《Nicknames》Chapter 19 ~ LIV



Rolling over in bed, I look at the time to find it ten minutes past twelve. I've never slept this late.

Just as I sit up, Carter comes into the room with a plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and potatoes. "Good morning, Sleepy. I was gonna get worried if you weren't awake by the time I came back."

I smile as he comes up to the bed and sets the plate down before pulling back the covers and climbing in with me. Crossing my legs, I stretch then brush wild hair out of my face, ready to eat.

He passes me my food and a large glass of ice water. I gladly take the water and relieve my morning thirst, then I dig in because I am starving. Carter begins to get up, but I take his wrist and stop him.

"Stay with me, please?" I ask softly.

He nods and settles back, picking up the remote and turning on the tv. I eat and watch a movie, with Carter stealing bites of my food every now and then.

After finishing my food, I slide into Carter's arms and manage to fall back asleep. It's been a long few days and I'm so tired after everything that's been happening. I wish things would go back to normal and at the same time I don't because ignoring what's happening is unhealthy.

I wake up in between Carter's legs, curled into him as he watches television. Stealing his attention, I slide my fingers underneath his shirt, tracing my fingers over the taut muscles. He hums and brings his hand up to the back of my neck and gently begins to rub his thumb under my ear. When he looks down at me, I melt into him. I love this man.

"Anna texted," he whispers. "She wanted us to go to the club."

"What did you reply?" I ask.

"I text back, 'OMG, that sounds great."

I smile up at him. "What did she reply?"

"OMG yay! See you at LIV. 8:00 Babe."

Sounds about right. I guess we should do something productive with the day, but I don't really want to. I prefer to stay like this with my wonderful man who confuses every emotion within me. Fear, love, anger.

Turning, I tilt my head into his neck, taking his ear between my teeth and dragging my tongue along the shell of it. Carter groans and pulls me away, looking into my eyes and shaking his head. "Luna don't do that."

He's right. I climb out of his lap and settle next to him, resting my head on his shoulder and resting my hand on his thigh. Carter sighs and places his head on top of mine, watching movies with me until it's time to get dressed for the club.

At exactly 7:00 Carter leaves the bed to get dressed and I do the same. Once I've done everything in the bathroom, I head back out into my bedroom and slip on the clothes I laid out. A black lace thong followed by the short as hell dress that Anna picked out when we went to the mall yesterday. The hot pink satin dress with a square neck and open back hugs every single curve, held together by thin ties that cross behind my back before tying.

With the dress on, I turn on my music and head back into the bathroom to fix my hair. The first song that plays makes me smile. A year ago Carter added, "Love is Strange by Sylvia and Mickey". I laugh as it plays and pull my hair up into a high ponytail with loose tendrils falling.


I just finish my hair when it gets to my favorite part and Carter walks into the bathroom and leans against the doorway.


"Yes, Mickey?" I tease.

"How do you call your loverboy?" He says with the song.


Carter advances stepping up behind me as I apply my lipstick in the mirror. "And if he doesn't answer?"

"Oh, lover boy!"

"And if he still doesn't answer?"

I spin around to him and sing the next part as Carter places his hands on my waist and sways with me to the music. It's moments like these that make it really hard to be angry with Carter. I imagine it's the same for him. He's my best friend and I love every moment that I spend with him.

Baby...Ohhh, baby...My sweet baby, you're the one.

Carter is definitely the one. Looking into his grey eyes, I can no longer deny it. But it's still scary.

Our moment is ended when the song goes off and I remember the other people who can hear and see the things we do. Emily in particular comments with a sighed out 'aww'. We have a case and we should not be distracted right now.

Pulling away from Carter, I shake my head in an attempt to clear it before moving around Carter to go into my bedroom and slipping on my heels. Carter follows, kneeling down in front of me and helping me slip on my heels before pulling me to my feet and guiding me out so we can go to the club.

The whole car ride I sit, cuddled up next to Carter as the wind blows around us and the music plays on the radio. I really like this car and being able to be this close to Carter as he drives. Admittedly I am a little clingy when it comes to Carter, but so is he.


We arrive at LIV a little past 8 and find Anna and Alex along with the rest of the group all waiting in front of the bouncer. The second we approach, Anna turns to me with a pout and points to the huge guy in front of the door.

"He won't let us in."

I look at the bouncer who stares blankly at us. Then I hear Jake in the earpiece. "I know the bouncer, tell him that Jake sent you."

I do exactly what Jake said and the bouncer immediately nods before letting me and our group go into the club. I smile politely as he unhooks the rope and opens the door for us.

