《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 19
I was scared during the movie, but the closer to Mason I got the less scared I was. I could feel his body heat and his fingers grazed my shoulder comfortingly. Even I was impressed I stayed the whole movie, but I know for a fact if Mason wasn't there I wouldn't have.
I cringe thinking of Mason. 15 minutes ago I came upstairs and got in bed. Ever since, I've been laying here wondering when he'll join me. Worried he never will.
I sigh and roll over facing the wall. I don't want to spend the whole night watching the door waiting for it to open. I try to focus on anything else, something to put me to sleep.
I jump when I feel arms slide around me and Mason whispers "shh it's just me"
I freeze before relaxing into his touch "I didn't..." I swallow "I didn't hear you come in"
His face is tucked into my neck and he sighs "go to sleep" I bite my lip, but don't argue.
Instead I lay down and close my eyes.
I wake up before Mason and that alone freaks me out. What freaks me out even more is hearing people moving around downstairs. My eyes widen and shoot to my clock my heart stopping when I see the time 11:30am.
I sit up quickly and shake Mason.
I know we were both lacking sleep, but from the voices I hear downstairs Hank and Gage are both awake.
Suddenly I hear someone on the stairs and jump up out of my bed and rush to the door quickly flipping my lock.
I'm freaking out and my heart rate is high. The only thought in my mind being how the hell we're going to explain this to Gage or Hank!
I move back to my bed and climb next to Mason shaking him "Mason! Wake up!"
He groans and tries to roll over, but I shake him again "please wake up!"
He grunts just as I hear someone outside my bedroom door "baby go.."
I slap a hand over Masons mouth quickly my eyes wide as Hanks voice floats through the door.
"Will?" I cringe "uh y yeah?"
He tries turning my door handle and I thank myself for being smart enough to lock it.
"Can I come in?" My eyes widen and I try to think up an excuse quickly "uh I um...I not dressed yet!"
I wince at the lie and notice at that moment Mason has woken up. He moves my hand off his mouth and sits up groaning to which I shush him again quickly.
Hank grunts "did you just get up? Is Mason with you? We can't find him" I cringe and answer quickly, too quickly "no! Of course not! why would he be with me?! I just woke up alone!..in my bed.."
Mason returns the favour from earlier and puts his hand over my mouth to stop my rambling.
"Tell him to piss off"
My eyes widen at Mason's words is he not worried at all?!
I shake my head and move his hand from my mouth "I'm not telling him to piss off!" I'm whisper yelling, but clearly not well because Hank tries the handle again.
"Are you not alone? Who are you talking to?" I cringe trying to my best to think of something to say "I uh I'm..watching something?"
Hank chuckles "is it porn? because your acting really weird" my face flames "no! It's not..it's not that!"
Mason sighs "Hank piss off!"
My eyes widen and Hank makes a sound of surprise "Mason?"
Mason groans "I swear to fucking God Hank"
He pushes me out of his way lightly and stalks to my door unlocking it and pulling it open.
"Can I not get any god dammed sleep?"
Hank looks between Mason and I his eyes wide and confused "why are you?"
Mason rolls his eyes "Will was too scared to sleep last night and he asked me to sleep with him, a beds better then the recliner right?"
Hank nods slowly before chuckling and turning to me "you were that scared?!"
I blink processing Mason's lie before nodding slowly "uh y yeah" Hank laughs, but Mason grunts cutting him off "don't tell Gage now watch out" he shoves Hank and walks across the hall into the bathroom.
Hank comes into my room and looks at me "why can't I tell..?" Gage sticks his head in my room "did you find Mason?"
My eyes widen slightly and Hank nods towards the door "bathroom"
Gage makes a face, but shrugs "you just get up?" I nod "uh yeah" he chuckles "hard time sleeping?"
My cheeks tinge slightly and Hank laughs making me cringe "uh yeah" Gage makes a face "you two are being weird"
Hank shrugs "nah I'm just making fun of Will" I nod and stand from my bed walking toward my closet.
