《Moonlight ✔︎》Bonus Chapter 3 - 5 Million Special


My head peeped out from the corner of the threshold, spying on the two loves of my life.

Angel sat next to Nicholas on the carpentered floor, both playing with the toy cars Drake had gotten Nicholas a week ago.

The race track was fairly large, it was the only thing Nicholas was playing with for this previous week. Though once he got sick of it, he would end up finding something else to obsess over.

It was amusing to me.

A small smile came to my lips as Nicholas giggled lightly—he had won the race. Angel smirked, watching the giddy boy.

And as if feeling my eyes, his light mixed eyes slowly found mine. I blushed slightly from his intense gaze peering directly into my own—then not so subtly ran over my body.

Frantic nerves ran through my body, butterflies forming in the deepest parts of my body. Reaching back to my eyes, he nodded his head lightly to the side—indicating to come over.

Before I could move a muscle, our son had immediately run over to me.

"Mama!" Nicholas squealed and carried his little chubby legs up to me. I giggled as he hugged my legs and I picked him up, walking over to their current position.

"Can you play with us?" He asked, escaping out of my hold once we were on the ground. "I've beaten daddy three times now, I bet I can beat you!"

I scrunched my lips to the side and shook my head—picking up the yellow Ferrari. "I can beat you both," I shrugged and placed my car in the middle of the starting line.

Angel scoffed, shaking his head with some sort of amusement. I frowned at that, narrowing my eyes at him as he placed his regular black car on the end.

Nicholas sat between us both, hastily placing his car on the other end—seemingly not wanting to miss out.

"I count," He said, holding up his three short fingers. Angel glanced at me as Nicholas began counting, his eyes greeting mine and I looked away—shyly.

"Three," Nicholas mumbled, readying the position of his car. From the corner of my eye, I saw Angel smirk.


Refocusing back on my car's position, I wait for the last number. "One!"

Nicholas releases the latch and the cars zoom off. My eyes watch my car, solely. It raced fast around the loops and down the hill—landing at the finish line, first place.

Clapping my hands, I laughed with a large smile—watching my son's smile drop to the floor and Angel's smirk widen.

Nicholas got up from the ground, running over to the cars and mumbling to himself about how he needed to get better.

I felt bad. Grabbing him swiftly, he lands in my lap with an 'oof'. I take his car and take my own, placing them on the race track and Angel releases the latch.

The cars fly off again, this time, Nicholas winning. He laughed and clapped his hands, crawling off my lap and hugging his arms around Angel's neck.

"Daddy has powers," He mumbled and I giggled, shaking my head at his ridiculous assumption.

While Nicholas ran out of the room, I scooted closer to Angel—who now stared at me intensely.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I mumbled, reaching my hand up to his cheek—cupping it.


His lips tilted upwards, lightly. Shrugging, he leant into my touch and blinked his eyes to something behind me.

"You're just beautiful," He said casually as if his words didn't affect me quite everywhere.

Blushing crimson, he glanced back to me and smiled a little more as he saw my red face. Removing my hand, he swiftly lifted my body with his two large hands and placed me on his lap.

My legs wrapped around him, straddling him as he buried his head in my neck.

"I love you," He kissed my neck, "so much." He breathed into my ear, his cool lips pushing against my skin.

Biting my lower lip, I bury my hand in his brown locks. "Well I love you," I replied, he lifted his head—facing me directly.

My heart accelerated at the close space—his beauty had always made me nervous, and it never seemed to stop.

Reaching forward, he lightly pressed his lips on mine. I kissed him back, sliding my tongue between the gap, caressing his mouth.

Both of my hands explored his back muscles, while his own explored my bottom. Enthrallingly, he cupped onto my ass and pushed my body closer to his.

"Mama, Uncle Ian is here!" Nicholas yelled from outside the room, making me push away from Angel immediately.

With swollen lips and a flushed face, I hastily scatter off him and stumble out of the room.

Angel chuckled from behind me, his deep voice echoing through my mind as I walked down the long staircase.

Right at the bottom, Nicholas lay in the arms of Miya, while Ian desperately tried to get Nicholas from Miya.

"God he's such a cute little kid, fucking knew y'all would make a heartbreaker," Ian said, taking Nicholas into his arms as he hugged him.

I scoffed and swatted him away. Miya wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly before letting go and smiling.

"We came past to drop some gifts off," As she said that, she held up the two full gift bags in her hands.

"Why?" Angel asked from behind me, raising an eyebrow as he wrapped his arms around my stomach from behind.

Miya shrugged and placed them onto the couch. "We got 'em from our long-ass business trip, most of them are gifts for Nicholas. Maybe a few for you two,"

She wiggled her eyebrows and gave me a little wink making me scrunch my face up in confusion.

"I'm hungry," Nicholas sighed, I looked down at him as he leaned his body against Ian's legs, dramatically closing his eyes and sighing again.

"God, he's like one of those cheesy actors from those Netflix chick flicks," Ian muttered and picked him up. I let out a laugh while Miya scoffed.

"What do you want to ea—

"Chicken nuggets!" He screamed before Ian could even finish his sentence. Ian looked over at me and pointed a finger towards me, then to Nicholas in his arms who was whining.

"Your child." He lipped, and I narrowed my eyes, he smiled innocently at me—beginning to walk over to the front door.

"We'll go feed your child," Ian yelled from over his shoulder, Miya skipping behind him and following.

