《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 17- "One Month Later"
After Lili's date with Carlos, she headed home feeling happy and free. Carlos had been a gentleman the entire evening, and when he dropped her off, he walked her to the door, and bid her goodnight with a kiss on the cheek. When Liliana walked into her house, just as she closed the door, her phone rang, and even before she checked the caller ID, She knew who it was.
"Hey mom." Liliana greeted, her tone light and happy.
"Oh you're sounding a little perky, should I assume that the date went well?" Her mom replied, and Lili sighed as she kicked off her shoes and sat down on her couch, then she giggled answered, "uh yeah, actually I had a really good time. And oh my God, mom next time you and dad come over to visit, I have to bring you to the restaurant we went to. The food was amazing."
"Well that great honey. I'm glad you had a good time. But back to work tomorrow right?" Her mom questioned.
"Yep, I have a flight to New York with the Dunns, staying overnight, and then returning the next day with them." Lili explained.
"Any flights for the weekend?" Her mom asked, and Liliana double checked her schedule as she said, "nope, it looks like Mr. Cavalier is not back yet, so free weekend for me." Liliana stated, though she slightly frowned at the thought that she wouldn't see Mr. Cavalier until next weekend.
"Well at least you'll get a chance to rest." The mom noted, and Liliana sighed sadly as she said, "Yeah."
"By the way, how is your friend, the one that trained you?" Her mom asked, shifting the conversation.
"Chamille? She's doing well. I spoke with her yesterday. I don't know, since it seems I'll be free this weekend, I'll probably pay her a visit." Liliana planned.
"Oh that would be a good idea, tell her I said 'hello'." Her mom said.
"I will. Alright mom, I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow on my way to the airport." Liliana explained as she yawned.
"All right pumpkin, have a blessed night." Her mom bid, then they both hung up.
After ending the phone call with her mom, Liliana headed to bed. As she laid down, she found her mind drifting to the one man she couldn't stop thinking about. Liliana almost felt guilty because she often found her mind drifting to Mr. Cavalier while she was on her date with Carlos. She knew that it wasn't fair to Carlos, but maybe if he distracted her enough, Liliana figured that she might be able to get over her strange crush for Mr. Cavalier. Though Liliana often dreaded her flight with Mr. Cavalier, she was kind of bummed that she wouldn't fly with him this weekend, and that made Liliana curious about Mr. Cavalier was taking care of in Rome.
"Mother, I promise I am not overworking." Frantz promised for the 500th time, while he spoke on the phone with his mom, who had been worried since he decided to spend the week in Rome.
"Well what are you doing? I miss my son." His mother replied, and Frantz sighed as he said "Ma, I'm sorry. I had to make a quick change of plans over the weekend, and saw it best if I stayed in Rome for this week."
"When are you flying back?" His mom interrogated.
"Friday." Frantz answered.
"Will you come see me?" His mother demanded.
"Of course, you will be my first stop before I head home." Frantz ensured.
"Is it a woman?" His mother blurted out, and Frantz drew in a breath as he said with an exasperated tone, "mother."
"What? I am simply asking a question." The mom replied, as if it was oblivious.
"Okay, ask me any other question, except for that." Frantz rolled his eyes, but couldn't help it when his mind drifted to the outspoken hostess who couldn't be bothered with him.
"But none of the other questions interest me enough to seek out a response." The mom replied, and Frantz could only imagine her facial expression as she replied.
"Right, except for questions about my love life." Frantz shook his head as he leaned back in his chair.
"Well not necessarily your love life, but rather a suitable life partner and grandchildren." His mother clarified, and Frantz chuckled as he said "of course. Mom it was lovely speaking with you but I have to go. Ti amo mamma." Frantz stated, and was quick to end the call after she said "ciao figlio mio."
After ending the call with his mom, Frantz leaned back in his chair and sighed, running a hand through his hair. He started out onto the city from his hotel suite, and sighed, just admiring the scenery. Frantz would never get tired of Rome, or its beauty. As he looked out onto the city, his mind easily drifted to Liliana, and he began to wonder what she was up to. He could only assume that she had attended her date, and as much as Frantz wanted to have eyes on her, he decided to take a nicer approach, except it just wasn't working for him.
