《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 7
I stay quiet the rest of the ride trying to convince myself I don't care and it doesn't matter that Mason slept with her.
It shouldn't matter.
We're not dating, we're not even friends. We pull up to Jennas house and I quickly shoot her a text surprised she's not already waiting outside.
A couple minutes later Gage grunts "is she coming or what?" I shrug "I told her we were here" he looks at the clock and sighs "2 minutes and we're leaving"
I nod turning back to look out the window just as Jenna's front door opens. Expect its not Jenna at least not at first, Kade Johnson comes out of the house. I freeze and sink lower in my seat.
Kade Johnson, Jenna's neighbor and the only guy I've ever done anything with. I cringe but he turns and waves at the car a smile taking over his face when he sees me. He starts walking over and I curse under my breath, but Gage smiles "hey look it's Kade!" He rolls my window down and I wish I could shoot him a glare, but instead I turn to Kade.
"Uh hey" he smiles "hey sorry I had Jenna help me catch Luna I can't keep that fucking dog in the yard" I chuckle "you just never latch the gate" he rolls his eyes "you sound like my mom, and even if I didn't latch the gate you'd think she'd be old enough now" I nod thinking of the last time I saw Luna when Kade had just got her "I bet she's huge now" he nods "since the last time you came over, for sure" a light smile takes over my face "I miss her she used to love me"
Kade chuckles "yeah well you'll have to come over and see her again sometime" his eyes linger on mine a moment and I know what he's implying.
My cheeks tinge slightly and I just give him a small nod practically whispering "yeah maybe" he grins and nods at Gage "well I'll let you guys get going I know how much Will hates being late" I nod and Gage chuckles loudly "see you later man" he drives away and Jenna gives me a look. She knows about Kade and I, but she also thinks it ended because Kade wasn't interested, not because I was too hung up on Mason to keep it going.
Suddenly Gage speaks "you know he's gay right?" I freeze eyes wide "what?" Gage nods "I saw him kissing Seth McKinney behind the 7-11 one time" I cringe Kade wasn't out yet "you can't tell people that" Kade shrugs "just telling you guys, fuck if I care leaves more ladies for me" I roll my eyes and Jenna laughs "you need the help" Gage pouts "I do not!"
Jenna chuckles and Gage turns back to me making me cringe "I'm just saying he seemed like you know..into you" I make a face "he's just friendly" Gage shakes his head "whatever if he tries to make a move then I told you so" I bite my lip he's not going to make a move, not until I tell him I want to, again.
Thankfully we pull up at school and I don't have to talk about Kade anymore. I get out of the car and Mason is glaring at me, something that catches me off guard, but I just drop my gaze to my feet.
The rest of the day at school is uneventful and boring. Jenna and I eat lunch on the bleachers and I study for my test next week. Tony doesn't show up so I don't have to worry about him and surprisingly practice after school goes by quickly. Jenna and I both agreed we'd rather sit on the bleachers for an hour after school then have to take the bus so this had become our new routine.
I stand as the guys head off the field and walk with Jenna toward the doors by the locker room. We stay outside waiting for Gage and Mason.
A few of the other guys who opted not to shower come out some even say hey or give us a smile.
After about 10 minutes Austin comes out "oh hey guys" I smile "hey" he nods "you guys going to the game on Friday?"
I nod "yeah I try to go every game to support Gage" he smiles "awesome I'll see you there then" I smile back "for sure" he walks away and suddenly Mason is near us.
He still looks like he's in a bad mood and I shift closer to Jenna wanting to give him some space. Jenna however nods at him "where's Gage?" He grunts "showering" Jenna lifts a brow "why didn't you?" He rolls his eyes "the rest of the guys wanted a shower and I can just shower at Gage's place, he didn't want to sit in the car sweaty" I bite my lip Mason is showering at my house?
It shouldn't matter he's done it before, this time I'm just painfully aware.
Jenna makes a face but shrugs "okay should have done it the other way around Gage takes forever" I nod "we could wait in the car?" Jenna claps her hands and starts walking toward the parking lot "works for me" I follow her and a couple seconds later hear Mason's footsteps following behind me.
We only sit in the car for a minute or two before Gage pulls open his door climbing in "sorry guys there was no way I was sitting in the car without showering" I roll my eyes "can we go?" He nods "yeah yeah" we drop Jenna off and she tells me she'll FaceTime me later.
When we get to our place I head up to my room not in the mood to socialize any longer, but stay long enough to hear Mason tell Gage he's going to shower.
I sit at my desk and pull out my books getting ready to do my homework. Painfully aware when I hear the bathroom door close and the shower turn on.
My mind can't focus on my homework and instead whirls around the thought that Mason is naked right now in my shower. I can't help the way my dick reacts and cringe when I have a semi at just the thought of Mason.
