《My Soldier. My Hero. (Completed)》Chapter 5


My shift ends and I head towards the back to see if Julia and Sophia are ready. I hear them giggling in the bathroom. "Hey, are you girls ready?" I ask. Julia turns to look at me, "I can't wait for all six of us to hangout."

I smirk and shake my head, "don't get use to it, I'm just doing this tonight to apologize." Sophia walks past me, guiding everyone out of the bathroom. "Oh stop, you need more friends anyways," she says.

As soon as we head outside I see the guys waiting for us by a big SUV. Aiden got into the drivers seat. Lee and Julia quickly jump in the very back and Caleb and Sophia jump in the back, behind the driver and passenger seat. I sigh, knowing this was done on purpose. I get into the passenger side, next to Aiden.

He watches me. I buckle my seatbelt and smile at him. The SUV starts moving. I turn to look out of the passenger side window, watching the buildings pass by.

"So Mia, where are you from?" Aiden asks. I sigh, "California," I turn to face him and I see him give me a small smile. "Do you have family here or in California?" I look in his eyes searching for ulterior motives, but I find none. "The only family I have is Sophia and her family." He senses my uncomfortability and changes the topic. "How old are you?" I look him, "21, I'll be 22 soon. I'm in my last year in college." We pull up to the bowling alley and get out of the SUV.

Everyone walks in and Aiden opens the door for me. He places his hand on my upper back, ushering me inside. I stop Aiden, "I have a confession." He looks at me confused. " I'm a little nervous. I've never bowled before." He chuckles, "that's okay, I'll teach you."

We go up to the register and Aiden pays for our shoes and game. "Aiden, you didn't have to do that. I'm supposed to be making it up to you for my attitude remember?" He smirks, "oh, I remember." I purse my lips together and walk towards our group.

Sophia wraps her arm around my shoulder, "we are going to team up. Couples, against couples. Me and Caleb, Julia and Lee and you and Aiden."

I shake my head. "I know what you're doing."

She smirks at me, "we're bowling, that's what we are doing." Amused with her, I just shake my head.


Aiden walks over with our shoes, "okay, since Mia has never bowled before, she gets a couple of practice swings first." Everyone nods in agreement. Aiden grabs my hand walks me over to the bowling balls. His touch makes my body quiver. What the fuck am I thinking.. He helps me pick out one that I could actually lift.

Once we are over towards the group, he stands on my right mimicking how to throw a bowling ball. He then stands behind me and shows me how to grip the ball, holding my hand at the same time. Once I start my three steps, he guides the ball in my hand, helping me release. He smells amazing. I have no idea what it is, but I love his manly smell. The bowl rolls down the lane and I hit one pin.

I turn and look at him, "hey! You got a pin for your first roll, that's pretty good." I take a deep breath, "you know we are going to lose right?" He winks at me, "don't worry babe, I got this."

Hearing him call me babe, makes my heart thump and sets my stomach on fire. He's fucking beautiful. This isn't good.

Our game starts and everyone is throwing pretty good. Aiden of course is throwing strikes left and right. He really did have this. When I step-up Aiden is always next to me giving me pointers. He's not pushy or aggressive. He's more patient and motivating - definitely different than any man I've ever experienced. Except for Bob...but he's more like a Dad.

It comes down to the last throw and Caleb throws a strike, tying with me and Aiden. I setup to the lane and throw my ball. It's spins right down the center and smacks all of the pins down. "OH MY GOD! I GOT A STRIKE!" I'm jumping up and down from excitement and before I know it I jump into Aiden's arms - wrapping my arms around his neck. He catches me and smiles. I realized what I had done and blush profusely and push away from his chest. He sets me down and starts laughing. "You did great!"

We all start gathering our stuff. I'm sitting across the table from Aiden, bending over and putting my shoes on. I can see him eyeing me - he takes a drink from his beer. I turn to look at him watching me, "Go to dinner with me Friday evening." He says. My heart drops to my stomach. The group stops what they are doing and I can feel all of their eyes on me. "Uh...Aiden I'm not really into dating." He smiles, "friends can't have dinner?" I take a deep breath, "I guess they can..." he interrupts, "Good, I'll pick you up at 7 then." He gets up and takes both of our shoes to the clerk.