Frantz wasn't used to a woman not wanting him at first glance. He knew that Lili was attracted to him, or else the tension and chemistry he felt when she was around just wouldn't be there. However he had to commend her for knowing better than to give into him, especially since his only aim was to get her in bed. But now, Frantz wasn't too sure if that was his only aim anymore, especially when he thought about Liliana feeling and experiencing the heated chemistry with someone else. That thought didn't sit well with Frantz.
The day Liliana agreed to kiss him, he was surprised that it happened, and when she stopped him from going further, her suddenly couldn't get enough of her. Now, he didn't want any other man to feel her lips. Frantz shook his head. He could tell that if he continued to think this way, it would lead to an obsession or possessiveness towards Lili, but Frantz was sure that Liliana was not ready for him to act in such a manner.
Frantz was also aware that after what happened the evening of the ball and on their way home, Lili would probably steer clear of him. This was proven when Liliana left yesterday morning without looking back or questioning his decision of staying longer than usual. Frantz had hoped that she would show at his apartment and demand an explanation, but when she didn't, he was both saddened and relieved, because had she asked, he wouldn't have an explanation.
It had been a year since he last seen Christina, and the reports were true. Frantz was head over heels in love with Christina. He asked her to marry him, and she happily said 'yes' in front of his many friends and family. Exactly three days before the wedding, Frantz would discover his fiancée, in bed, with another man. Frantz had never been so shocked, or felt so betrayed in his life. And though he knew it was best to not take his anger out on anyone, every woman he's been with since has paid the price. Frantz can never commit to a real relationship, and the only time he sets his eyes on a woman, is when he needs to have a little fun.
Until Liliana. Now all Frantz can think about is having Liliana with him all the time. She is not afraid to stand up to him, but he also loves the fact that she is so innocent and naïve when it comes to intimacy. Frantz could see himself having fun and growing with Liliana. Now it was only a matter of getting her to trust him.
With all these new thoughts running through his mind, Frantz thought it best if he remained in Rome for a few more weeks. He needed to devise a plan to win over Lili's heart, and if she wasn't willing to give him a chance he could always kidnap her. All jokes aside, Frantz planned on taking his time and allowing Lili to fall in love with him. He'd try to give her as much time as a possible, but his patience was already running thin, especially since there seem to be another potential player in the race for Lili's heart.
With those thoughts, Frantz decided to head to bet.
A missed weekend with Mr. Cavalier turned into two weekends, then three. After the second week and no Mr. Cavalier, Liliana started flying Ms. Martin during the weekends. And the more time Mr. Cavalier spent away, the more worried Liliana became. She began to believe that Mr. Cavalier may have been getting cozy with glamorous Christina, and that caused Lili's stomach to churn with jealousy. And Lili hated being jealous. As a result, a second date with Carlos turned into a third, and a fourth. Liliana was feeling more and more comfortable with Carlos, and he never rushed anything. He seemed comfortable taking the relationship slow, and even Chamille found out that Lili has been on a few dates with Carlos. Chamille avoided telling Lili her opinion on Carlos, and simply wished her luck.
It would be a month before Liliana had a trip with Mr. Cavalier, and just as she was getting used to flying Ms. Martin over the weekends, Mr. Cavalier's name appeared on her schedule. Liliana was so shocked to the point where she had almost forgotten just how intense it would be to work with him. When she noticed his name on her schedule, her stomach fluttered with nervous butterflies. It had been a month since she seen Mr. Cavalier, and she was looking forward to seeing him again.
Early Friday morning, Liliana had just finished making sure that the jet was set for Mr. Cavalier's arrival, when she received a call from Carlos, who was waiting for her outside.
"Hey, what's going on?" Liliana stated as she approached Carlos's car, a few feet away from the plane. Liliana knew she had a few minutes before Mr. Cavalier arrived, so she had no worry that he would catch her of the plane.
