

There is a bright light, and although her eyes are closed, she knows the light is very close to her face. The light pulls her consciousness in such a force her head is spinning. Inside, Ana groans from the uneasiness, and stiffness from her body, she can hardly move.

"It's moving," she faintly hears.

She knows that language, she recognizes it. Although as a Tar-Zenirian means she understands most of the languages without any translator, she recognizes that language because she feels familiar with it.

"Wake up bitch." She hears a gruff voice and feels a sudden stinging pain on her cheek.

"What the hell is this alien?" She hears another voice.

"This thing will bring us a fortune in the black market," another voice says in a more excited tone.

"There she is!" One of them says as she slowly opens her eyes. Her eyelids are so heavy she doesn't understand why. At first, all she could see was the blinding light. Ana moves her face to the side to ease the uncomfortable brightness right in front of her face, and slowly, she could see figures.

Oh no! She thought to herself.

Her body is taut as soon as the reality is registered in her head. She can hear faint chuckles and snickers from the figures around her, there are four of them.

"Get the Captain, he will be happy we caught this thing." Says one of them. They all are wearing bodysuits with dark, big goggles. The one on her right has dark curly hair. He is crouching down to her. Behind him, standing tall with arms folded in front of his chest is a man with a small, blond bun. Next to him, with his hands on his hips is a man with a very short bright redhead. And the last one is out of the room before she could pay attention to him.

That's when she is realized, that she is bounded to a chair. Ana jerks her body up, trying to break free.

"Ain't gonna happen, freak. Where the fuck did you come from?" The dark curly man asks her.

"Does she even understand us?" The blond man asks behind him.

"That pod is highly sophisticated, dumbass, of course, she understands us." The curly hair man answers.

"Don't touch her before the Captain is here." The red hair man says to the rest of us.

"Yeah, I won't touch the freak even if you pay me, she looks nasty." The curly hair man says again, standing up straight.

Ana looks at herself, she is nasty? She thinks herself. Her body plate is still intact, her hair is still in place, she isn't nasty.

Soon the door is opened and comes in a short man, with dark hair only at the top of his head, the sides of it are cleanly shaved.

The men in the room stand up straighter with their arms pressed on their sides. Then she hears it, a thumping sound of heavy boots. Her breath is heavier the closer the sounds come.


Then, the door is pushed open wider and in comes a ... a man?

Or not?

He is tall. Like... tall tall. His leather boots are dark, tightly tied to a few centimeters above his ankles. He is wearing dark color pants, Ana could see that the material is thick, but his legs are thicker, the pants cover his muscular legs in the most intriguing way. He is wearing a dark green shirt, which should be illegal from the way it molds his muscular chest. And his face...

Ana takes a sharp deep breath looking at his face. His jaw is square, with a dark shadow over it, she never seen any male with facial hair, she found it very... interesting. His lips are luscious with the absence of any humor on them. His nose is tall and had seen better days in the past. high and prominent cheekbone, supporting his... eyes? His left eye is his natural eye. The iris is the color blue or green? Maybe a bit of both. And his left... eye, well, they are artificial eye, more of... a camera. His left cheek bone is made from metal. Ana noticed that his right arm is also... made from some kind of metal. Is he half human half robot?

"Are you done eye-fucking me?" The man asks in a flat tone.

If she could blush, she would. Why must his captor is very handsome! The half-robot man walks closer to her and she flinches.

"What the fuck are you?" He asks her.

Ana is too scared to speak, and even if she is not, she could hardly speak.

"Where did you come from?" He asks her again.

"What are you doing around the ruins?" Again, his question is met with silence.

The Captain is clearly unhappy with the lack of answers, his lips thinned, then he turns around. "Put her in the cell." He simply says before he walks out.

Ana's eyes widen with horror as she once again tries to break the knot around her arms, wrist, and ankles, but her attempt is futile.

"Tell Jake to get the answers to form the alien, he may use any kind of methods he wants." He says again from the door.

No! No! No!


Slowly, he is gaining his consciousness. His limbs are heavy when he tried to move them. He pats himself and unbuckles, as soon as he is free he feels the inside of the pod and presses a button, the front side starts to separating, allowing him to get out of the small thing.

He sways slightly as he slowly gaining his strength when he realizes, that something is very wrong.

Lev is surrounded by a thick, silver, dome shape fog.

Who are you? A voice behind the fog asks. Power radiates from his voice, but he will not quiver, he is Tar-Zenirian, he is powerful.

Lev lifts his palm and takes a deep breath. He controls his element and soon the fog is stopped moving, without air slowly the fog is cracking, and soon it's tumbling down.