The place is crowded and the music is so loud that you can feel it in your body. It's an interesting feeling. I've never really been to many clubs or parties before. I was the type that found quiet, little spots and read for fun. Sometimes, I would pack a bag and spend all day somewhere nice, usually outdoors. A picnic by a pond or river, I miss those college days. Then again maybe I should've done more social experimenting.

Pulling me back from my thoughts, Carter wraps his arm around me and holds me close as we walk through the crowd to an empty booth where we sit with everyone. Immediately Alex and Anna buy the first round of drinks. Followed by three more until everyone is slightly buzzed.

When the other guys go off to dance Alex turns to us and gives the second best news I've heard this week. He was able to set up a meet with his supplier, tomorrow at 4 sharp. This means soon this case will be over and the emotional turmoil, but of course, that didn't happen.


After another half hour of talking, we go out to hit the very crowded dance floor of college students. For once in my life, I actually felt my age as I danced on the floor with the hottest guy in the room.

There were a number of college guys around, probably closer to my age, but I was only interested in Carter and what he was doing with his body. Watching Carter move was in no way disappointing. He was being such a cool guy, moving as little as possible, and for some reason that only made me want to jump him even more.

My hips don't lie, and maybe it's the fact that I'm slightly intoxicated, but they are telling Carter that they want to rock his world. Unfortunately, they may have been broadcasting it to more than just their intended audience.

When I keep feeling someone else's body pushing up against my back, I thought surely he's accidentally bumping into me because it is crowded. Carter, however, thought otherwise. He was glaring at the person behind me, and I don't think I have ever seen him look so intimidating. I didn't look back, but whoever was there must have moved away because I couldn't feel anyone else around me anymore.

I rub my hands up Carter's body and wrap my arms around his neck, to bring his attention back to me. It's not enough to keep him from staring down the guy behind me. I look over my shoulder and see the drunk dude, then I do a double-take because he looked a lot like my ex. But the guy must have misunderstood my double-take, because when the song transitions to a slow song, Drunk Dude is right behind me again, his hands on my waist, yelling in my ear, asking me to dance.

"Fuck off," is what Carter says, to my horror. His tone was not casual. He meant business. I've never seen him this angry. And recently I've seen him more angry than usual.

"You fuck off, I'm talking to her."

And that was all it takes to incite Carter to move me aside so he can shove the guy. He stumbles back a couple of feet until one of his buddies catches him. This is not good.

Anna and the rest of our little group are next to me and Carter. The drunk guy and his friends both come lunging for Carter. Carter could take them all and it would not be pretty. I somehow managed to get in front of Carter, between him and those guys.

"Sorry, sorry! We're leaving! Sorry!" I quickly interject when they stop short in front of me. I really do not need a fight to break out in the middle of a club.

Carter's arm immediately wraps around my waist, moving me away from the angry drunk dudes, who look like they are ready to take out whoever was in their way, but not as much as Carter looks like he was about to send someone to the hospital.

"You guys ok?" Anna asks as they follow after us.

"We're just gonna go. I'll talk to you tomorrow about the meet." I yell over the music. "I'm sorry. You guys stay and have fun."

Carter's grip tightens and I'm not sure who's pulling who out of the club, but I couldn't wait to get out of there. I pull my hand away from his as soon as we were outside, and I stomp off ahead of him.

"Wrong way," he mutters.

I huff, then follow him back, in the direction of the car.

"I can't believe you did that."

"Me? He was rubbing against you, Luna."

"It was a crowded dance floor!"

"You didn't see the way he was looking at you."

"Oh my gosh, you could have blown our cover, who cares!"

"I do."

"Well get over it!"

He starts to speak but I hold up my hand and strut past him and walk to the car. "I don't want to hear it, let's just get back to the house."

Carter clenches his jaw but listens remaining silent until we get back to the house. I wasn't sure who I was madder at—him for behaving like a caveman, or for me being so aroused by it. As soon as he closes the door to the house, I let loose.

"What is it, Carter? This whole trip has just been frustrating, I know, but acting like that was uncalled for."

He steps closer, facing me, staring me down. "You're here with me, as my wife." His hands are on my hips as I stare up at him defiantly.

"Honestly, Carter, I have no idea who I'm with."

"I thought this is what you wanted," he snaps, shoving me up against the wall. "Drop the fucking act and strip away the covering. THIS IS WHAT'S LEFT LUNA!"

His volume startles me and I'm momentarily frozen. Then he dips his head and licks up from my racing pulse to my ear. "All that's left of me is the need to have you. Is wanting you all to myself such a bad thing?" His breath is hot on my skin and I resist the urge to swoon underneath his touch.

