《Dangerous Love》Chapter 21- Maybe she is a Psycho?
I woke up the next morning after the fiasco with Rose, Anna, Emery, and Riley with a groan. Today is my 18 birthday. I am an adult. I have been on this planet for 18 years. I have made many friends during my 18 years of living on this planet. How did I get here? It feels like yesterday I met a black-haired little girl named Rosalie and we agreed to become best of friends forever.
Now I am sitting in bed on my 18th birthday feeling the same as I felt yesterday when I woke up. Except I have a fluff ball laying on a silk doggie bed that is at the foot of my bed.
I hear yelling from downstairs. No, I take that back I hear my dad singing in Italian. A song that he always plays on anyone's birthday while making some yummy breakfast.
I groan and roll over so my face is squished into the pillow. I hear a yip from Cira and I lift my head to look at her.
"I know, I know I need to get dressed for my birthday breakfast," I tell her.
After another minute of debating getting up, I finally pull myself off of my bed and into my bathroom. I take a nice relaxing shower before I hop out and wrap a fluffy light pink towel around my body. I go to my room and hook up my room stereo to play BIRTHDAY by Anne-Marie.
I dance around listening to the song on replay while searching my closet for an outfit for today. I eventually choose a Yellow Bralet and a pair of washed-out jeans. I put on a few gold bracelets and the gold locket I got yesterday. I then put my thick hair into a bun with a silk scarf wrapped around my hair. My shoes are black leather-heeled boots. For my makeup, I just have some light mascara and a light pink lipgloss.
I grab my leather jacket with the skull off of its hook before I leave my room while slipping it on. I head towards the singing and see my mom with my brother sitting at the island watching my dad dance and shake his ass.
"It's too early for this," Rose yawns as she falls onto the couch with her arm covering her eyes from the bright lights.
"Maybe if you did not get drunk last night you would not have such a bad hangover," I say making my presence known.
"Ah, my birthday baby," my mom says jumping off the barstool and running towards me. "I can't believe you are 18," she sniffles into my shoulder.
"Mom stop crying I am not dying," I tell her while patting her back to soothe her sadness. She pulls away whipping away the few tears that escaped her eyes.
"I know but soon you will be getting married and having your own kids. It just reminded me that I am getting old and my baby is not going to be a baby anymore. She will be my adult baby," she tells me with new tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
"Honey, she is only 18, not 36. She will not start making a family until she is at least 49 and she knows this," my dad says waving the spatula at us.
"Dad I am an adult I can start a family any time I want," I say but immediately regret my words because my dad's face gets slightly angry. "Okay, maybe I will not start to make a family until I am 25 but no older and no younger," I say.
"Fine," he agrees with a small smile on his face.
"Come on sit down before you go off for the day," my mom says shooing me towards the bar stool.
"You girls need to get to the hotel before 3 so you can get ready. We have booked the hotel suite so you just go there when you're done with your shopping and things," My dad informs us.
"Did you get our dresses?" I ask taking a bite of waffles.
"Yes, don't worry the hair and makeup artists will get there at 3:30 to start their magic," My mom says handing Rose a plate of food.
"Okay thanks," I say before eating the food my dad made.
After I am done eating I tell Rose to go get dressed while I play Uno with my brother.
"Are we going or what?" Rose asks coming down the stairs.
Rose is wearing a black see-through dress that leaves very little to the imagination. Her hair is up in two ponytails with the rest of her hair-free. She is also wearing black boot heels and a ukelele necklace. Her makeup is light like mine with a darker pink lipgloss, blush, and pink eyeliner.
"Sweets, take Andy with you," my mom calls from her office down the hall.
"Okay," I yelled back.
We headed outside and Andy drove up with his black jeep. We hoped in and started talking about random shit all the way to the mall.
"Come on," I say pulling Rose to the nail salon that Anna booked our appointment at.
"Bitches," Riley screams as soon as we walk through the doors of the nail salon.
"Can you ever be quiet?" Rose asks with a glare.
"Rose," I scold while hugging the hipper girl.
"Okay, why did you have my brother follow me around today and bring his friends along with him?" Emery asks glaring at Zach, Sam, Will, Brian, and Mason at the seating area in front of the store.
