《Dangerous Love》Chapter 18- Marriage?
Early this morning after my morning workout I got a call from my dick of a father telling me to be at his mansion by 10.
I of course groaned and cursed because I wanted to see a female who has been taking over my mind since I first saw her.
After the call that just said 'be at the mansion by 10'. I took a fast shower and got into black dress pants, a white button-down shirt with a few buttons open at the top. I throw on a matching black suit jacket with pair of black dress shoes.
I put on a Gucci silver watch that my mother got me a few years ago for my birthday. I go downstairs and see Zach and Sam eating cereal.
"I am guessing Mr. Morelli told you to come today," Zach says in between bites.
"Yup," I reply shortly.
"Do want us to go with you?" Sam asks hopefully.
I know that he wants to see my younger sister who he has had a crush on since he met her but me being a somewhat overprotective brother I tell him 'no'.
"But why?" he groans.
"Because you need to go to school and make sure no one is selling anything on our grounds and I do not want you flirting with my younger sister," I tell him while I am getting a cup of coffee.
"Fine, at least I can flirt with Brooke," he purrs her name in a seductive tone which makes me see red, or was it green for jealousy? My fist curled around my hot black coffee as I Chung the burning contents.
"Sam I will personally beat your ass if you try to get into the pants of my cousin besides she thinks your a creep," Zach says. I am thankful for him because even though Samuel is my friend I would not hesitate to beat him up for flirting with someone who is supposed to be mine. Even if I do not know it yet.
I say goodbye to Will and Brian after telling them what their jobs for today are. I climb into my all-black range rover that recently got a paint job and a remodel on the inside.
The inside is black leather with some gold detail around the door and windows. I back out of my garage and drive towards my father's mansion.
The drive is a thirty-minute drive because it seems that the stoplights have it out for me today. I pull up to the driveway after passing the big iron gate.
It seems every time I come here the house has grown but my father has lived here for 25 years and it is mostly the same as when he moved in or that I can remember. Unless my mother has done remodeling to parts of the house. Other than that it is the same house I lived in for 16 years of my life until I got out.
I park my car and just stare at my childhood home. It is a white massive house that has a staircase leading to the massive front doors. I remember as a kid Will and I would see how many times we could run up and down without breaking a sweat. Most of the time after running up and down 5 times we would both start to sweat but when I was 13 I finally ran up and down 5 times without sweating.
After a long 5 minutes of staring at the house, I get out of the car and climb up the flight of stairs. As I reach the door the door swings opens to a girl who is 5'5 with long dark brown hair and green eyes.
"Masy," she screeches and pulls me into a hug.
"Hey Viola," I say while patting her head.
She is 17 but she is my father's daughter by blood. I love her with all of my heart but we both hate my dick of father who slept around and got her mother pregnant. He broke my mother's heart and hurt me when he came home with a bundle that was Viola. I will never forget my mother's heartbroken look after she saw him with the baby.
She was heartbroken but played it off and went up to her room. My father then shoved her in my arms and told me to take care of the whore. I of course followed my mother because I was 3 I did not know how to care of a baby. My mother ended up raising Viola as her own and loving her with all her heart.
I came out my thoughts with the twins coming down the grand stairs.
"Your back," Mia the oldest twin states as she smiles at me.
Her twin comes down the stairs with black headphones blasting music.
"Hey bro," Tristano greets not even looking up from his phone. Mia glares at her brother even though he is paying her no attention.
Mia and Tristano are 16. A year younger than Viola and 4 years younger than me. They are the babies but they also are a pain in my ass.
Mia likes to break the rules my father has set for her and Viola. She likes to go to concerts that are past curfew and there have been multiple times where I or Viola have had to go pick her up from the police station after a night of partying and drinking. She is semi-popular at school everyone knows her as the party girl and all the boys try to flirt with her but they know who her older brother is so they back off.
Tristano mostly stays in his room but he is friendlier than his twin. He likes to play video games with his friends and he has had multiple arrest warrants out for him because he has broken into different places like stores, clubs, gyms, etc. He is basically your typical bad boy but the one thing he has going for him is his popularity and his girlfriend. Excuse me friend that is a girl.