Before I had the chance to say anything, I watched mindlessly as Angel snapped his fingers at two of our guards—ordering them to go with Nicholas.


Once they all left, actions were made quickly as I was suddenly pushed up against the wall.

My cheeks flushed red at the very close contact with Angel. His chain dangled from his neck as he hovered over me—his lips mere inches from mine.

"What are you doing?" I rose an eyebrow, placing both my hands on his chest—bringing one to his chain and twirling my finger around it.

He brushed his lips against mine, staring at them lifelessly and then flickering the same gaze to my eyes.

"What do you think, Moonlight?"

"Don't know. You tell me?" I mumbled, deeply enhanced with the chain around my finger. Seeing that, he chuckled darkly and removed his body—making my hand fly back to my sides.

I frowned instantly, without realising I did.

But then that frown went into shock when he picked my body up, gripping the back of my thighs he wrapped them around his torso.

I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck as he began moving us. "Angel!" I huffed, and he only chuckled as he opened our bedroom door with his foot.

Dropping us down to the bed, he hovered over me again and leaned down—smashing his lips against my own.

It took me a while to register the immediate kiss, his hand had come to the inside of my thigh and he squeezed, bringing me from my dreamy state.

Kissing him back, I slipped my arms around his neck and loosely hung them there as I brought him deeper into me.

"Someone's desperate," He huskily whispered as he parted from my lips, smirking. I smacked his shoulder in response and frowned.

"You are," I stuck my tongue out immaturely, which only led him to darken his gaze as my tongue had hit his parted lips.

"Tempting you are," He grumbled, moving his head to the peek of my neck and digging it there.

Giggling, I closed my eyes in wonder as his hands started to roam my body freely. Feeling every inch of his warm fingers linger along my flesh.

"Angel, you're going to—

My words are cut off by small squeals leaving my lips. His hands so recklessly started tickling my sides, leaving me to struggle under him.

"Angel! I-I can't breathe!" I hurled my body to the side, attempting to get away from him—though he only grabbed me by the hips and placed me back under him.

"Where are you going?" He smiled lightly, my favourite dimples peeking out. Just seeing him smile made me smile, and my flushed self went to go poke the holes.

He gripped my wrists before I could, he held them with one hand and placed his other just under my breasts—then proceeded to lift both wrists above my head as he kissed me tenderly down my neck.

"Hm," I hummed, closing my eyes and melting under his delicate touch. His lips moved further down, the smirk physically visible as I felt it against my skin.

"Do you want to watch a movie with me?" I asked him, holding in the moans that wanted to leave me.

"I do," He replied, gripping my waist further. He leaned up, kissing me again and this time it was held with pure intensity.

"But not right now," He said between kisses and I melted against him.

"Okay, you can pick since your taste is much better than mine," I smiled with my eyes closed, feeling his lips move from my cheek to my breasts.

He pulled my top over my head, kissing up and then back down my body.

"Sure, baby."

I brought him back to my lips, smiling as I kissed him into oblivion.

Nicholas sat between Angel and me, his little fingers tapping along the screen of Angel's phone playing some colouring game.

The aeroplane was just starting to move, getting ready for take-off.

"Did you remember to bring his—

With his head back against the seat and eyes closed, Angel let out a tired 'yes' before I could finish.

I hummed and pulled his hand in mine, smiling to myself as I remember this day a few years back.

We were on our way to Italy, our hearts in each other's hands and the moonlight shining through exactly as we took off.

And tonight happened to be the same circumstance, except we had another heart attached to ours.

Our son.

"Are you excited Nicholas?"

He looked up from the phone and looked at me, a cheeky grin in his eye that I recognised from my husband.

Just imagining Nicholas with the same smirk and same smile as Angel's was going to be the death of every male and woman when he was older.

"I'm more than excited, Mama." I giggled at his response and looked to Angel next to him, he opened his eyes and glanced at me too.

"Disneyland or California Adventure first?" I asked my son, nudging him with my shoulder teasingly.

He grinned and passed the phone back to his father, turning to me with a gleam.

"Wherever the Lightning McQueen ride is!" His excitement made me happier than I already was.

In honour of his birthday coming up, we decided to take him to Disney for the first time. As Angel planned to leave for LA for a few days for business, he booked tickets for Disney so we wouldn't be sitting doing nothing for those few days.

"Daddy's coming to right?" Nicholas looked up at him, a frown on his lips. Angel looked down at him, held his hand and rubbed his thumb along it.

"Of course, Nicholas."

He grinned and leaned his head on his side. Nicholas grabbed my hand too, holding tightly onto it as he let out a toothy smile looking outside the windows.

"Look at the moon, Mama!"

I ducked my head and looked outside, blushing as I felt his eyes on me.

"Pretty isn't it Nicholas?" Angel said. I turned to him and saw that his eyes were on me, I blushed and looked at the full moon.

As the plane took off, we landed in the air and Nicholas was slowly drifting off to sleep all the while looking out the window.

Angel adjusted him on his lap, pulling his head onto his shoulder and Nicholas tiredly buried his head in his shoulder, falling soundly asleep. The sight of the two never failed to make my heart pour.

Slowly, Angel looked at me. His head ducked to my ear while holding my hand in his.

"I love you, my Moonlight."

Biting my lip, I smiled and glanced away from the moon and to him.

"I love you, Angel."

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