《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 21





The morning was boring after Mason escaped through my window. I was eager to tell Jenna and have her knock some much needed sense into me, but fate would have it other ways and she wasn't coming to school until lunch.

The only text I got was:

Dentist appointment

I had rolled my eyes when I'd seen it.

Guess you'll miss the Mason update

I was only teasing, but Jenna had responded right away.

Update?! You still need to explain what Hank was talking about

I cringe at that. I'm not scared or embarrassed to tell Jenna what happened, but telling her how awful Hank and Mason's dad is doesn't seem fair. I text her back a thumbs up and turn toward the board. There's only half an hour left before the class ends and Jenna will get here, thankfully.

My plan is to copy notes and ignore the world until then, but my teacher calls my name

"oh Will honey!?"

I look up and she smiles sweetly at me "do you mind running this note to Mrs.Harrison's room?" I cringe but stand obediently "sure thing"

I take the note and leave the room walking down the hall and upstairs coming up to Mrs.Harrison's room. I knock lightly shifting on my feet awkwardly. Thankfully the door opens and she smiles down at me

"Will what can I do for you?" I hand her the note "I was asked to bring this to you"

She takes the note and reads it before nodding "perfect thank you, you may go back to class"

I nod and turn about the head down the hall but her door clicks shut and I'm standing directly in front of Tony who grins.

"Baby Jackson. What are you doing here?" I wince "um...going to class"

I attempt to step around him, but he swings an arm around my shoulders locking me against his side and starts dragging me with him "c'mon Will I'll walk you to class" I hate the way I freeze up and just let him drag me towards the stairwell.

Once inside he shoves me toward the wall

"you know Will I feel like we never get time to just talk"

I bite my lip confused and on edge "I need to go Tony" he chuckles shaking his head "no you don't" I move from the wall and he shoves me back against it.

"Teachers pet doesn't want to be late to class am I right?" I don't meet his eye.

"just leave me alone Tony please" he sighs "Will, I'll let you go before class ends..if you beg"

My eyes widen why does he always want me to do what he says? Despite being scared and worried about getting back to class I shake my head "I I'm not doing that"

He smirks "oh c'mon Will I can stand here all period just get on your knees and ask me nicely" he shoves me harshly as he speaks so I end up landing harshly on my knees on the ground.

I try to stand back up but he shoves me again

"ah stay down!"

I feel tears prick my eyes and if being unable to stand up made me feel humiliated this was worse.

I refuse to meet Tony's eyes and this only fuels him "don't make it boring Willy say something, ask me to go and I'll let you, just ask my permission" I glare at the ground wishing my tears to go away.


Tony huffs when I don't comply with his demands and grips my chin harshly catching me off guard.

He forces me to look up at him and glares "ask me to let you go"

I let out a sound of surprise and think of Kenny's words "give him a reaction just not the one he wants".

I bite my lip and grunt "piss off Tony you don't get to tell me.." he slaps me before I can finish and successfully shuts me up. So much for Kenny's advice, Tony is a different kind of terrible.

My cheek stings and my face beats with embarrassment. The idea of someone walking in and seeing me like this, on the ground while Tony stands above me, my cheek red with his mark.

I cringe and mumble lightly "p please can I go?" Tony grins his whole face lights up at my words "can you what?" I bite my lip hard hating this feeling.

"Can I please go?" He chuckles "see that wasn't so hard" he pats my cheek like I'm a good dog making my eyes burn. That's what he wants right? Me to be his bitch.

Tony grins turning to the doors we came out of and pulling them open "oh hey Austin"

My head whips around when he says that and I scramble to get up off the floor.

Austin lifts a brow looking behind himself where Tony just was "woah you okay?" I nod quickly "y yeah"

He doesn't look convinced and tilts his head "did Tony.." I interrupt before he can say anything else "nope! He just hit me with the door on accident! I'm fine"

Austin gives me a look and I know I sound crazy making up excuses and throwing them at him wildly.

He sighs "listen..Will if" I shake my head "seriously Austin I'm okay" he nods slowly and I move toward the stairs, but pause at the top "Um Austin?"

He lifts a brow looking hopeful I'll tell him something, but I just bite my lip "can you uh not tell Gage about this?" His face falls, but he nods slowly. I give him a small smile and leave heading back to class.

Just as I get back the bell rings and thankfully I beeline out of there before anyone notices the red mark staining my cheek.

Jenna meets me at our lockers grinning "hey!" I smile "hey how was the dentist?"

She shrugs "good how was..." I turn at that moment and she glares "hey! What happened to your cheek?" I cringe "um...got hit by a door" I try the same excuse I used with Austin, but she doesn't bite.

"Yeah right try again" I look at my feet "it's fine" she glares "Tony?"

I shrug focusing on digging my toe into the ground.

She sighs "why don't you just tell Gage? This is ridiculous he hit you?"

I bite my lip "he slapped me...Um.." I try not to think too hard about it and blink some tears away

"I don't know why, he just shoved me so I was on the ground and wouldn't let me go back to class.."

I curse my voice for wavering and Jenna looks equally sympathetic and angry. "I hope you punched him hard"

I shake my head "no...he wanted me to ask him to let me go...so I did" Jenna's mouth hangs open "what the fuck? The kid has some kind of domination kink he's taking out on you?!"