Before Lev can enjoy his freedom, his body jerks backward as he feels pain all over his body. He landed on his four and lifts his eyes to see his opponent.

What is the name of the universe...

A creature like he has never seen before is standing at a good far distance from him. He is floating in the air with lines and ribbons of electricity coming out of his body. He is tall with two long horns standing tall on top of his head, behind his elbow, he could see elongated sharp bones, ready to stab and shred if the creature deems necessary.

You're descendants of Tzarian, the ancient race. Your kind should be extinct.

It's a lot to take in. The creature seems to be very knowledgeable as he is powerful.

My name is Lev. He introduces himself. I mean no harm. He adds lifting his arms to the air.

The creature slowly lands on his feet, the ribbons and lines of electricity still appear all over his body. The creature eyes him suspiciously. What is your business here? How do you know this planet?

Lev looks around. I got sucked into a black hole while I was trying to run away from hundreds of other ships surrounded us when we arrived at what was the earth.

How many were of you?

Were? Lev's fists tightly clenched. Are. His siblings are alright. Ana is alright. He tries to convince himself.

There are three of us. He replies.

Three? Did you fly from Tzar to earth with only two others? He said in an unbelievable tone.

We did not fly from Tzar. We are Relish's origins. We are Tar-Zenirian.

As soon as he said that, the creature starts attacking him with electric whips, Lev ducks and swings to his sides avoiding deadly contact with the radiating power of the creature.

Relish is an inhabitant-able star! Tar-Zenirian is an extinct race million years ago! Don't you dare lie in front of my face! The creature says angrily.

Lev grits his teeth, he doesn't have time for this, he needs to go back and find his siblings, he has to find Ana. The thought of his twin sister all alone, with no defense, brings anger to him.

He lifts his hand and stops the time. The instant he does it, the creature's eyes wide in surprise.

I don't mean any harm. I have to go back, find my siblings. I will appreciate it very much if you can help me. Lev said slowly.

"Luxor!" A high pitch voice rings. Lev tears his eyes from the powerful creature to the source of the voice.

His eyes are wide with surprise. A human?!

The creature uses this window of opportunity to break free from the chains of time and immediately sends his electrocuting power to disable him.

The creature is powerful, he is smart and well trained.

But Lev is a Tar-Zenirian. He is the son of High General Zer. He is as powerful, as well trained as the creature. Lev swipes with his hand and the electric power vanished before it can electrocute him.

How?! The creature says gritting his teeth.

Your power needs air as a conductor. I simply remove air from around it to disable it.

The human is female, for sure she is a female. She looks a bit like Dom, but darker, with a body like Nat, but much shorter. She runs towards the creature and he immediately put her behind his back.

"You're a human," Lev says with his mother's language. "My name is Lev, son of Katherine."

Both of them are stunned. The last thing they expected is for him to speak, with his mouth, in earth's language.

You said you're a Tar-Zenirian! The creature accused him.

"I'm. My mother is a human, but my father, the High General Zer from Tzar, is a Tar-Zenirian." He replies.

High General Zer is your father?! The creature's fists balled on his side. Your father caused the great rebellion, because of him, Tzarian is extinct.

Lev doesn't know how he feels with that information, he doesn't know if his father is aware of that.

Leave our planet and never come back. The creature tells him.

"I couldn't if I want to. I need your help to get me out of this planet to find my siblings."

"Luxor... I think—I think he is being honest." The human whispers to him.

"May I ask for your name?" Lev asks the human.


"My name is Alexa." They both answer at the same time.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alexa, I'm sorry about what had happened to the earth."

Alexa frowns while Luxor gets rigid. "What do you mean? What had happened to earth?"

Let's go back, Alexa. Luxor grabs her upper arms trying to pull her away from facing Lev.

"Let me go, Luxor! Tell me what had happened to earth?!" Alexa is now getting hysterical.

Lev looks at Luxor and sees that his face is greatly displeased, he knows about the earth, but his human doesn't.

Lev takes a deep breath and regrets talking to the now upset human. "There is no longer earth." He says slowly, apologetically.

At first, there is no reaction from Alexa. But then, she starts to wail and scream, and cry.

"No! No! You lied! You lied to me!" Alexa almost dropped to the ground but Luxor catches her. "Tell me he lied, Luxor! Tell me he lied!"

But Luxor replies only with his jaw clenched, which speaks more than what she needs. Lev stands there awkwardly, while Luxor is holding Alexa trying to calm her down.

I will help you to get out of here to find your siblings, but as soon as you take your leave, don't you ever think to come back. Luxor warns him.

Lev only nods, too afraid from speaking any more words he should not speak of.

And one other thing; stay away from my daughter.

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