I try to focus on something, anything else and end up deciding homework wasn't going to distract me from my naked wet dream across the hall.
The more my mind wanders to the thought of Mason's incredibly smooth and defined body, naked with water dripping down it, the harder I get until I can't think of anything else. I'm throbbing in my pants and without much thought slip my hand below my waist band hissing when I take hold of myself.
I slide my hand up and down my length rhythmically listening to the shower and imagining Mason's body. I bite my lip trying to hold back my whimpers as I get close. I'm not even listening to the shower anymore I'm too focused on my pleasure.
My eyes shut tightly and I move my hand even faster, I'm close. Then I'm cumming, my hand slows down and I come down from my euphoric high cringing. I just jerked off to the thought of Mason. I bite my lip and stand walking to my dresser pulling out new boxers and grey sweats.
I use my old boxers to wipe myself off and change before it finally dawns on me. The showers not running anymore. My cheeks heat when did Mason get out?
I force myself not to think about it. Instead I decide I need to actually do homework now and that's what I do.
I get out of the shower still pissed. I have been in a bad mood all day since Beth Miller went and whispered shit about not using a condom in my ear. No way in hell I was ever putting my unprotected dick near her or anyone for that matter.
I shook my head unintentionally thinking about what made me really pissed; Will's face. He looked disappointed and sad, maybe even a little annoyed, but that part I found cute.
I dried off and changed into some clean sweats I had in my bag before opening the bathroom door and pausing. No one was up here, but Will and I, guaranteed Gage is downstairs playing video games.
I move closer to Will's door considering opening it, going in. Telling him to never talk to Kade Johnson again, Kade being the second thing that pissed me off today. Or maybe demand he tell me where Austin was going to see him; the third reason my mood was sour.
I had stepped outside just in time to hear Austin tell Will he would "see him there" Austin has been friendly with Will and I don't like it.
Instead I shake my head and reach fro the handle, but I freeze because suddenly something is coming from Will's room. A quiet strained whimpering.
I lean closer and quiet my breathing to hear his own heavy and erratic. The whimper comes again louder this time and is followed by a short groan. My dick instantly hardens is Will jerking himself off right now?
Immediately the image of Will with his hand down his pants wrapped around his dick flashes in my mind and I want to open his door.
I want to go inside and replace his hand with my own. Instead I use every once of restrain I have and remind myself why I'm not fucking Will Jackson. I don't make a move to leave, I listen to Will's laboured breathing and breathy moans.
My hand twitches wanting to move to my own dick but I cringe, listening to Will is bad enough.
I force myself to walk away despite wanting nothing more then to listen to what sounds Will makes when he orgasms.
When I get downstairs I drop my bag by the door and stand in the kitchen for a moment waiting for my hard-on to become, hopefully less noticeable.
I go downstairs and Gage nods "what's up man" I shrug "you good to go grab Hank now?" Gage nods "yeah for sure man" he turns off his game and we head upstairs to go and pick up Hank.
Since last night I asked Gage if Hank and I could spend the night. Give Shawn time to cool off, his anger about his beer not being cold and that somehow being my fault may have gone away, but after a rough night like last night any little thing can set him off. I don't like Hank home when he's like that.
It doesn't take long before we pull up to my house and Gage nods "you want me to come in?" I shake my head "no shouldn't take long I told Hank to be ready" Gage nods and I head inside.
I glance around and cringe at the way Shawn is passed out bottles and cans everywhere. I shake my head and go up the stairs knocking lightly on Hank's door "hey asshole you ready?"
He opens the door and rolls his eyes "you said if I wasn't you'd leave me here so yeah I'm ready" I roll my eyes "I wouldn't actually leave you here, now let's go" he nods and follows me out to Gage's car.
Gage grins "hey Hanky Panky" I chuckle and Hank glares "hi Gadget" Gage makes a face "oh calm down I was kidding" Hank just rolls his eyes and looks out the window. At 13 his attitude has developed tenfold. Thankfully both Hank and Gage keep their banter to a minimum on the ride home and I don't have to slap anybody.
We get inside the house and Hank pauses taking off his shoes "whose listening to Post Malone?" I lift a brow looking toward the kitchen where Congratulations by Post Malone is playing.
Gage shrugs "my brother" Hank lifts a brow "you have a brother? Poor kid" I chuckle and Gage just rolls his eyes "c'mon I'll introduce you" despite having brought Hank over a few times he's never officially met Will. Usually he's gone or stays upstairs.
We all make our way to the kitchen and pause in the doorway. Will is cutting up potatoes and looks damn good doing it. My dick stirs, but I try not to think about it.
Gage grunts "hey man" Will looks up startled having been concentrated on his task.