"Okay well...I'm going to get dressed" Gage nods "whatever" he turns to Hank "you want to go to McDonald's for breakfast right?" Hank nods moving toward the door "yeah"
Gage turns to me "be ready in 10?" I nod "sure"
Thankfully Hank and Gage go downstairs and I can let out a breath. I pick my outfit and a moment later Mason comes back in my room "we're going to McDonald's?" I nod slowly as he bends down picking up his clothes.
My eyes widen "are you kidding?!" He stands again lifting a brow "what?" I bite my lip "Hank almost caught us! What if Gage had seen your clothes?!"
I shake my head "I told Gage...I mean I guess I never uh said, but um" I ramble and Mason sighs "spit it out Will"
I cringe "I'm gay..and I told Gage" he chuckles "obviously you're gay and I figured you told him, Gage seemed a lot more pissed about Jack and Austin then usual"
I cringe because he's right, Gage had a lot more attitude with his friends and their jokes since I told him I was gay.
I shake my head "okay..we'll if he saw us...we couldn't..he'd think" Mason sighs nodding "yes I know and your right I should be more careful"
I bite my lip and nod slowly feeling awkward. Mason and I shouldn't make small talk not when he's done with me.
"You should go downstairs" he looks like he wants to say something, but nods instead and I don't give him another opportunity. I go to the bathroom and change before heading downstairs myself.
"You ready?" I nod at Gage as Hank huffs "finally I'm starving to death" I roll my eyes "you're definitely not starving you had about 30 cookies last night"
Hank rolls his eyes "I only had 8 thank you" I chuckle and we head out to the car. I try not to look at Mason and thankfully Hank keeps my attention most of the time.
When we get to McDonald's Hank orders himself 2 sandwiches and three hash browns to which Gage lifts a brow "jeez dude Mason gonna let you eat all that?" Mason shakes his head, but Hank shrugs "he owes me" Mason lifts a brow and Gage chuckles "why?"
Hank rolls his eyes talking with his mouth full "he came home wasted a couple nights ago...he slept on the hall floor and I was nice enough to put a pillow under his head"
My eyes widen and drift to Mason whose already looking at me. His face is hard to read, but his eyes look guilty. That confuses me.
Gage looks at Mason "that after the party?" Mason shakes his head "nah just had a rough night and when that happens working at a bar isn't ideal"
Gage shakes his head "anytime you have a night like that call me..shit call Will if I'm busy don't do that to yourself man" I cringe when he says call me.
I would answer, of course I would, but helping Mason? It's only going to make my feelings harder to deny.
Mason just shrugs "Thanks man" Gage nods "yeah for sure you're my best friend"
Thankfully they change the conversation to something less deep and a little while later were cleaning up to go.
A girl walks over just as were about to leave and grins "hey Mason" Mason looks up and crosses his arms "hey?" She twirls her hair lightly "you free tonight? Repeat of Friday?"
I cringe Friday? Had Mason slept with this girl before he came to me? I can't help the way my skin crawls at the thought.
Mason shakes his head "nah not tonight"
She pouts, but Mason doesn't entertain her any longer. She sulks away and Hank lifts a brow "one of those beds your always keeping warm?" Mason grunts and shoves Hanks shoulder "shut up" Hank chuckles "just asking"
Gage chooses then to join the conversation "your not going to hit that again!?" I bite my lip waiting for Mason's answer, but my face falls when it comes:
"Not tonight."
It wasn't a no. It wasn't a; never again. He might not plan on sleeping with her tonight, but he does another night. I bite my lip, does he plan on sleeping in my bed afterwards?
I sigh knowing I can't keep calling Mason to sleep with me if he's going to bed someone on his way over, but the idea of sleeping alone makes my chest ache a little more then it should.
Once we're in the car I try to avoid paying to much attention and instead focus on Hank who is arguing about the game with Gage.
"It was a shitty play!" Gage rolls his eyes "who plays football here Hanky Panky?! Me or you?"
