《My Soldier. My Hero. (Completed)》Chapter 12


He grabs my face, "I want you Mia. All of you. I want you to be my girlfriend." I freeze. Oh my god.

"Okay." He looks downs me with a surprised look. "Okay, I'll be yours." I explain further. He kisses me passionately. How am I going to explain Nick. This is so fucking messed up. What have I done? I can't tell Aiden that I'm in love with him.

I break our kiss, "I need to ask you something and I hope you won't freak out."

He looks concerned, "okay?" He says.

"My family/Sophia's family is having a dinner tomorrow night and they want to meet you." He looks at me with questioning eyes, "do you want me to go?" He asks.

I nod my head, "I do. Do you want to go?"

He gets a huge grin and pulls me on top of him, "yes. I want to go."

I smile, kissing down his neck. My hands roam his head and move down to his shoulders. He smirks and grabs my hands. "As much as I would love to, I don't want to hurt you. Just lay here and let me hold you." I nod and scoot down, laying on his chest with my arm draped over his abdomen. We fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up draped across Aiden's body. He's talking quietly on the phone, trying not to wake me up. "Tell Sophia she is fine. She's right next to me. I will have Mia call her, when she gets up. Caleb! That's none of your fucking business."

I begin to chuckle, knowing full well who he's talking to. He looks down at me with a smirk, "I gotta go Caleb. I'll talk to you later. Yeah yeah..bye." He leans down to kiss me, "call Sophia. She's driving me fucking nuts."

I giggle. Rolling on top of him. Kissing his neck. "What did Caleb want to know?"

He stops me, looking into my eyes with a mischievous grin, "he wanted to know how many orgasms I gave you." I blush

I bury my face into his neck and start kissing him to hide my embarrassment.

I feel him getting turned on. He starts groaning, "if you start this, we will never make it out of bed." He says rubbing his hands down my naked body.

"Mmm...maybe that's what I want." I say between kisses. I start kissing him lower.

He pulls me up to him, "I don't want that. A man has abused you that way and I don't want to be associated with it. I don't need it because you turn me on, just fucking thinking about you."

He lifts me up taking us into his bathroom to shower. Once I'm under the shower head, I feel the warm water running down my body. All of a sudden, I'm pushed up against the shower wall and the water is taken off of me and focused on my clit. My body shakes.


Aiden lifts me off the ground and still has the shower head on my clit, making me moan and breath heavy. He kisses me down to my collarbone. I take my hand and wrap it around his throbbing dick and stroke his length. He growls from my movement. He drops the shower head and thrusts into me. I kiss him hard, pulling him closer. I thrust harder into him, making him go deeper and faster. Soon the bathroom is filled with screaming and moaning. I clinch around Aiden, reaching my

orgasm and I feel him starting to twitch inside me. He quickly pulls out and releases on the shower tile floor.

His hands on the shower wall, inclosing my body. He looks into my eyes, filled with lust. He kisses me passionately. We resume our shower.

After he makes love to me in the shower, he wraps a towel around my body and sets me on the bathroom counter. He stands in front of me, between my legs. His hands laying on my waist, while he's kissing me. He stops, "I need to ask you something. We are having a military ball next weekend and I want you to come with me."

I nod my head, "I'll go with you." I begin kissing him again.

He puts his forehead against mine, "we should get dressed. We can pick up some clothes for you on the way."

I shake my head, "I brought clothes, they are in the trunk of my car." I smirk.

He chuckles, "ohhh....so you planned last night?"

I take a deep breath, "not exactly. I knew it would be hard for me to resist you, if you started something. So...I just wanted to be prepared." He smirks, rubbing his hands up my thighs.

Once we are both dressed, Aiden goes into his kitchen and starts coffee. I sit at the island and we talk about everything. He's very easy to talk to. We enjoy the day together, hanging out at his house. I can't get enough of him.

We start to get ready for dinner and for Aiden to meet my family. Aiden puts on a button up shirt, with the top button undone. You can see the crease between his pecks. Can he just fuck me now?

I walk into his bathroom and drop my outfit and I start to lift my dress up, trying to fit it over my ass. I look in the mirror and notice Aiden's eyes dilated and watching me...eyeing every curve of my body. I finally get the dress up. "Do you mind zipping it?" I ask.

