《Moonlight ✔︎》Chapter 24


Daisy moves through the crowd easily, pulling me close behind her.

I watch as her hips sway the slightest as she walks, her long black hair moving with it.

She was like a walking goddess, and I wasn't the only one to think that.

The blue-lit room contrasted with her features, her eyes followed the trail that led towards the front doors.

We make it out of the crowded room, the cool breeze hitting our skin.

I watch Daisy shiver as we walk down the steps.

I rolled my eyes and took my jacket off pulling it around her.

She looked over at me and smiled as she slid her arms through.

"Thanks, Angel."

I nod at her in response and lead her towards my car.

Opening my car, I opened the door for her and helped her get into the jeep.

I shut the door once she was in and strided over to my side.

After starting the car, I drove away heading straight towards her house.

"Can I ask you something?" Her soft voice asks.

I glance at her and nod.

I heard her inhale and then speak.

"What happened with Michael?"

I bit my lip as I turned a corner and took in her question.

"Truth?" I ask her.

"Please." She replies.


I felt her stiffen completely.

I mentally rolled my eyes at this.

I wasn't used to being careful with what I say around people, I just didn't care and never would.

But now it's different.

Because of her, and it would only be around her that I would be careful.

She's innocent and delicate, I can't corrupt her.

And it seemed that I began to feel when I was around her, the nonexistent emotions in my body seemed to jolt up at the mere sound of her name.

I turn to her as we stop at a red light, her eyes were focused on her hands as she played with the bracelet around her wrist.


I licked my lips and tilted my head back, closing my eyes.


I could feel her eyes on me now.

"Yes?" She whispers quietly.

I open my eyes and strain them on her big, chocolate, brown ones.

"Don't be scared." I tell her.

I place my hand on her cheek and she leans into my touch, sighing.

"Did you mean it?" She asks suddenly.

I raise an eyebrow at her.

She frowns slightly, her glowing features brighten.

"That you would want to be more than friends?" She asks.

I stare at her deeply, watching the emotions flow through her eyes knowing mine was set on showing nothing.

"Yes." I answer honestly.

She nods and smiles.

"Okay." She whispers.

We stare at each other for a bit longer, her dark eyes boring into mine.

A car honk comes from behind us and roll my eyes and smirk.

Daisy gigles and looks back at the road.

Comfortable silence filled the car, Daisy had her head leaned against the window as her eyes shut quietly.

My phone started ringing and I took it out and held it to my ear.


Translation; Yes.

"Hai qualcuno che ti segue, Romano"

Translation; You've got someone following you, Romano

Drakes words alarmed me and I looked at the review only to see a Black Benz behind us.

I cursed under my breath and spoke.

"Prepara degli uomini a seguirli."

Translation; Get some men ready to follow.

"Su di essa."

Translation; On it.

I hang up and lean my head back against the seat and sigh.

"You okay?"

I looked over at Daisy to see her sitting up and looking at me with concern.

I glanced down at her full lips and nodded.


I took a right turn and went directly to the street I wanted to go on.

I watch the car behind us follow and watch as I lead them right into my trap.


I park on the curb and grab my gun from under my seat and tuck it into my pants.

"Angel?" Daisy asks worried.

I lean over to her and kiss her cheek.

"I'll be back, don't get out whatsoever."

She looks at me wide-eyed, before she could protest I get out of the car and lock it, knowing she would attempt to get out.

I walk into the middle of the street where the armed men were.

I smirk darkly as I watch them direct their guns at me.

They won't shoot.

I walk closer and closer to them and that had only egged them on more.

As I reached them, their loaded guns nearly touching my body as I continued to walk.

I only found it amusing as their scared and worried faces tense more as I got nearer.

The sound of a gunshot rang through the quiet street and I chuckle darkly as one of the men pathetically shot the ground.

The ground right beside me.

"Who?" I ask as I point my gun at the man's foot and shoot him.

He screams out in pain and I mentally thank myself for making my car soundproof.

He fell to the ground, the other men cower away slightly.

"Who?" I repeat as I step on his injured foot, digging the bullet in deeper.

He screams and curses.

"I can't say." He shrieks.

I roll my eyes and shoot him dead.

Waste of my time.

Just before the other two men could do anything I shot them as well, their bodies dropping to the ground.

I look over at my men, signalling for them to clean the mess.

I ran a hand through my hair and clenched my jaw.

I tucked my gun into my waistband and walked back over to the car.

As I got in, I watched Daisy's posture stiffen and tense.

I shut the car door and turned to her as she hesitantly spoke.

"T-They were bad right?"

I stare at her emotionlessly and nod.


She nods hesitantly and leans her head back as she thinks deep in thought.

I look back over to the front and drive off.

The rest of the car ride was silent, I kept feeling her gaze on me, which had me distracted most of the time.

Once we pull up to her house I get out of the car and go to her side, helping her out.

Her hand clasps with mine as she leads us towards her front door.

I walk behind her and look towards the driveway to see Tyson's car not there.

I'll have someone watch over her house until he comes back.

She turns around to face me as we make it to the front of her door.

Her head tilts up towards me.

I take my hand to her cheek, brushing my thumb over her skin.

"Go out with me tomorrow night?" I ask her.

She giggles and tilts her head to the side.

"A date?" She questions.

I roll my eyes and look at the wall behind her.

"Yes." She answers.

I look back over at her only to see the purest and most perfect smile on her lips shining up at me.

The feeling of knowing I had made that smile light upon her face had somehow sent some sort of tranquillity within me.

One thing ran through my mind at this moment, no matter who or what it took to get it, I would.

To have her all to myself.

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