《Nicknames》Chapter 2 ~ Life


During the ride I watched every turn and paid attention to every detail of the ride. I was silent but eventually we pulled up to a large apartment complex and FBI guy drove into the parking garage. He parks in one of the divided areas next to one other car and two empty spots.

I'm zoned out when he climbs out of the car and comes around to my side to open my door and help me out of the seatbelt. As he leads me to the elevator I observe all my surroundings even as he presses the button and pulls me onto the elevator. I lean against him until the elevator doors open to reveal a gorgeous penthouse. It's beautiful, but I'm tired and hungry, plus he seems like the type to only eat protein shakes and spinach.

"Make yourself at home, chocolate chip," he says as he walks off.

I look around the place in complete awe. The kitchen is gorgeous with sleek updated appliances that open up to a gorgeous living room. It's modern and masculine. I like it here. Plus it smells like him and not a sweaty football players locker room. My ex's place smelled like that.

With curiosity coursing through my brain, I make myself at home by exploring the first floor then moving to the large balcony to be completely frozen in time. The view. The lights. The furniture. The grill. The pool. Never would've expected that from FBI guy. I wouldn't have expected any of this on a government salary. What if he's corrupt? What if he's a drug dealer? I watch too much tv.

Stepping back from the outside, I bump straight into the brick wall of a man who quickly steadies me with his hands on my waist. I spin to him and look up into his eyes, disregarding the blurry vision. It doesn't matter, he's still hot.

He's changed into sweats and a plain white t-shirt, tight enough for me to see his sexy row of abs. His muscles are even bigger when exposed and now I can see the tattoo's in random areas of his arms. I don't get a chance to identify them when he steals my attention and pulls me to the kitchen, picking me up and setting me on top of the counter as he searches through his fridge.


"You hungry?"

"Starving," I groan.

He closes the fridge back and leans against it with his arms crossed. "How about Chinese?"

"They deliver at two in the morning?" I question.

All he does is nod, so I shrug, saying yes to Chinese food. For a few seconds he stares at me and I hold my hand out for him, that he surprisingly takes. When he steps closer, I cup the side of his face and gently caress the forming bruise.

"Would it be weird for me to ask if I can take a shower while you order food? I feel gross."

"That's what happens when you drink too much." His smug expression aggravates me.

I didn't even drink that much and he was there longer than me yet somehow managed to not get drunk. He just laughs at me and tells me sprite and one beer doesn't get you drunk. And of course he added one of his stupid names.

A soft smile rises to his lips. "Go shower. It's upstairs, the door at the end of the hall on the left.

Just before I go upstairs, I open his freezer for something cold and settle on a pack of frozen vegetables. I took him as a fresh vegetables kind of guy, but nevertheless I approach him and lift the cold pack to his bruised jaw. His pupils dilate which is actually kind of cute. I smile in response and take his hand, placing it on the pack so he can hold it himself and I can go take a shower.

Beautiful is the only word I can use to describe the bedroom I currently stand in. Huge floor to ceiling windows on the front wall, a huge bed to the right with white sheets, comforters and pillows. He's so plain.

I move through the room and go to the bathroom that has to be as big as my apartment. I used to live in a hovel with my boyfriend. Here there is a double vanity sink with marble countertops, a giant walk-in shower on the left wall with multiple shower heads, a separate bath tub, and a secluded toilet. Everything here is amazing and I sort of never want to leave. I'm tempted not to when I strip my clothes and step into the shower, turning on the multiple sprays and sliding down to a sitting position as the water flows all around me. As the water falls so do my tears and I let them take over my body and consume me.


"Run away train never coming back." My mind drifts to the scene of The Office and I can't help but laugh. I'm about to be homeless. I have no job. I have nothing.

Minutes pass before I decide to get up and wash my body with his soap. It smells like the ocean. Then I wash my hair with his minty shampoo and conditioner. I'm drunk and emotional and this shower is the best one I've ever had.

Reluctantly I step out after being in here for almost 45 minutes. I use a towel to dry off then slip on the robe on the back of the door. Turning to the mirror, I laugh. I look like a kid who put on their Dad's clothes. This thing is huge. Then again it does belong to the green giant downstairs.

Putting my clothes into a neat, folded pile, I leave the room and go back downstairs where I find him sitting on the couch with the food spread out in front of him.

"Better?" he questions without looking at me.

It startles me at first but I recover and make my way over to the couch next to him. "I feel much better," I sigh crossing my leg underneath my thigh and placing my hand behind my head, resting it against the couch.

His eyes shift to where the robe has just opened up to reveal a peek of my chest. "I see you found my robe."

Giggling, I hold up the long sleeves and shake my head. "It's really big, but it's soft. I like it."

He smiles and turns back to the tv. "I like it on you as well, honey muffin."

"Do you have a movie to watch?" I question reaching for a carton of noodles.

Behemoth reaches for his own food. "You choose."

Instantly I choose 'Scarface'. It was the first thing I saw and I've always wanted to see it. He hit play on it and we watched it, with him occasionally quoting parts of the movie. For some reason I found it cute. Only when we've finished our food and the movie has gone off do I really get to know the man next to me. I'm half asleep on his shoulder, cuddled into his side when he looks down at me and asks why I was at the bar.

"Life," is my allusive answer.

His gaze stays locked with mine. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

Yet he still presses. "Why were you sleeping in your car?"

It seems the interrogation isn't going to end so I confess everything to him from the beginning. This week everything went completely downhill. Monday I get into work and everyone is scrambling around after the news that our boss is a fraud and the company is being shut down. Obviously, I didn't return. Then as if things couldn't get worse, no one wants to hire someone who worked for a fraudulent company. To top it all off when I got to the apartment I share with my boyfriend, I found him having sex with his coworker. The worst part is that I suspected something was happening but he always told me I had nothing to worry about because he only wanted me.

I believe after all of this I have a pretty good reason to forget everything. My giant agrees then decides to turn on another movie to end the night. I curl back into his side loving the warm, comforting feeling of his body. I like it with him and that's how I fall asleep, with him, in his arms.

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