Aiden sucks in a breath and pushes my hair back, brushing my neck. This causes me to shiver. I look in the mirror and can see him smirking as he slowly runs his finger up my skin as he zips the zipper. He turns me around and smashes his lips to mine. "I don't plan on that dress being on you for very long when we get back here." He says breathlessly.


I giggle and we walk out to his truck, making our way to the restaurant.

We pull up front and I can't help but be nervous. God I'm going to throw-up. Aiden grabs my hand, realizing I had been tapping it on the arm rest all the way here. "Hey, it's going to be fine." He says deeply.

I lean over and kiss him passionately. "Yeah, that dress is coming off, as soon as we get in the door of my house." He says. Fuck....I'm already turned on.

We get out of the truck and Aiden grabs my hand, walking into the restaurant. As soon as we enter, I see Bob, Sophia, Caleb, Sophie's Mom, Bailey, and Dad, Ricardo; Bob and Ricardo's Mom, Rosa; and their other brother, Mario, along with several of Sophia's cousins.

Everyone comes up to me and wraps their arms around me, hugging and kissing me. They are a touchy family...it was different for me at first. But, I kind of like it now. Bob approaches me and Aiden and he wraps his arms around me, hugging me and kissing the top of my head. "How are you love?" He asks.

I blush, "I'm really good, how are you?"

He smiles, "I'm good, I'm glad you didn't miss another family dinner. I'm also glad to hear you're doing so well. I'm assuming that has something to do with this young man?"

I nod my head. Aiden sticks out his hand, "it's nice to meet you sir, I'm Aiden."

Bob shakes his hand, "nice to meet you Aiden. My name is Roberto Vinatieri, but you can call me Bob." Bob looks down at me, "do you want to introduce this young man to the family?" I nod my head, looking down.

We pick our seats next to Caleb and Sophia. Sophia is grinning ear to ear at me. I roll my eyes. I stand up and everyone goes silent, watching me. "Uh....Hi. It's nice to see everyone. I'm sorry I missed dinner two weeks ago. I....Uh...brought someone with me. This is Aiden, umm...he's my boyfriend."

Everyone starts talking at the same time, asking Aiden a lot of personal questions. "Stop!" I say. "I love you all, but you can be overwhelming at times. Instead of asking Aiden to share his entire life story, why doesn't he just choose what he wants to tell you."

I feel Aiden grab my hand under the table, "baby it's okay. Stop stressing, I wouldn't expect any less from a loving family." He says kissing my cheek. I turn to look at Bob, he has a goofy grin on his face.

Aiden goes on to tell my family where he works and that he was a navy seal. The family becomes very interested in his military background. Him and Caleb share stories, making everyone laugh.

Bob speaks up, "I'm glad that my daughter has found someone worthy of her love." I instantly look at him, with sorrow in his eyes. I know he's referring to the first day I met him. Aiden wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him - kissing the top of my head. My cheeks turning red like a tomato.

"That being said Mia, I want you to know how much this family loves you. We adore you. I love you, just like if you were my own daughter." Bob says. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. Aiden rubs my back.

"Mia, I don't want to tell people you're like a daughter to me, I want you to be my daughter...legally. I want to adopt you as my child. What do you think?" He asks.

I get up from my chair and he stands up. I wrap my arms around him, "there is nothing I would like more than to be your daughter." Tears flowing down my face. Bob kisses the top of my head and wipes my tears away. "I love you Mia"

I hug him tighter, "I love you too!"

After everyone gives me hugs, Sophia walks up to me, "I'm so happy your going to be officially my cousin! Also, don't think I forgot about you introducing Aiden as your boyfriend. We have a lot to talk about." I blush.

As soon as we get into the truck, Aiden laces our fingers and lifts my hand, kissing the back. He drives to his house and we make our way to the door. As soon as he unlocks it, he pulls me in. Lifting me up and starting to unzip my dress while walking back to his bedroom. He wasn't joking.

While kissing him hard, "you're not wasting anytime." I say, my chest heaving.

He throws me on the bed and starts undressing himself. "I know what I want and I've been wanting you all night." Fuck...

I bite my bottom lip and he lowers himself on top of me. Afterwards, he pulls off the condom and pulls me to his chest. Both of us breathing heavy. Tears start to run down my cheeks and he notices.

"Oh my god baby, did I hurt you?" He exclaims.

I shake my head, "no, I'm just so happy. I never thought my life would be filled with so much joy. I thought I was going to be miserable forever."

He wipes my tears away, kissing my lips. "You deserve every ounce of happiness and so much more."

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