"Oh! Hey!" He quickly turns around and turns off his music "what are..I thought you guys were downstairs?" Gage shakes his head "we went to pick up Hank" Will's eyes move over to Hank and I and he lifts a brow "uh hi" I grunt "Hank's my brother" Will's eyes widen "oh hi"
Hank rolls his eyes "you already said that" Gage chuckles, but Will's cheeks darken a few shades and I resist smacking Hank's arm for embarrassing him.
Hank moves further into the kitchen and nods at Will "what are you making?" Will shrugs "I don't..I don't know" Hank lifts a brow "you don't know?" Will bites his lip sheepishly and I want to groan looking away.
"My uh my mom asked me to cut potatoes for when she got home" Hank nods "can I help?" Will's eyes widen "uh.." he looks up to me and Gage before looking down at the cutting board "um" I roll my eyes "it's fine" Will meets my gaze for half and second and nods.
My stomach flips and I tighten my hands, licking my lips and focus my attention on Hank whose joined Will on the other side of the island.
Will hands him a knife and a potato "just chop them like this" he points to the pile he's already cut and Hank scoffs "I know how to cut a potato"
Will bites his lip awkwardly and goes back to cutting his before looking back at Hank "oh! And be careful you don't cu..shit!" Hank laughs "you were saying?" I stand from my seat immediately and glare at Hank.
Will turns to the sink and is bleeding a lot. Gage lifts a brow "shit you good?" Will looks like a deer in headlights and I grab his wrist forcing him to put his hand under the water and wash the blood away. I cringe when more keeps coming and reach over grabbing a dish towel. I wrap it around his cut and squeeze attempting to stop the blood.
"I don't think he needs stitches...as long as it stops" Gage makes a face turning to Will "you good?" Will nods "um" Hank just chuckles from his spot still cutting potato's "your fingers still attached right?" Will looks confused "yeah..." Hank nods "then your fine" Will bites his lip but Gage laughs and I unwrap his hand happy to see the bleeding has started to slow and his blood must be clotting.
I nod toward Will to follow me to the bathroom Will makes a face "I can do it" I lift a brow "you deal with bleeding a lot?" He pauses "do you?" I roll my eyes neglecting to answer and just drag him to the bathroom looking around for some hydrogen peroxide and a large enough bandaid to wrap the whole cut. I take the towel away from his hand and he winces at the sight of his cut.
I shake my head "it's not that bad" he nods "I don't..I don't like blood" I watch his face you could tell from how tense he was and the way he avoided looking at it.
He shifts his eyes away from mine quickly and I grab the hydrogen peroxide "this is probably going to sting" he winces before I even do it and I chuckle.
I spray his cut and it starts to bubble a moment before he gasps slightly and bits down on his lip hard. I watch him as he squeezes his eyes shut and can't help thinking his face looks sort of sexual. Is that how he looked earlier? I curse myself for thinking it because the moment I do I want to know. I need to know.
My hands itch to touch him but I shake my head and yank his hand toward the sink rinsing it once more before bandaging it and moving toward the door "done" I rush from the room just as he mumbles a thank you.
When I get back to the kitchen Gage's mom is home and she's smiling at Hank "oh that's so nice you helping out Will" Hank nods, but suddenly she pauses "is that blood?" Hank nods "oh yeah, Will cut himself" her eyes widen "what? Is he okay?" I nod "he's fine just a small cut" she sighs a breath of relief "thank goodness, I'll just wipe up this blood" I go and sit back down next to Gage who nods "he good?" I shrug "fine"
Will comes in the room and pauses "oh hey mom" she smiles "hi sweeties how's your hand?" He shrugs his eyes drifting to me a moment "it's okay" His mom nods and moves next to Hank wiping up the counter before starting the rest of her dinner.
Once Hank cuts the last potato she nods "you kids go play I'll finish up here" Will and Gage both roll their eyes when she says "go play", but neither of them say anything. Will just gets up and leaves while Gage nods at Hank and I to follow him downstairs.
Once we get downstairs Gage turns on his XBox and hands Hank and I remote. Hank speaks "so what's up with your brother?" My eyes shoot to Hank wondering what he's going to say.
Gage lifts a brow "what about him?" Hank shrugs "why's he so jumpy?" Gage chuckles "well for one he has social anxiety and 2 he's scared of your brother" I raise a brow "what?" Will was scared of me?
Gage laughs "dude c'mon, every time your around he stutters worse then usual and he's always trying to leave the room" I tense not liking the thought of Will being scared of me and grumble "he's not scared of me" Gage rolls his eyes "it's not a bad thing he's not actually scared scared just maybe intimidated" I grunt "that's not any better" Gage shrugs "I think it's pretty badass" I roll my eyes "let's just play the game"
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