《Nicknames》Chapter 15 ~ Mad



I'm going crazy. She's making me crazy. I have nothing to say about what happened downstairs in the kitchen. It lit me up and turned me on then everything came crashing down with the words she used to distance us.

After dealing with the problem Luna caused I head back downstairs to make amends. When she spots me she instantly rushes into my arms and apologizes.

"Carter, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that or said that. I'm sorry. But we're kind of even now because of what happened in the gym."

I knew that would come back up. Faster than I thought too. But this time I can't just brush it off. I wanted her so bad and I thought this was real. I was so hopeful that at that moment Luna was finally mine. She still isn't.

"Carter please," she pouts, wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head on my chest. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say."

I nod and kiss her forehead before taking a snack out of the cabinet and heading upstairs. I can't just brush over what happened like it was nothing. This isn't Luna crashing my truck, or stealing my shampoo and using it all up. These are my real fucking emotions and feelings that I have for her that she is messing with. It's not material. And it's not something I play with easily.

An hour later I come back downstairs to find the kitchen cleared and Luna nowhere to be found. Disposing of my trash, I head back upstairs and to Luna's door. For a moment I contemplate knocking then decide against it before heading back into the room.

It's only when I am about to go to sleep do I remember the contacts and the earpiece. Shit, they heard and saw all of our drama. Quickly, I take everything out and put it away.

The next morning I wake with a major headache. The last time that I fell asleep while me and Luna were on bad terms this happened. With a deep sigh, I climb out of bed and make my way across the hall. I want to knock but I can't. Shaking that hurt feeling is hard and that pisses me off even more. I just want her to comfort me. I want her to love me.

Stepping away from the door, I head downstairs where I run straight into Luna sitting at the island and eating a bowl of cereal.

"Carter?" Her voice cracks and rocks me to my core.

I try to speak but no words come out. I'm not liking this.

"Do you want pizza for lunch today?" She tries again.

Nodding, I pull out eggs and bacon. Luna nods and continues to sit at the island, eating her food slowly as I cook. The tension in the room is tangible.


Once my food is done, I sit down next to Luna. Even in the uncomfortable silence, I can't leave her like this. She sits with me until I finish eating then helps me clean, all with neither one of us saying a word.

The silence continues throughout the day, but we never leave each other's side. She sits on one end of the couch as I sit on the other and Blacklist plays on the television. For lunch, we eat pizza with breadsticks, cinnamon sticks and wings.

Wanting her close, I pull her into my arms as we eat. She sighs and rests her head on my shoulder eating her food as we watch the movie playing in the background.

Eventually, she falls asleep in my arms a soft pout marring her beautiful face. I kiss her cheek and hold her closer. For some reason, I can manage this, but I can't form words to speak to her? Then again I don't even know what I would say.

Our peace doesn't last long. Less than two hours later Luna wakes up and glances at the time reading 4:30 and decides it's time for us to get ready for James' pool party. I agree, cleaning up downstairs as she heads up to change. I always change faster than her anyway.

I'm putting in my earpiece when Luna knocks on my open door and steps in. She's definitely not helping my sexual frustration. A sexy as hell white swimsuit hugs her curves and dips down in the front revealing more skin.

She just stands in front of me not saying a thing. Then I hear Derek in the earpiece. What he says doesn't register completely until Emily confirms it. They want me to punish Luna by giving her a spanking. At least that's what Derek said. Luckily Emily clarified, telling me that I need to do it because we told James that her ass was getting punished.

Fucking bullshit.

I take Luna's hand and pull her into my lap so she's straddling my waist. Gently I push her hair behind her ear and look into her hazel brown eyes.

"I'm not going to spank you because I now know how much it turns you on," I tease.

Luna laughs and shakes her head, cupping the sides of my neck. "I'm sorry about last night Carter."

"What are we doing Luna?" I ask pulling back to look at her.

Her lip curls into a small pout and she shakes her head. "I wish I had an answer."

Sighing, I drag my hands over her waist and down her thighs. "One day I'm going to have you. We both know it."

