

(Mia )

I was still lying on the floor. It felt like all the air was knocked out of my body. I was gasping for air. Maybe this is how I am meant to die. Maybe it's best this way.

My eyes started to shut and I was ready to give up when Tyler and mason came running into the room.

" Mia " they both shouted horrified.

Mason picked me up and rested me on his lap while Tyler ran into the first aid cupboard and got some water and the first aid kit. He ran back to me and opened my mouth.

" come on Mia drink this " he pleased with me.

He opened my mouth and tipped the water down my throat. I choked however I managed to swallow it.

Instantly my dry throat felt refreshed.

Tyler and mason were still panicking and are opening the first aid box to treat any wounds I had.

" he can't keep doing this to her " Tyler shouted angrily.

" hey I know. It's not fair " mason said sympathetically as he looked over at me.

I panted as I managed to get back my steady breathing.

" you can't go to school tomorrow" mason said angrily.

" what" I managed to give a quiet mutter.

" it's the ball tomorrow night. You should rest for that . "

" I can go to school " I said breathlessly. The beatings we're getting worse I'll agree but I didn't want to stop going to school.

" no, you need to take time for yourself. Pamper yourself before the ball. " mason said as he placed his hand on top of me and gave me a small smile. I nodded my head back to say I approved.

It was now the next day and I had just woken up. I felt refreshed. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror to see if any bruises had come out yet. There were a few on my arms and one across my stomach but it wasn't too bad. I jumped in the hot shower.

The familiar feeling of hot water trickling down my body made my muscles relax. I always found hot showers helped the bruises and cuts.

Later on in the day I was sitting down when mason walked in.

" your dress is upstairs "

" you've got me a dress " I asked happily

" Of course " he said as I wrapped my arms around him.


" come on, let's go and have a look" he grabbed my hand and took me upstairs to my room. As we walked in I could see it lying down on the bed.


Mason chuckled to himself. " it's yours sis "

" but it's too nice for me "

" I can't think of a dress that suits anyone better than how this will suit you "

I still couldn't believe it. Father was always strict on what I wore however he obviously didn't care for tonight. He wanted me to impress.

" Do you want to come and get some food "

" sure "

After that us three talked and talked for hours. At around midnight we decided to go to bed. I laid down in my bed for the first time in my life feeling excited for the next day.

I woke up to sun shining through my windows. I took a big sigh as I stared out of the window. It was about 6 hours until the ball. This ball was going to be an escape from the prison I live in for one night. I was glad of it.

I went downstairs after I had a shower to get some lunch. I decided to have tomato pasta. While I was cooking I felt the atmosphere suddenly turn heavy. I looked around the kitchen to see my father standing by the door.

" Mia, remember we are going to the ball at 6. You need to impress Alessandro or else. "

I nodded back to him trying not to make eye contact.

He walked over here and grabbed my arm.

" if you don't you know what will happen "

He then let go of my arm leaving fingernail prints on me.

He walked out the room leaving me to have a deep breath. It felt like I was holding my breath the whole time he was in here.

After I ate my pasta and watched two movies I decided it was time to go and get ready.

I shut my bedroom door behind me.

I firstly curled my hair with my curling wand leaving my hair in nice beach's waves.

( with brown hair instead of blonde )

After curling I pulled out my makeup from under the dressing table. I don't often wear that much makeup however I was feeling it tonight.

I put foundation on my face with some concealer. Then I used contour and bronzer.


I decided to put on false eyelashes and fill in my eyebrows lightly. Lastly I used a nude lip and did my eyeshadow the best I could.

Once I was satisfied with my makeup I lastly out on my gorgeous dress with a pair of big black heels.

I sprayed myself with some of my perfume and looked at myself in the mirror. For once I felt beautiful. I felt powerful.

As I was admiring myself in the mirror I heard a knock at my door.

" what is it " I asked

" we are leaving in a minute "

" okay I'll come down in a minute "

After I made sure that I had done everything I walked downstairs. As I was walking downstairs I could see my brother and my father waiting at the bottom.

Mason and Tyler's mouths fell wide open whilst my father had a smug look on his face.

" let's go everyone " my father shouted ruining the moment.

" wow " mason and Tyler both said as they each held out a hand to escort me to the limo. Once we were in the limo it was deathly quiet. Nobody knew what to say. I liked the quiet.

Just as we were nearly at the venue my father decided to talk.

" remember Mia what you are here to do. I'll escort you in"

I nodded my head at him just as the limo came to a stop.

My hands were slightly shaking. What happens if I was under dressed or too over dressed?

Pulling me out of my thoughts my father held his hand out my help me out of the limo. I then linked my arm with him. His hand was on my arm and I knew at anytime he could easily do something to hurt me in case I didn't do what I was meant to.

We walked up to the doors and my father pushed them open.

We were met by loads of people as in hundreds all in this big hall. As soon as the doors opened everyone looked this way and most jaws dropped. I guess people like the dress.

My father smiled and we carried on walking in. A tall, broad man walked over.

" ahhh Lorenzo just the person I wanted "

Father shooed me off to indicate it was private. I didn't know what to do now. Everyone was still staring.

I walked over to the bar and ordered a glass of wine.

" drinking all alone I see " this tall, handsome, heavily tattooed man said. He smelt like the sweet smell of heaven which became intoxicating. His sent was making me crave more. Making me crave him.

I didn't even know who he was.

" yep sadly "

" well not anymore " he said as he brought this glass close to mine to cheers it.

" what's your name may I ask " I asked politely as I looked at him. It was hard to not get lost in his mesmerising eyes.

" Alessandro. "

I gulped at the name. This was the Alessandro. Wow!

" and you may I ask "

" Mia. Mia Hermendez "

" ahh, Lorenzo's daughter "

" yes sir "

He smirked to himself as he downed the rest of his vodka.

" can I say you look stunning. "

I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled at him.

" you don't look too bad yourself "

He chuckled at my joke.

" well it was nice meeting you miss Hermendez "

" it was a pleasure "

He picked up my hand and placed a gentle kiss sending shivers down my spine. I'm sure he felt it too as he looked shocked yet he tried to cover it up as he walked away.

A few hours had gone past. I had been dancing for the last hour. Dancing as if the world would end tonight.

Before I knew it my fathers tight grip was on my arm.

" let's go and talk to Alessandro "

" I have already "

" liar "

I was suddenly yet again right In front of this Greek god.

" Alessandro, great to see you " my father greeted him. He put out his hand that wasn't around my arm to shake with his but Alessandro ignored it.

"Ah Mia. "

I smiled at him. My father looked shocked I was telling the truth. He didn't like being proved wrong. I should of remembered. He started to dig his fingers into my arm causing me to want to shout in pain. I kept it under control yet I could hide it. They were both talking while I endured the pain.

This is going to be a long night.

End of chapter!

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