls back she searches my eyes. "I want our kids to have your eyes."

"But I'm obsessed with yours," I whisper back with another kiss on her lips.

Pulling back she smiles down at her plate and forks more of her omelet into her mouth. "I think we can agree that we will love them no matter what."

"Yes ma'am."

I finish the last of my omelet and put the plate in the sink. Luna follows walking around the island and stepping in front of me. I can't resist the urge to send a smack to her ass. She glares up at me and shakes her head as she beings to clean the two plates and two utensils.


"Bun Bun—"

"NO! NO! NO! Stop right there, Carter." She passes me the dishes, a completely petrified look on her face.

I'm assuming that name was not one of her favorites. Smirking, I pass her a towel to dry her hands as I pick up another one to dry the dishes.

"I'm headed to the car," she calls out picking up her thermos and satchel.

What! "Luna, we still have a whole hour before work. I want you on this counter, stripped and legs spread."

"What did you just say?"

Putting the dish away I walk over to her. "I've wanted to say that to you for two years, Babygirl. Now do me a favor and strip."

"Oh, you're Mr. Dominant now?" She teases.

I stare at her. "Luna," I deadpan.

She shakes her head. "I just got dressed like 30 minutes ago, Carter!"

I shrug. "Fine, drop your pants and I'll bend you over the couch. I'm not picky baby, I'll take you wherever."


"It's a compromise!"

I don't think she understands what she released last night. 2 years of built-up sexual tension. She opened the fucking gate and now the monster wants out and inside of her! Fuck I'm so hard.

Her eyes fall to the tightness in my slacks before she looks back up at me from her lashes. Fuck. I snatch her neck and glare down at her as I try to hold on to my sanity.

"Baby, I love you. I need you to beg me to bend you over that couch and fuck you," I growl through my teeth.

She bites her lips, so I claim them for myself.

"Please," she whispers breathlessly.

"What?" I grunt.

Her eyes lock with mine. "Bend me over the couch and fuck me!"

I thought you would never ask! Kissing her with no restraint I push her over to the couch, working the buttons on her jeans as we move. She moans into my mouth and the second her ass hits the back of the couch I lose all restraint.

Tugging her pants down, I find she's not wearing anything underneath. "Carter fuck me!"

Ok Baby. I won't make you beg anymore. "Turn around and bend over," I command as I drop my pants.

She listens and fear hits me because there is a chance that I will only last 10 minutes. Dear lord just gives me 30.

Positioning myself at her entrance I give her one last warning, before thrusting into her. She cries out and reaches her hand behind her. I clasp her hand and pin it to her back.

"Harder!" She moans.

Fuck I'll be lucky if I last 5 minutes.

Gripping her throat, I pull her to my chest. "Fuck Luna."

She matches me thrust for thrust. Her other hand slips down to work her clit. With my hand still around her neck, I slip my finger into her mouth and tug on her jaw.

"I'm so close," she cries.

I think I'm closer.

My eyes roll back as the warmth envelops me. My dick tightens, but I'm not pulling back this time. Bending her back over I rim her tight hole with my thumb. I come undone at the sight, spilling in her.

My thumb slips in and she cries out convulsing around my dick as she cums on me.

"Thank you," she moans falling limp.

Chuckling, I instruct her to go to the bathroom before we head out for work. I clean up myself, then wait for her to return.

"Compromise," she sighs. "I like compromise."

I smirk and pass her, her satchel and thermos then guide her out the door. Now it's time for work.

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