"Nothing, just wanted to see you before you left." Carlos replied sweetly, and Liliana smiled as well, as she felt her heart fluttered. Carlos was just too sweet.
"Stop you're making me blush." Liliana muttered as Carlos pulled her into his arms and she hid her face in the crook of his neck.
"Well I guess my mission is accomplished. All I wanted was to see you smile." Carlos replied, as he embraced her tightly.
"You're so corny." Liliana laughed as she looked up at him.
"Yeah, but you like it." Carlos shrugged, and Liliana nodded as she said "you're right."
Liliana absentmindedly sighed and shuddered, and Carlos looked down at her as he said "nervous?"
"Yeah a little. I haven't flown with him in a while, so I hope I haven't forgotten his ways." Lili admitted, feeling comfortable with Carlos.
"I know a way to make you feel better." Carlos stated, his tone soft and suggestive.
"Yeah? And what's that?" Liliana decided to play along.
And with a simple smile, Carlos leaned down, and kissed her softly. Liliana was slightly shocked at Carlos's bold move, but the way he held her allowed her to relax, and slowly kiss him back.
His arms pulled her closer, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
When Carlos pulled away, he caressed her cheek as he asked in a whisper "better?"
"Yeah." Lili smiled, and then laughed when Carlos nuzzled his face in her neck, and landed a soft kiss against her skin.
Just as Lili prepared to pull away, the sound of a car door closing registered in her ears, and the moment she heard it, her heart dropped.
Oh. No.
Carlos and Liliana were both quick to untangle themselves from each other, like two teenagers caught by a strict parent.
Liliana red faced couldn't bring herself to look up at the tall man standing beside the car. Clearing her throat, her face on fire, she dared a look, and his eyes were enough to scare her to death. Not only was it embarrassing to get caught having fun at work, she had to get caught by Mr. Cavalier.
Lili was ready for the ground to open up and swallow her whole.
Carlos cleared his throat awkwardly as he said "good morning Mr. Cavalier."
"Carlos." Frantz replied coldly, then headed straight for the plane without sparing Liliana a second glance.
Oh Dear.
When Mr. Cavalier had disappeared inside the plane, Liliana released a breath she wasn't aware she was holding.
"You're in trouble." Carlos pointed out, and Liliana slapped his arm as she said "it's all your fault. Now I'm going to have to worst flight ever."
"Good luck." Carlos stated, and landed a quick kiss on Lili's forehead before she headed to the plane.
The moment Lili climbed the stairs and sealed the door, she found it hard to breathe. Before heading towards Mr. Cavalier, she chanced a look at him and was thankful to find his eyes glued to his laptop. Gulping, with palms already drenched in sweat, and a heated head and neck, Liliana made her way to Mr. Cavalier. It felt silly to introduce herself at point, so Liliana simply ensure that he was already strapped in, and before she could open her mouth to speak, he closed his laptop, so Liliana had no reason to speak with him.
Knowing quite well he was disappointed in her lack of work ethic and professionalism, Liliana made her way to the back of the plane to her seat, feeling sorry. After alerting the pilot that Mr. Cavalier was strapped in and ready to go, they were off. Once in the air, Lili took a few moments to compose herself, before she headed over to check on Mr. Cavalier.
When she reached him, he was once again on his laptop. He didn't bother to acknowledge Lili's presence, something Liliana was used to, and so she decided to speak up.
"Good morning Mr. Cavalier, I hope that the take off was comfortable enough. As we begin our trip, would you like anything to eat or drink at this time?" Liliana tried to speak as clearly as possible, without stuttering, only for her efforts to be met with silence.
Radio silence.
"Mr. Cavalier?" Liliana called out. knowing quite well he most likely wasn't going to reply. After standing and waiting for a few moments, she prepared herself to say something else, only for Mr. Cavalier to stand, and walk around her, heading to his room, without a sound.
Speechless, confused, and hurt, Liliana looked after Mr. Cavalier, until he disappeared into the small bedroom. Unsure of what to do, Liliana decided to head back to her seat and focus back on her newest book. However, Liliana found the words to blur, especially when he mind kept drifting to the moment when Mr. Cavalier caught her with Carlos.