Viola unlike the other two is more responsible and mature she has never broken the law even though me and our father work in the world of the different Mafia's and gangs. She has been homeschooled her whole life because of our overprotective asshole of a father. When she was 13 she started to help my mother out at her company and over a year ago she started to run the company with my mother's help.
"Mia, Trist," I great.
"So you finally came to visit," Mia points out.
The last time I came to visit was on the fourth of July and they had a pool party but I had to leave early because my father and I got into an argument. I promised the twins I would be back for their birthday but I had a incident to take care of so I left.
"Sorry, I know I am a shitty brother but I promise to take my siblings out for some one-on-one time," I tell them. Well, more Viola and Mia since Trist has sauntering off in the direction of the basement.
"Okay good," Mia responds.
"Yaye, can you take us to your house so we can see the backstreet boys?" Viola asks. She has been calling my inner circle the backstreet boys since she was 13 when she met them all.
"Sure," I tell them.
"ll Mio bambino," a female voice calls from the doorway to the living room. Her voice is heavily accented with Italian. (My baby boy)
The female has long dark brown hair that has some streaks of gray. Her eyes are hazel but up close you can see specks of blue. She stands at 5'3 but does not stop her bossing around people half her size and half as deadlier.
I got most of my appearance/complexion from her but I got everything else from my father.
"Mamma ti ho detto di smetterla di chiamarmi cosí," I tell her with my italian accent slipping through. (Mom I have told you to stop calling me that)
She comes to me and engulfs me in a big loving hug that she always gives to everyone she meets. After several seconds of breathing in her lemongrass and mint scent, she lets go but not before she hits me on the back of my head.
"Ahi, a cosa serviva?" I exclaim while rubbing the back of my neck where she hit me. (Ouch, what was that for)
"You know better quindi non chiamare o mandare messaggi per un mese intero. I was so worried you could have been lying in a ditch or in your massive house dying. I asked your father to call you but he said you can protect yourself and I know this but is one call every week not too much to ask for. I am your Mother, not your Zia for fucks sake," she scolds me. (then to not call or text for a whole month) (Aunt)
"Mamma, I know I am sorry but I have been busy with the gang and with my club. I will try to call once a week when I have time," I tell her. She looks like she does not believe me.
"Figlio mio, tu meglio o io ti piccheremo il culo con una cintura e non senire un briciola di colpa," she swore. (My son, you better or I will beat your ass with a belt and not feel an ounce of guilt)
I gulped at her threat. I am a gang leader and I do not fear anything but having my mom threaten me makes a little fear form in the pit of my stomach.
"Capire?" she barks. (Understand)
"Sì," I say.
"Good," she responds.
"Mirabella, stop threatening my son," my father's voice booms through the hall.
I tense hearing my father's deep rough voice. When I was little he used to terrify me but I am a man now and he fears me. He may try to hide his fear but I know he does.
I turn to my father. He stands outside of his office with a cigar in hand. He is wearing a navy blue suit ensemble and a black button-up. His salt and pepper hair is smoothed back and his Italian accent is heavy probably because of the alcohol he has already had before 11.
"Non è solo to figlio stronzo, è anche mio e dovresti ricordartelo caro," my mother snaps at him. He just waves her off and walks back into his office. (He's not just your son, asshole. He's mine too and you should remember that dear)
"Mamma, Viola, Mia I will see you later," I tell them.
"Darling we will be in the kitchen making some desserts for your cousin's baby shower that is later today," my mom tells me before grabbing my sister's shoulders and moving them towards the kitchen.
I turn around and enter my father's office. As soon as I enter tobacco smoke reaches my nose and the stench of alcohol.
My father is sitting behind his massive oak desk. His chair looks like a throne and I bet it is just as uncomfortable as a bed of nails.
"Sit," he commands.
I sit on one of the chairs in front of his desk. I am feeling very angry at him because of the way he talked to my mother who should be respected and not like dirt as she has always been treated.
"You called and I am here. I could be at school or doing other shit that needs to get-" I say but get interrupted by my father.