She nods and pulls back, climbing out of my lap and taking my hand. I stand to my feet and cup Luna's face before placing a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth. Her smile makes my heart swell and I know we are back on good terms when she drags her hands around my back to my ass, giving it a quick squeeze.


My goofy Luna laughs and takes my hand pulling me out the room and down the stairs. "Now we go get GHOST."

After following the directions James gave us through the private chat we arrive to the massive beach house, littered with people.

I pull into the driveway and help Luna out of the red vintage convertible that I rented for this trip. Worth every penny. I don't miss the eyes that leer on her as she bends over the door to grab her laptop clutch out of the seat.

"Why couldn't you have put something on over your swimsuit? Shorts? A cardigan? Oversized shirt?" I ask wrapping my arm around her waist and resting my hand on the curve of her hip.

She just smiles up at me and presses a kiss to my jaw. "We have a very weird relationship."

Truer words have never been spoken. Chuckling, I just smack her ass and pull her along. We walk through the doors of the house where we are instantly greeted by James in an open robe with nothing but "swim briefs". I really wish he would close the robe, but I doubt he will.

Like before his eyes drag over Luna as he greets us. "Mr. and Mrs. Wild. Glad you could make it."

"Quit stalling James you either have it or don't." My feisty wife says cocking her hip and glaring at him.

His jaw twitches and he better keep his anger under control. Grumbling a bunch of shit underneath his breath, he guides us through the doors to the backyard where we sit down at a table. Finally, he gestures to someone who brings over a small case. I sit down in the chair across from him and sit Luna in my lap. Gently James places it on the table and puts in the combination before flipping the latch and revealing it to us.

A small USB barely bigger than an inch. With too much excitement in her eyes Luna picks it up and plugs it into the laptop. Words and numbers pop up on the screen that makes Luna even more excited. Then she does something and the whole house shuts down. The music stops the lights cut off and I notice the tv's flash through the glass mirror.

Luna continues to do something before finally cutting it off and returning things back to normal.

I run my hand over Luna's waist and use my free hand to turn her gaze to me. Looking into her eyes, I ask. "Are you happy?"

Smiling, she cups my jaw and runs her thumb over my bottom lip, just before leaning in and taking it between her teeth. I watch her eyes as they stay on mine. I lean in ready to claim her when she pulls back. "I'm always happy as long as I have you. Now pay the man."

I chuckle and kiss her shoulder before pulling out my phone and wiring the money to him. It's from one of his own accounts but we will be gone before he realizes. And this is why I love my beautiful smart wife.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you Mr. and Mrs. Wild."

Luna ignores him, and pulls me along ready to leave that house. The second we leave the property we notice the our team moving in for the raid. Seems as if we have a success and Luna's excitement as she crosses her legs and bounces in the seat is adorable.

An hour later I arrive to the bureau for our final check in. Stepping through the doors I feel all the eyes turn to Luna. I really need her to put on a jacket. But not the jacket she is offered.

Jake approaches us with a bright smile on his face and noticing Luna's discomfort he pulls off his FBI jacket and offers it to Luna, helping her into it.

"Thank you, Jake." Luna sighs walking with him so we can fill out the paperwork.

I follow behind. Really wanting to punch Derek when he talks into my ear. "Looks like someone got to your girl before you."

"Derek, shut up," I growl.

Suddenly Luna and Jake turn back to me. "Jake has another case for us if we want it. Said that they could use the help. Spring break drug dealer and murderer. You want to take it."

I nod knowing the words on the tip of my tongue aren't the actual words I want to come out. I really despise Jake. He offers to walk us out seeing as since we are going on another case he would handle the paperwork for us. I don't miss his hand on the small of Luna's back and I'm tempted to push him aside. I admire my self restraint.

When we get back outside to where I parked the car Luna gently pulls off Jake's jacket and passes it back to him with a small smile.

I take a deep breath to calm my anger as he smiles at Luna then turns to me with a quick nod before walking off. Prick.

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