Hank huffs crossing his arms "just because I don't play football doesn't mean I don't know a shitty play when I see one.." he grins suddenly "I've seen you play loads of times"
Gage's eyes widen before he glares "your a little shit! I'm damn good...Right Mason?" I chuckle at his childish question as if Mason's reassurance is that important.
Mason just nods "yeah whatever" Gage lifts a brow looking at Hank confused "Um you good man?"
Mason suddenly looks up as if just tuning into the conversation "yeah yeah I'm fine sorry...you wouldn't be team captain if you were a shitty player"
Gage grins not bothering to question Masons odd behaviour. Instead he sticks his tongue out at Hank "told you I was a good player"
Hank rolls his eyes and turns to me stage whispering "I'm so sorry your forced to live with that"
I chuckle and Gage rolls his eyes "Will is lucky to live with me I'm fit, talented, attractive.." I shake my head "okay there don't flatter yourself" he grins "you can't deny it"
I chuckle "I most certainly can and Hanky Panky over here would agree with me"
Hank glares at me "not when you call me that stupid nickname cat boy" I turn and give him my own glare "stop with cat boy!" He smirks "your the one with cat boxers!"
Before I can come up with a defence Gage interrupts "yeah seriously where did you even get those?"
Immediately my confidence from fighting with Hank fades and my cheeks heat up as I sink into my seat "Um uh..K Kade gave them to me" Gage gives me a look before his eyes widen and the fact that he knows I'm gay seems to cross his mind.
He blinks "oh...why?" I bite my lip glancing at Mason whose glaring out his window "no reason" Hank scoffs beside me "yeah because every guy buys his friends cat boxers for no reason"
I chuckle at his words "Ha well K Kades unique I guess" Hank nods "I'd say" I cringe and hope the subject changes, but the way Gage is looking at me I feel like it's most certainly going to come up again later.
Mason grunts "who fucking gives a shit about Will's boxers?" I blink surprised he said anything. I thought he had the silent and brooding act down pat.
Hank makes a face "jeez someone's grumpy" I look at Hank with wide eyes I know Mason's his brother, but he isn't even a little concerned about pissing him off?!
Mason sighs "whatever" we pull up to their house and Mason only grunts "thanks for the ride"
Gage nods "sure thing, see you in the morning?" Mason shrugs "sure I'll ride though" Gage nods and we pull away only seconds later.
Gage doesn't let us sit in silence for long, instead he blurts out "are you and Kade dating?!" My eyes widen and I choke on my own salvia not at all expecting him to ask...that.
"Uh what! No!" He sighs and shifts awkwardly keeping his gaze on the road "oh..well I just thought..since he bought you boxers"
I cringe "oh...ha ha..yeah well we um.." I bite my lip why can't I just say it? It's not like Gage is subtle about his extensive sexual endeavours so why should I be?
I suck in a breath "uh we fooled around!" Gage turns to me and stares for a second too long before looking back at the road and jerking the wheel to avoid hitting oncoming traffic "shit!"
He sucks in a breath "sorry I didn't..just wasn't expecting..I thought you were a virgin"
My eyes widen "I am a virgin!" He blinks at me and I sigh dumbing it down for him "we just did..other stuff" he nods slowly "cool..so your not a total prude" I chuckle "I guess not"
I smile happy with how Gage is taking everything. I have to admit I didn't think my family would disown me or anything, but one thing that did have me worried was Gage. I thought he'd be uncomfortable...or act differently, but I can genuinely see he's trying and I love him for it.
"So the boxers?" I chuckle "oh! Well basically they have pussy on them...so it's like a joke because Kade can pretend he likes pussy" Gage blinks at me before laughing "that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard" his laughter is contagious and I laugh along with him nodding "it really is!" We laugh together until our sides ache and tears leak from my eyes.
I sigh content this is the first time I've felt truly happy since everything with Mason, my smile falters at that thought and I cringe wishing I hadn't thought of him.
The boy who stole my heart and ran.
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