"Listen, boy," he bellowed. " I will not be treated like this in my own home. In my own office. I do not care if you are the most feared person on this fucking island I am the most feared man in the world. So shut the fuck up and listen to what I have to tell you."
I gave him the most lethal look I could give him and I see him squirm slightly in his chair.
"You may be the most feared person in the world father but that does not stop you from being scared of me," I tell him with a smirk.
He ignores what I say and moves straight to why he asked me to come here.
"In January you are taking over the Italian mafia," he tells me.
"I already know this," I say but it goes through one ear and out the other.
"This means that I will be retiring from the mafia but that does not mean I do not have power. I also plan on taking your mother to Italy to visit with the family and to see her old friends," He tells me.
"Okay," I respond.
"I also would like to find you a wife so you can have an heir," he tells me.
"WHAT," I shout. He slightly flinches at my outburst.
"I said that I am going to find you a-," he begins but I interrupt him.
"I do not need a wife I am 21 fucking years old in January I will be 22," I tell him.
"Boy, do not interrupt me," he warns. "You will find a wife before you turn 20 or I will find someone for you," he states.
"Fine," I say. I pull myself out of the seat and begin to head towards the door. I get to the door before he says something that gets me annoyed.
"An old friend of mine just moved back here from Las Vegas he is having a ball tomorrow to celebrate his daughter's birthday and a welcome party for his family. It is at one of his hotels and it starts at 8 pm. I expect you to be there," he tells me.
"Is Mom, Viola, and the twins coming?" I ask.
"Yes they are," he says.
"Then I will be there with my inner circle," I tell him before exiting his office.
I go back into the foyer and head towards the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen my mom is putting away a freshly baked cake and Viola is helping putting the other ingredients away. Mia sitting on the counter on her phone.
"Mamma," I great.
"Mio Figlio," she says. (my son)
"Are you excited about the ball?" Viola asks.
"It's just a ball for a brat," I say while opening the fridge looking for something to eat.
"Massimo! Is that how I raised you? To disrespect women? No. I did not," My mom scolds.
"Sorry," I say.
"I'm excited I never get to go to balls and things. I also want to meet this new young woman who has never been heard about," Viola says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Oh nothing I just heard rumors about the young girl who is the most beautiful female on the island and dad said it was his friend's daughter," she responds.
My mind instantly went to Brooklyn. Her underneath me with my cock moving in and out of her... Damm, I have not even kissed her and my mind is on how she will feel around my cock.
"Well, that is interesting. I wonder why she has never been seen?" My mother contemplates.
"Maybe she is actually an ugly bitch or maybe she is too shy to be in the light of the mafia," Mia speculates. "I hope she is an ugly bitch because then all the men will look at me."
"Mia stop being rude," Viola scolds.
"What it is possible," Mia murmured.
"Mamma," I say to get her attention.
"Figlio," she answers.
"I am going to go I have some things to take care of before tomorrow," I tell her.
"Oh okay, just be here by 7:30 with your tux and we will drive there together and sii Buono Figlio Mio," she bosses. (Be good my son)
"Okay Mamma," I say before kissing her and my sisters on their foreheads.
I go through the fower and exit the large front doors. After walking down the large staircase I get into my car. I put my hands on the steering wheel and lean my head over my hands. I try to control my anger towards my father but I just can't stop thinking about how he wants me to marry.
Who does he think he is?
He stopped bossing me around the moment I moved out.
I am not marrying a brat of some old mafia man.
My thoughts get interrupted by my phone ringing. I grab it and answer without looking at the caller Id.
We have a problem at the warehouse
What kind of problem?
I will explain when you get here
Fine! I will be there in 10
Okay! see you then
I hang up and threw my phone into the passenger seat and speed out the driveway. I head towards my warehouse.
I hope to fucking god that there is not another mole in my gang or I swear to god I kill everyone who is even related to them. Mark my words. Mark my words.
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A Bᴇɴᴇᴅɪᴄᴛ Bʀɪᴅɢᴇʀᴛᴏɴ Sᴛᴏʀʏ𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙀𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙖 𝘽𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙩 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚"I didn't know what to write, so I listed 10 things I love about you."𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧
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