"I told him to watch you and make sure you feel up to going to the ball. I did not tell him to bring the scooby doo gang with him," I say while staring at Mason.
"Forget about them we have a ball to get ready for," Riley squeals.
30 minutes into my nail appointment I see the girls look behind me and then I see him setting down on an empty chair beside mine.
"What do you want?" I ask him.
"I just saying hello to the pretty lady," he says smirking at the young girl who's doing my nails.
She giggles and puts a piece of her auburn hair that got loose of the bun and tucking it behind her ear.
"So Penelope is it?" he asks the blushing girl.
"Yes, yes it is," she says smiling at my nails.
"How old are you?" he asks leaning forward.
"I am 19," she answers with a slight frown.
"Do you not like your age?" I question. Mason looks at me with a surprised look.
"I do, I just wish I did not work here. My dream since I was 13 was to be a model but alas they told me that they did not want someone from a mafia family. That they want a rich blonde bitch who is nice and probably does not have a blemish on her skin," she says sadly.
"Then why do you work here you could easily go to L. A and go to an agent and they can find you a company to work with," I tell with my head tilted curiously as she finishes my nails.
"I have to help my parents with the bills and community college doesn't pay for its self," she says.
"Well here is a card. Call the assistant's number and ask for Celine Hudson. When she answers tell her Brooklyn Hudson gave you this information and she will help you with the arrangements to follow your dream," I tell her as her eyes widen upon hearing my name.
"Y-y-your Brooklyn Hudson the Model?" she asks and I just nod with a small smile. "I am a huge fan. You're the Model who made me want to become a model. Just the way you walked down the runway like you owned it. It was everything I wanted to be."
"Thank you," I say. "Here," I pull out a check from my pocket and hand her the check with my name on it.
"I c-can't except this," she whispers while starring at the check with wide eyes. "This is a hundred thousand dollars."
"I know the amount," I tell her.
"But this is too much," she says trying to hand back the check.
"Some people say I have too much money. So take the money since I have an infinite amount of it. So take it and help your parents with the bills," I say while her eyes tear up.
"Thank, Thank you so much," she cries and hugs me. At first, I am surprised at the gesture but then I relax and hug her back before I pull away.
"You're welcome," I said before walking to the waiting room with a surprised Mason beside me.
I plop down and Mason sits next to me before he finally speaks. "That was nice of you," he states.
"I can be nice when I want to but everyone should follow their dreams even if they are told over and over again it will never happen," say checking my nails.
"I guess your right," he mumbles while looking with a look I can't quite tell. I just keep looking at my nails so I can avoid eye contact. My nails are black but both of my ring fingers are a black marble design.
I get out my phone and check my social media while waiting for the girls to finish. I look up and see them coming towards us. I stand up and Riley comes towards me.
"Look at my nails," she says shoving her hands in my face.
Her nails have a diagonal line that is gold glitter and every other finger is a different color. This screams Riley with her bubbly attitude.
Emery's nails are a black gold pattern. One gold is glittery and the other is a metallic gold color that is stunning on her.
Anna's nails are a coral and tan pink color with her ring finger a gold and coral design. It reminds me of coral reefs.
Rosalie's are a light blue and dark blue pattern with a pink to dark blue ombre and a light blue and dark blue marbled design. That matches the dress she picked out.
"Okay let's go dress shopping," Riley squeals as we follow her out of the nail salon.
We stop at a very expensive dress shop that Anna seems hesitant to go into.
"I can not afford to buy anything here. I am not rich these dresses are going to cost a fortune," she says eyeing the store.
"Don't worry about the cost. I can easily pay for it," I tell her before Emery grabs and pulls her into the store.
"Do not worry she can pay for it. If you complain she will just make it a bigger deal than it needs to be," Emery whispers to Anna.
"Okay, Riley I can pay for yours," Sam says marching into the store like he has a mission to accomplish but as soon as we step into the store he looks very confused.
"Actually here is my card buy whatever dress you want while I wait outside with the boys," he says running out of the store like a wild dog are chasing him.
"Well I think we just ran a gang boy out of a dress store," I say with a smirk.
"Hello, lady's what kind of dresses would you like," a worker asks us.
