
"There is a tradition on Earth, where pairs exchange their vows, if it's alright, I'd like to say my vows to you," I told Zer.

For a while, he doesn't reply and it makes me worry, "What kind of vow?" he finally asks.

"Just... a simple one, I—I didn't get to write my own, but I'd like to bring a little bit piece of Earth tradition in our pairing if that's allowed."

Zer looks at The court man, and at the green cape man, they all stand still with their face blank, finally, Zer nods.

I move to face him as lick my dry lips and clasp my hands in front of me, taking a good look at my soon-to-be-husband I see uncertainty in his eyes, perhaps he didn't walk in expecting to get married, I really do hope both of us can somehow work for our union so we won't spend the rest of our life hating each other, at least, I'd like to like him enough to enjoy spending the day with him.

With that determination, I take a deep breath and start reciting. "I, Katherine Lillian Jones, take you, High General Zer from Tzar, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

Not a single noise heard.

Not a single breath is taken.

Not a single muscle twitched.

Not a single word was spoken.

The room was deadly quiet.










10 seconds passed by.

"Is there any problem?" I lean forward to whisper to Zer. My eyes looking at his, searching for any kind of trouble.


"Did you record that?" He finally says to the court man without tearing his gaze with mine.

"Y—Yes, High General." The court man replies.

"Where does she need to sign?" impatient is thick in his voice.

"Here." He hands me the tablet and I give him my signature at the very end.

"Congratulations." Say the court man and the green robe man.

Zer nods once and walks toward the massive double door. I'm fast walking to keep up with him. As soon as we are out I feel eyes on me, passing by male and guards are looking at me before their eyes stop at Zer, they straightened their back immediately and salute him.

Some of the eyes lingered on me and that makes me uncomfortable. So walk slower and hide behind his massive back, after three steps he suddenly stops and looking back at me.

"What are you doing walking behind me?" His eyes slightly narrowed and his voice is heavy. I have to say, I really like his voice it's very comforting. He could read a phone book and I'll fall asleep.

"They are staring," I tell him. "I'm not feeling comfortable with it."

He looks around and notices some pairs of eyes. "Back to your duties!" He shouts and they scatters around running away from him. "Walk next to me and never walk behind me again."

Hm, is that some kind of insult here?

We arrive at the front of the Great Court Hall and I can see black vehicle parking. Easy for me to say this car is fancier and more expensive than any other transportation I've ridden on. The exterior is pitch black, it has a very sleek design with small red and blue lights at the front and back bottom. As we are getting closer the doors slide open and we get inside. The interior is even better. Light grey leather like seats and black dashboard, the car has no steering wheel but instead, it has three main buttons. Zer presses the one in the middle and the engine purrs, he clicks the touch screen to choose a destination and soon the seat belts click around our upper body automatically.


Good afternoon, High General Zer. Destination selected: Home.

A robotic voice informs us and immediately it starts to move. The first fifteen minutes all I can see are skyscrapers and other cars, sometimes I see another Tzarian walking on the sidewalk but probably most of them are in their offices. After a while, I start to see more red leaves on the trees and their grass, the soft red in their sky with white clouds. The sun is a soft blue with a slight yellow around it.

Strange sights.

I cannot help but think, so Zer lives outside of the city? Probably he prefers quiet places and more space. I've live on a farm all my life and I don't know how am I suppose to adjust to living in a busy city if my chosen lives there. But I guess I don't need to feel worried anymore.

The ride lasts for a good 30 minutes, we didn't talk but I don't mind, I was busy taking the scenery before me. Soon I feel the car starts to slow down and as we start to climb up a small hill, I see a magnificent house standing proudly on top of it. I sit straighter and eyeing the building in wonder. I've never seen such a beautiful building in my life.

Left and right side of the house is glass—or are they windows? The roof is flat and dark, the paint is off white, and the door is black. The car stops, I heard a soft swish and our belt unbuckled automatically, the doors slide open and we get out, I'm standing on perfectly lawn red grass. A soft breeze tickles me, and the sound of nature comforts me.

"Zer?" I call him. "There is another earth tradition..." hearing that his body becomes still, I bite back my smile. "It's the last one, I promise,"

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