My face flares having not thought of that and I bite my lip "I uh..what?" She shakes her head "doesn't matter either way it needs to stop"

I sigh "it's fine let's just go to lunch, I have drama remember?" She rolls her eyes in annoyance, but reluctantly lets me change the topic.

We get to the bleachers and she nods popping a carrot into her mouth "so?" I bite my lip "okay..What Hank was talking about was their dad...he's well...not nice and when I was at Mason's the other night he said some really awful stuff to me" Jenna blinks "what stuff?"

I shrug "it doesn't matter, that's what Hank was talking about he was just making sure I was okay" Jenna smiles "that is so sweet" I nod, but she doesn't smile for long.

"And the update?!" I roll my eyes "jeez Jenna one story at a time" she glares playfully "the update?"

I chuckle "fine..Mason came over last night" she rolls her eyes "naturally" I scrunch my face up because she's right and it's happening so often she expects it.

"Anyway, this morning we slept in and we were running late so when Mason tried to leave Gage was across the hall in the bathroom with the door open and so he couldn't leave"

Jenna's eyes widen "so Gage knows?!" I shake my head "Um no...Mason told me he'd climb out the window" she laughs "like some rom-com?"

I nod biting my lip "I told him I didn't want him to get hurt and he kissed me...and told me he'd be fine"

Jenna grins "he kissed you?!" I nod "um yeah I just said that" she rolls her eyes at my attitude before sighing

"I hate him you know" I blink "um what?"

She shakes her head "this off and on, hot and cold bullshit is so unfair to you! I mean kissing you? Really? After he said he was done?"

I cringe at her words, they're true and I hate to admit it. I shrug in response suddenly feeling guilty and that nagging feeling of being pitied returns.

I mumble "he called me baby" the excitement of it gone.

Jenna however shakes her head "I'm sorry he called you what?!"

I cringe "baby.."

She throws her hands up "idiot! He's a complete idiot!" I make a face "why??"

She sighs "the man is giving me! whiplash, how's your neck?!" I chuckle at that "I don't know how to feel Jenna"

She sighs "Will...I'm going to be honest with you here; your not very assertive"

I let her know I'm offended with the look on my face and she chuckles "sweetie I'm just saying they're a few things you need to go ahead and put your foot down about"

I lift a brow and she sighs "decide if your okay with what's going on with Mason, if your not; no more bed buddies" I cringe at that and she laughs "I'm sorry. And for the love of god tell Gage about Tony please"

I sigh "I'll..consider it" she smiles at me and pulls me into a hug just as the bell rings.

I nod at her as we walk inside "anything you got going on?" She laughs loudly "Will, you have enough drama for the both of us" I cringe at that, but smile shortly after.

When we get to third period Jenna glares daggers at Tony who is smirking at me more enthusiastically then usual. The fact that he's so proud of himself annoys me and I can't look at him knowing I gave him that satisfaction.

The lesson starts and thankfully Tony has seemed to have his fill of harassing me for the day so no papers hit me. Mason walks in the class late Gage rushing in behind him and immediately working damage control.

Charming Mrs.Heckle into thinking they were helping someone who dropped their books. We all know that's not true.

Mason pauses next to my desk a second before his face hardens and his head shoots up glaring at Tony, he stalks to his own desk. Only a second later my phone dings I cringe and almost don't want to open it, but the very unsubtle grunt I hear behind me makes me pick it up.

What the fuck happened to your face?

I cringe and despite my better judgment try to deflect with humour.

It's just sexy ;)

Although I'm being incredibly forward and flirty Mason doesn't budge his next text just as direct and angry as his first.


I bite my lip he's mad. He's mad mad and I don't know what to say. I can't tell him Tony slapped me knowing Mason he'll punch him right here, right now and Gage will most definitely find out. I text back a very simple

Nothing it's fine

And by the way Mason scoffs angrily I know it maybe wasn't the best choice.

The rest of the class I'm on edge. My feet falling anxiously on the ground and despite Jenna telling me it's causing people to look over and I should stop I can't help that only a moment after they start back up again.

The bell rings and Tony saunters out of class a grin on his face. Mason follows behind him and I glance at Gage who is, as per usual asleep on his desk.

I rush from the room just as Mason grabs Tony's shirt and shoves him against the lockers

"what the fuck did you do?!"

Tony looks surprised for two seconds before his gaze slides over to me lazily and he grins "what are you talking about?"

Mason looks ready to kill him and everyone is watching.

I move toward them "Mason!"

He ignores me glaring at Tony who just glares right back occasionally looking at me with his stupid smirk.

That proves to only fuel Mason and I end up grabbing his arm when I notice his entire body tense "just let him go"

Mason seems to have to force his hands to let go of Tony who grins at me "would you look at that your my..." Mason shoves him hard "he's not your anything, piss off"

Tony holds his hands up in surrender laughing "oops my bad" I glare and turn to Mason "you.." he grunts "tonight." I blink, but he's already rushing away.

Just as he does a groggy Gage walks out of the room "what's his problem?" He yawns loudly as I shrug too busy wondering what Mason meant.

What's happening tonight?



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