"Hello us three are looking for dresses for a Ball that's later tonight," Emery tells the lady.
"The Birthday ball?" she asks with a smile.
"Yes that one," I say.
"Well, it is going to be one of the biggest events on the island. Almost everyone is going including myself so there are not a lot of options but I think I can find something for three beautiful girls," she says before disappearing to the back of the store.
"Wow, I did not realize that the birthday ball is that big of an event," I mumble.
The lady comes back with three racks of dresses. "I think that these are dresses that will match your complexion or make sure things stand out on you," she says rolling the racks to Emery, Anna, and Riley. "My name is August call if these do not work out," she says before showing them to the dressing room.
They went into the dressing rooms while Rose and I plop down on the pink velvet couch that is in front of the changing rooms.
"Oooh champagne," Rose says grabbing the bottle and popping the cork, and pouring it into two glasses. She hands one to me before taking a sip.
"Thanks," I say before turning my attention to Anna.
"You look like a banana," Riley states with a laugh.
Anna is wearing a very bright yellow ballgown with a slit up to her thigh and a lacey bodice.
"I agree," I say with disdain dripping off my words.
"Okay," she says before going back into the dressing room.
"How about me?" Riley asks. She is wearing an ankle-length dark purple dress. The top of the dress is a lime green color that makes the purple look terrible on her body.
"Eggplant," Rose coughs but I can make out what she said.
"What?" Riley asks innocently.
"I said you look like an eggplant, go change," Riley demands with a glare.
"Rose stop being rude. Riley those colors do not go together, go change," Emery says coming out in a blood-red dress.
"Okay," Rose says before she runs to the changing room to probably get away from a judgemental Rose.
"I don't like it," Emery says while pushing the strapless gown up higher.
"Then go pick something else out," I say with a small smile.
After the girls try on 20 dresses and 2 bottles of champagne they finally choose their dresses. We checked out and I paid for Emery's and Anna's while Riley paid with Sams's card. We made sure to ask for the dresses to be in non-see-through bags. Which they complied after a threat from yours truly.
"What time is it?" I hear Zach groan from behind us. I look at my watch.
"Shit," I exclaim my eyes widening at the time.
"What did daddy dearest text?" Rose asks staring at her phone.
"Shit," I say again grabbing my bag and Rose's hand.
"Where are you guys going?" Mason exclaims.
"Yah I would like to know too," Rose says trying to stop me from pulling her away from the group.
"We will see you at the ball. We have to get ready ourselves," I say waving goodbye.
After walking through the mall we find the exit and Andy is tapping his foot in front of his jeep. He looks down at his watch before looking at me.
"We are 5 minutes and 27 seconds late," He says opening the door and helping us in.
"I know. Step on it," I say as soon as he gets into the driver's seat. He does what I say and steps on it.
The hotel is 5 minutes from the mall. It is in the heart of downtown and it is a very tall building. We are on the second to the top floor and we are getting beautified.
"You girls look so beautiful and we are not even done," Chanelle my make-up artist tells us.
"Thanks," I say with a warm smile.
"I can not wait to meet the young girl whose birthday ball we are going to and getting you girls ready for," David Rose's Hairstylist says while pluffing out Rose's hair.
"I heard she is going to take over her father's mafia," Jules Rose's make-up artist states.
"OMG, this will mean that this would be the first female mafia leader. I wonder why her father decided to make her the heir? She must have done something to make him decide to teach her the techniques to rule over their empire," Dyxin my hairstylist ponders.
"I know right. Maybe she is a psycho," Jules guesses.
"I bet she is smoking hot," Chanelle adds.
"Well, whoever she is I feel bad because she will probably never be able to rule unless she had a man beside her," David says sadly.
"Wait why would she have to be married to be the mafia leader?" Rose asks.
"Dear, a woman can not lead in this world she has to be married and care for the babes because women are weak," Dyxin says.
"Women are not weak."
"We are not weak."
Both Chanelle and Jules says at the same time. Dyxin immediately raises his hands in surrender.
"Okay enough of this talking we need to get these girls ready for the baaaaall," He sings. "And of course get ready ourselves."
The three of them nod and help get us in our gowns but the only thing I can think about is why did my father never tell me that I have to be married to take over the mafia?
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