《Dads Best Friend》Chapter 27


We finally make it home after many more trips to thrift stores and yard sales.

I am exhausted and nervous all at the same time .

I haven't told Archer that I wanted to tell my parents about us yet but I know he knows something is off with me.

He has been watching me with worried eyes and every minute he could get us alone he would ask what's wrong and if I was ok.

I'm just waiting for the right time to talk to him about this, I don't want my parents to over hear us.

My stomach has been in knots for so long today that it feels like I could be sick at any minute.

We all get out of the car and stretch our legs, I can hear my mom telling us to go ahead and get in the house not to worry about the bags tonight since it 11 at night.

I grab my backpack and blanket before shutting the door.

Taking a deep breath I start toward the door of the house with Archer and my dad behind me.

My mom opens the door for us and tells Archer that he can stay in the guest room since it's late and everybody's tired.

"Yeah that would be great, thank you." Archer says

My mom smiles and asks "Becca can you go show him up to the room while I go make us something to eat."

"Yeah, sure mom." I nod my head and start to head up the stairs with Archer following behind.

I open the guest room and place my bag beside the bed then head to the closet to get some fresh bedsheets.

Turning around once getting the last of the sheets that I needed I head over toward the bed and place them down.


I hear the door shut and I look up to see Archer looking at me with concern in his eyes.

He walks over toward me and turns me to where I'm facing him.

"Tell me what's been on your mind." He whispers

This is the best time as any I guess to tell him.

I sigh and wrap my arms around his torso.

"I've been thinking about telling them about us." I mumble.

He sighs and wraps his arms around my back pulling me into his hard chest.

"That's what you been worrying about all day?"

I pull my head out from underneath his chin a look at him.

"Yeah that's what I've been worried about all day. What happens if they hate you after we tell them and... I don't know what if they disown me and...."

Before I could get anything else out of my mouth Archer smashed his lips to mine.

I instantly relax with his lips on mine and the rest of the the words that was about to come out of my mouth are gone.

He pulls away from my lips and places his forehead on top of mine.

"Listen to me ok, whatever happens between me and your parents or between you and your parent will not change a thing between us unless that is what you want. I'm not ever letting you go unless you ask me to. If they don't like it then oh well because I'm not ever going to leave you ever again, just like I promised. If they disown you then guess what you will live with me. I promise what ever happens you will be mine through out it all and I will never change my mind about that. Ok?"

I nod my head and say "ok."


"I love you so much Becca."

My bottom lip starts to tremble.

Shit don't cry don't cry

"I love you too Archer so much." I whisper .

He shows me one of his most beautiful smiles that he so rarely shows anybody and smacks a kiss to my lips.

"Ok let's get this bed made."

I nod my head and take the fitted sheet first, we both start to make up the bed.

"When are you thinking about telling them."

Archer asks while sticking the fitted sheet over the corner

"Umm I was thinking about today but since it's really late, maybe tomorrow?"

He nods his head "Yeah we can do it tomorrow."

I give him a small smile.

When we finish making the bed I flop down on my back with my feet hanging off the bed.

"So you sleeping in here tonight huh?"I ask

"I guess so."

I nod my head but already hate to think about not sleeping in the same bed as him.

I hop off the bed and point to the bathroom door.

"You probably remember but just in case you don't, that's the bathroom."

He walks up to me and moves some hair from my face .

"Oh I remember, I also remember that your bedrooms is attached to that bathroom."

I smile "Well then maybe we will run into each other."

He laughs and kisses my nose.

"I'm Counting on it."

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