Liliana remembers that split moment when she made eye contact with him, and it was the worst feeling in the world. His cold eyes struck fear deep within her heart, and the moment she realized that he had caught her kissing Carlos, her stomach twisted uncomfortably. What was she supposed to do now?
Lili waited for an hour to go by, then he headed to his room. She knocked on the door, but received no response. Liliana waited a moment before she knocked again, but once again, was met with no response. After debating for a few, Liliana decided to open the door, only to find it locked.
Lili pursed her lips then shrugged, it seems Mr. Cavalier did not want to be disturbed.
For the entire trip, Mr. Cavalier remained in his room. Liliana had herself a small lunch, but could barely keep her food down as she thought about just how disgusted Mr. Cavalier was probably with her. What she did with Carlos was careless, not to admit completely unprofessional, and Lili believed that Mr. Cavalier had every right to be angry with her.
When the plane finally landed in Rome, it wasn't a moment too soon. As soon as the plane stopped moving, Liliana headed to the door, and opened it, and not even a second later, Mr. Cavalier was already exiting the plane without sparing Liliana a second glance, and as soon as he entered the car, the driver sped off. Liliana followed through with her post flight routine, then when she was ready to head to the hotel, the driver who had initially picked her up her first time in Rome, was there to pick her up once again.
Liliana quietly entered the car, and felt down the entire ride to the hotel. She hoped to catch a glance of Mr. Cavalier at the hotel. She had hoped to apologize for her behavior with Carlos, but she didn't see him. When Lili was settled in the hotel room, the first person she called was her mom, then Carlos, but his phone went to voicemail. She tried him again but he did not answer.
For a moment, Liliana felt lost. She knew she had screwed up as a professional, and Mr. Cavalier was probably planning her dismissal, but Liliana felt the urge to see him, and speak with him. She had to apologize for what he witnessed earlier today. Liliana was ashamed of her actions, and she never planned to repeat them.
After building up her strength, Liliana headed up to Mr. Cavalier's suite. She knocked in the door, her rushing heartbeat reflecting in her throat. After a few moments of waiting, Liliana knocked again, but Mr. Cavalier didn't open the door, but she felt that he was close by. An intuition of sorts. So, knowing that it was a long shot, Lili decided to apologize across the door.
"Mr. Cavalier, it's Liliana. I am sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to apologize for earlier. I know that I haven't been the most efficient hostess you've worked with, and what you witnessed today most likely made me appear extremely unprofessional, but I just want to let you know that it would never happen again. I enjoyed being a valued member of this team, and I know that my behavior earlier today did not reflect the work ethic you search for in your employees. So once again I apologize, and you can believe me when I say, it will never happen again. Have a good night Mr. Cavalier, and I am sorry again." With those words, Liliana departed, her heart feeling a little heavy. She screwed up.
Frantz sat on his couch, as he gulped down a small glass of scotch. He was angry, hurt, and confused. It took it a whole month to prepare the perfect approach towards Liliana, only to find her happy and comfortable in the arms of another man. Frantz wouldn't have believed it was Liliana if he didn't see her. When her eyes met his at the airport, Frantz made sure she noticed just how disappointed he was. And he was still shocked that she was naïve enough to believe that the only reason why he was pissed was because she was being unprofessional.
But that wasn't the case at all.
Frantz felt like doing some serious damage to Carlos, then he wanted nothing more than to show Liliana exactly why he was a feared man. But Frantz didn't want her to scare her away. He kept telling himself he had to take it slow, win her over the right way, but the more he reminisced about Liliana giggling in Carlos's arms, the harder his fingers gripped the glass, and at that moment, Frantz knew that it was just a matter if time before he snapped, and once he did, Liliana had no escape.
Hey guys!
Sooo, super intense chapter. We got a little insight of Frantz history with Christina, as well as a glimpse of his loving relationship with his mom. Who's crushing on this man?
Soo, Lili got caught kissing Carlos, but who saw it coming? What did you think of Frantz's reaction at that point? And who felt the tension?
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