


I managed to get to the house even though I felt like I was going to pass out multiple times. As soon as I got to the door I didn't even have enough energy to knock. Luckily he came to the door. I saw his face drop and he looked horrified.

" ale-" was the only thing I said before darkness consumed me.


When I opened the door and saw her stood there my heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest however that quickly was replaced with worry when I saw all the bruises and cuts. She looks blue.

" ale-" was all she said before she fainted. As soon as I saw her start to fall back I ran towards her and just caught her in time.

She lay lifeless in my hands.

I ran into the house

" help" I shouted as I ran into the kitchen.

Leo came running in but when he saw her he looked horrified and hurt.

" oh my god " he muttered as he ran towards me.

She was till lying in my arms and I knew a tear had slipped down my cheek.

" what do I do" I screamed

" take her to the hospital " Leo said as he grabbed his shoes.

" I'll drive " he shouted as he got a car out the garage.

I ran and sat in the back with her. I laid her across my body and kissed her head.

" baby it will be okay " I whispered in her ear. If I'm being honest I wasn't sure it would be myself. It was as if I was trying to reassure myself that she'd be okay.

" leo please hurry up " I panicked.

" Alessandro you need to calm down."


" come on Mia " I said encouragingly. I kissed her forehead.

I stroked her arm over all the cuts and bruises. I lifted her top up slightly to see if she had any internal bleeding but I wasn't sure as she had bruising everywhere.

For the rest of the journey I stroked her cheek and told her that everything was okay.

" Alessandro we are here " Leo said as he drove into the entrance.

He stopped so I could get out. My arms were trembling as I ran inside with Mia in my arms.

" someone help" I shouted. One doctor ran over with a bed while the rest ran and took her from my arms. She was instantly wheeled away in a hurry to the emergency ward.

I broke down right there on the hospital floor. I fell to my knees and a few tears rolled down my face. Leo came running inside and saw me on the floor. He helped me up and we both sat in the waiting room chairs.

We have been sat here for at least 3 hours without anyone saying a word to use. All I could think about was what happened. Who did this ? If only I could of got there quicker. Maybe I shouldn't of let her go back. I felt like it was all my fault.

Pulling me out of my deep thoughts was a doctor who came walking towards us. She had a sympathetic look on her face. Instantly I thought the worst.

I gulped. Fear consumed my body. I couldn't face this world on my own. I needed her.

" Mr accado" she announced and i shot up from my seat, and so did Leo.

" yes " I said as I waited in suspense.

" Mia will make it " she said to me and Leo. A smile spread across her face.


It felt like every emotion hit me in one go. A tear of joy slid down my face.

" I need to see her " I stated.

" I can take you to her but you must be very careful. She is badly bruised all over. She had a small amount of internal bleeding but we have sorted that. She is recovering. I don't know if she will be awake when you see her as she was under anaesthetics "

" I just need to see her "

" follow me "

" Alessandro I'll come in a minute. I'll give you guys some privacy first" Leo said to me as he patted my back.

I followed the doctor down the corridors. It felt like I was walking down the corridor forever. I was filled with so much suspense. I tried to prepare myself for what I was about to see.

The doctor left me to just go into the room. I pushed down the door handle and walked in. I could see Mia asleep in the bed. I slowly approached her and she looked so frail. She had bandages on the deep cuts. I didn't even notice the stray tears that were falling down my cheeks. I walked over to her and outstretched my trembling hand to her cheek. I gently caressed her cheek.

" Mia it's okay. I'm here" I told her even though I knew she couldn't hear me.

I was by the hospital bed holding her hand when there was a knock at the door.

" come in" I said quietly to whoever it was .

Leo walked inside but stopped when he saw Mia. He was shocked at what she looked like .

" oh my god " he muttered and stood there with his mouth wide open.

" I'm so sorry Alessandro " Leo said to me as he came over and patted me on the back.

We didn't say much else to each other as neither of us knew what to do or say. I just sat in hope that she would soon wake up.

End of chapter!

If you are still reading I just want to say thank you! I can't believe people are reading this.

I just want to state I'm not a writer and I'm only doing this for fun. Thank you to each and everyone one of you for reading.

What do you think of the story so far? I'd love to see any comments you guys have!

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