《Loving Mr. Cavalier》A/N- New Story!!!


Hey guys!

Soooooo, new story alert!!!

I have been thinking of trying out a slow, steamy romance for a while, and I figured what better time to start it than now?

I have to say I am super excited for this story, because I have no idea how it's going to turn out or what is going to happen.

So without further ado, I posted the description and a sneak peek.



When Liliana signed up to become a private flight attendant, she believed she had a general idea of what the job entailed.

Strictly professional.

What she didn't expect was for the mysterious Frantz Cavalier to develop an interest towards her.

Knowing that "regulars" were not a term in the agency, Liliana never expected to come in contact with Mr. Cavalier as often as she did, never did her she expect to be his personal Hostess, and with each flight, she found his interest in her to be as vague and imaginary, and his personality towards her to be cold and unfriendly.

So why did he want her around?

With the soft spoken Hostess, Mr. Cavalier finally found someone who couldn't mask their feelings towards him. Forget professional, when it came to Mr. Cavalier, Liliana was an open book, yet she never failed to surprise him.

Unphased by his power or wealth, he found his new Hostess to be quite the mystery, not to mention a challenge, and he would stop at nothing until he had her attention on him.

Even if it meant forcing her to be around him almost daily.

Catching the eye of the wealthy billionaire was never Liliana's intention, and now that she had it, she wanted nothing to do with it.

Working for a man that didn't take "No" for an answer was a complication within itself, having no escape from him was another, and flying high off the ground only added passion in the heights.


Liliana believed herself to be a good-hearted person, a kind soul, and a more or less innocent spirit, yet it seems no matter what she did, Frantz Cavalier was her one way ticket into a dark lustful world.


He didn't speak.

He never spoke.

I knew that he was able to speak, but whenever I was around it seemed that I was the only one speaking.

He didn't seem to enjoy my presence, but then again that wouldn't be true given that he requested for me to host his flight on my day off.

His eyes were not friendly, his jaw and lips that never smiled told me to always be on guard.

I could always feel his eyes on me, and I know its him, or else my heart wouldn't be acting the way it was.

I definitely thought I lost my job since the first day I met him. Apparently my clothing did not measure to his standards.

Knee length skirt, a jacket that fit me well enough to not suffocate my chest, and comfortable low heels.

I kept my hair in a low bun, and my make up was simple.

If I wasn't fired for my clothing, then I would've thought that it was for spilling wine on his shirt.

If not for that then maybe because during our first voyage together I stood up to his degrading behavior towards me. Apparently no one spoke out of turn with him and got away with it.

And yet, here I am, patting down the wrinkles on my skirt, as his car approached the Jet.

I was rather angry. It was my day off. I wasn't even on call. I told Jenna that I wouldn't come in today and that he'd have to find someone else.

Apparently this man didn't take "No" for an answer.


He had his personal body guard arrive at my door, and I wouldn't be too surprised as to how he got my address.

The scary man was ready to drag me from my house. I was driven to his private Aircraft and now I had to play hostess.

When he stepped out of the car, his eyes looked up to me.

Had he smiled or even acknowledged my presence, maybe I would be free to assume that he was happy to see me.


Sooo, how's it sounding so far?

I will have the first chapter posted by tonight, but for now let me hear your thoughts on the description and sneak peek.

Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, and SHARING!

Lots of ❤❤❤


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