I look at Sophia, "what the hell just happened?" Caleb starts chuckling, "he got his way and now you have a date." I shake my head, "he said it wasn't a date." He starts laughing now, "no, he asked if friends can have dinner. He didn't say it wasn't a date, you just assumed." I roll my eyes. Two can play this game. Aiden walks towards us. "Fine, but it's not a date." He gives me a smirk and we all head to the car.

The week goes by and it's Friday morning. I'm a nervous wreck thinking about dinner with Aiden. I'm going to die of a panic attack.

Sophia walks into the restaurant, "hey girl, are you coming over to my apartment to get ready for your date.?" I nod my head, "yes, I'm coming over, but no it's not a date. Speaking of dating what's going on with you and Caleb?" She giggles, "we are seeing each other. He's sexy and sweet and really good in..." I knew where this was going. "Mmm...stop right there. I don't want to know." She laughs, "why not? We are sisters?" I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, it's just weird to me to talk about sex." "Well you gunna have to get use to it," she says.

Our shifts end and Julia, Sophia and myself head to her apartment. The girls help me get ready and I hear a knock on the door. I look at the clock and it's 6:30. He's really early. Julia goes to open it and I can hear Caleb and Lee. Sophia looks at me in the mirror, "it's just Caleb and Lee. Aiden is coming by himself. You're awfully nervous for someone who is going on a non-date."

I'm tapping my fingers on my knee. "God Sophia, I haven't been to dinner with a man in a long time. What do I even say to him. I'm so fucking nervous. I feel like my insides are going to explode." She chuckles while curling my hair, "I don't know Mia, talk about whatever you want. But what your feeling is normal it means you're attracted to him." I roll my eyes at her.

Once done, we walk into her closet. "What am I going to wear." She looks me up and down in my lace bra and thong. "Depends...how quick do you want the dress to be on Aiden's bedroom floor."

My eyes widen with horror, "SOPHIA! This dress isn't going to be on anyone's bedroom floor. This is not a date. God, you are making me more nervous!" She's laughing hysterically. I shove her, "not funny."

She's now crying, "oh, you should have seen your face." I smirk at her and shake my head. Grabbing the black dress she has in her hand. It's cute and comes up mid thigh. It's fitted at the top, but flows out at my lower waist.

Sophia looks at me, "Mia, you look very beautiful. All kidding aside, you look sexy, but classy." I walk down the hall trying to make sure I have everything I need in my purse.

I see Caleb and Lee (Julia sitting on his lap) sitting at the kitchen table watching me. Caleb speaks up, "hey Mia, just so you know, you could where a cardboard box and Aiden would want that on his bedroom floor within seconds." I smirk, "if that's your way of telling me I look nice, thank you." He chuckles, "no that's my way of telling you, you look breathtaking and Aiden is going to be speechless." My cheeks burn red by his statement.

I walk towards Sophia's room to grab my coat and I hear a knock at the door - Sophia opens it and Aiden walk in. I stroll down the hallway with my jacket in hand. Aiden stops talking to Caleb and Lee and watches me. I get to him and look at him confused, "are you okay?" I hear Lee and Caleb chuckle. Aiden's eyes widen, "wow... Mia. You look...God, words can't even describe." I smile. He opens the door and asks, "are you ready?" I nod my head. He runs to the passenger side and opens the door for me.

We start driving to the restaurant. Both of us sit in silence. We pull up to this beautiful restaurant and Aiden gets out and opens my door. I look at Aiden, "this looks way too expensive."

He smiles, "don't worry about it. I'm paying anyways."

I shake my head, "Aiden...I can't let you do that."

Aiden grabs my hand, "Well...too bad. I asked you out to dinner, so I'm paying." Aiden walks up to the host, "two for Aiden Lowell." The waiter seats us.

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