"That's not a fair question when you're asking my neck with your tongue."

"My tongue will be giving you some pretty clear answers in a little bit," he growls, lifting me into his arms before I can even react.

"Put me down," I grunt wiggling in his arms.

He listens placing me on top of the table and stepping in between my legs. I can't help but shiver as he wraps his arms around me to untie my dress, revealing my naked body to his hungry eyes. And everyone else who can see.

"Fuck me," Derek groans.

Immediately, I cover up as Carter takes his contact out and I do the same followed by the earpiece. The small smirk on Carter's face turns me on as he tilts my head up to him and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Now, Snapdragon, let me see what's mine." He slowly pulls my hands away and lets out a guttural growl before dipping his head and taking a nipple into his mouth.

I didn't realize how much I really wanted him until the tension in my body leaves from the pleasure he gives me with his tongue and teeth teasing my nipple as his hand played with the other one. I succumb to his touch, running my fingers through his hair and encouraging his sensual movements.

"Lay down," he says huskily, already beginning to push me back onto the table. "Open your legs."

I laugh and cross them, teasing him. "What if I don't?"

He smirks back and shakes his head, before sitting in the seat in front of me. "Are you asking for a punishment?"

Before I can respond with a witty remark, Carter grips my knees and spreads my legs, leaving me open to his hungry eyes. Then a sharp slap meets my thigh throwing me off. With a laugh, Carter grips my thighs and pulls me closer, so my ass is hanging off the edge of the table and my revealed sex is only inches away from his face. A moan slips through as he blows against me just before his tongue languidly drags over me.

Everything disappears as I fall back on the table and he begins to do something amazing with his tongue and mouth. Warmth rises in my belly, his tongue filling me with wonderful sensations that I've never experienced before. As his tongue circles my clit, Carter's hand drags up my body to squeeze my breast between his hands. Wanting to touch him as well, I lace my fingers through his and moan when I feel him smile against me. For some reason that was hot.

My breath stutters when I feel his finger slip into me and curl against my walls. I moan his name as his tongue ravishes my body. My core tightens and I'm so ready to release. Carter can tell as he pulls back and growls, "Don't come yet," against my thigh.

I bite my bottom lip as my pleasure builds and my eyes roll back. "Carter, please!"

"Hold it for me." His fingers move faster and I cry with the need to release my orgasm. How does he expect me to hold it when he is doing that?

Using his other hand he presses down on my quivering stomach then takes my very sensitive clit between his teeth. I don't think I can hold on anymore and Carter obviously knows it because I finally hear him give me permission.

"Come for me, Sugarbear."

As if on command, my whole body surges with ecstasy, wave after wave washing over me as I have the most powerful orgasm I've ever had. My back arches pushing me into Carter's insistent touch, my toes curling with pleasure all while Carter milks everything from me until my limbs are noodles.

"Fuck that was beautiful," Carter moan's kissing up my thighs.

I sigh and close my eyes, trying really hard not to let regret slip in and ruin my moment. I don't regret it, but the emotions surging through me seem to think differently as tears fill my eyes. I wanted everything from Carter. I want it, but I don't know if I wanted it to happen like that.

"Luna?" Carter whispers lifting me off the table and into his lap.

"I'm going to ruin your pants, I'm all wet down there," I laugh in an attempt to clear this mood that is trying to settle over me, but Carter sees through it. He always sees through it.

His lips connect with mine in a gentle kiss. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I'm just tired," I lie, climbing off of his lap as more tears begin to fall from my eyes. Before he can reach out to me again, I quickly head up the stairs to go to my room and clean up.

I don't just love Carter, I'm in love with him and I want to be with him. I don't want anyone else. But the last guy I thought was gonna be around for a long time cheated on me after two years of being together. I don't want to lose Carter. But I don't know how to shake this insecurity.

"Luna?" I hear Carter's voice say softly behind me.

He steps into the room and sets my dress and heels onto the dresser.

"I'm sorry, I just left you and—" I sigh not knowing what to say as I turn around to look at him. "I should've at least finished you off."

"Can you shut the hell up, for one second?" He groans.

I nod, thankful for it because I had no idea what I was saying.

"I'm tired," Carter sighs, cutting on the lamp and crawling into my bed. I watch him as he makes himself comfortable, turning on the television and patting the spot next to him.

I give in, quickly putting on underwear and a tank top then turning off the big light and crawling into his arms as Psych plays on the television. We don't say anything and eventually, I fall asleep in his arms with so many thoughts running through my head.

What comes next?

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