《Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)》11


"Greetings Dragon Sin of Wrath, Meliodas; Serpent Sin of Envy, Diane; and Raven Sin Of Despond, (y/n). I am Holy Knight Guila," The Knight said, continuing to walk toward our group. Meli hovered protectively in front of Ellie, who stood next to Hawk.

"Just... just now she said she got here by dying," Hawk whimpered, moving further behind Ellie. "Does that mean she killed herself to chase after Elizabeth and the Sins?"

"That's what it looks like," I growled, reaching for my whip. My eyes widened as I felt my hip- there was nothing attached to my belt. I internally cursed myself, remembering that I had carelessly left it on the bar counter in the Boar Hat. Whatever- with three sins here, there's no way she could beat us.

"Lord Meliodas..." Ellie muttered, gripping his shoulders.

"Stay back, there's something off about her..." he replied to her, reaching for the sword hilt he carried.

"If I must die for the sake of capturing four members of the Eight Deadly Sins, then my life is worth nothing more than that of a pig's." The Knight said, unsheathing her rapier.

"What do you mean 'nothing more than a pig's', you swine?!" Hawk shouted, stomping his hoof as he huffed loudly, walking in front of me. "C'mon, tell her, (y/n)! There's something wrong with her!"

"Yeah," I muttered, moving my left foot back and putting my hands up in fists. "Something's very wrong..."

"You sense it too?" Asked Meli, and I nodded. There was definitely a demonic power inside of her- one that didn't seem natural.

"Huh...?" Hawk asked uncertainly, looking at me. The Knight raised her rapier.

"Hawk! Get out of the-!" My shout was cut short by a large, sudden explosion. I caught Hawk as he flew backward, holding him under my arm. Meli was holding Ellie by the arm, barely preventing her from flying backward.

As soon as the winds caused by the explosion ceased, I dropped Hawk. He ran backward, squealing as he stood next to the princess.

"Hawk, take Elizabeth and run as far away from here as you can get," Meli said seriously, holding his hands up in fists as well. Both Hawk and Ellie nodded, Ellie hopping onto Hawk's back as they began to travel away from us.

"Stay safe, you three!" Ellie called before she disappeared behind a large crystal with Hawk.

"That's probably impossible," Guila smiled, pointing her rapier forward at us. A large ball of energy appeared at the edge of her sword and shot toward us. I dived out of the way, rolling to the left. Diane stepped of the side as well, but Meli wasn't as lucky. He got hit head-on and got sent flying into a nearby crystal. I growled, shoving my hand toward the knight.

"Purgatory Containment(3)!" I shouted, drawing a square around Guila's figure. Flames emitted from my fingertip, tracing the shape I had made. I shoved my hand forward again, causing the shape to grow larger and become three dimensional. It encased the knight in a fiery cage, trapping her for the moment. "Diane!"

"Right!" She responded, shoving her hands into the ground. "Ground Gladius!"

She said the words that activated her power, doing the motion to activate it as well. The large crystal formation shot out of the ground, striking the cage at full force. The cage exploded, followed by the Gladius formation. I felt something hot make contact with my stomach, expanding as soon as it touched me.


I hissed as I was sent flying, followed by Diane. I fell onto a platform of crystal, making large trench in the floor where my body dragged. I growled as I came to a stop, immediately launching myself toward the Diane to rejoin the fight.

I landed next to Meli, who had most likely regrouped with her after recovering from the crash landing.

"Serpent Sin Diane, your physical strength is among the highest of the Sins, and your power that embodies that is 'Creation'," Said Guila, who was walking toward us once again. "You can bend iron like its toffee. It's an ability exclusive to the Giants' Clan because of their deep connection with nature. I have been looking forward to seeing it for myself."

Diane got herself in a fighting stance, growling. "And what were your impressions of it?"

"If I'm being entirely honest," the Knight said, frowning. "it was rather disappointing."

"Oh really?" Diane growled, beginning to make large movements with her hands, before finally shoving her intertwined fingers onto the ground. "How about this? Sand Whirl!"

The ground below Guila began to evaporate and turn into pale granulates of sand. She began to sink downward, not being given a chance to even attempt to escape.

"I can turned minerals into sand," Diane said, then added with a small smirk; "Take good notes."

"I see," Said the Knight, "This is very informative."

Her head was the only thing left above the sand when she said that. Following her sentence, her entire head had sunk bellow the whirl.

The victory, however, was short-lived. Guila came shooting out of the pit of sand shortly after a large explosion occurred. Diane broke off the top of a large crystal and threw it at the woman, who simply launched another explosion and destroyed the green mineral.

Chunks of the broken object came hurtling down, attacking Diane. She hadn't expecting the defensive move to also be an improvised attack, so she went crashing down as she shielded herself. At the moment she fell, the captain jumped up behind Guila, swiping at her with an open hand.

I shoved my open palm at the Knight, muttering; "Blaze Storm." After I did so, several small fireballs issued from my hand. She had barely dodged Meli's attack, so she was surging downward from her hovering position. I assumed she was going to use an explosion to deflect the fire, so I launched myself upward from the crystal below me.

Just as I had predicted, she used an explosion. As I came flying at her, she was blocking one of Meli's blows. They disconnected their weapons and she moved out of the way from my punch. I flickered my eye toward her, whirling around and throwing a kick. Sadly, my foot made contact with her rapier, and I was sent flying downward once more.

I groaned, propping myself up in my elbows as I began to stand up again.

"(Y/N)?!" Said the princess's voice. I whipped my head in the direction of the noise, seeing her and Hawk staring at me in shock. "Are you alright?"

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I shouted, my eyes wide as I stared at the two.

"We-" Hawk started, but I cut him off.

"Get away! I don't need to worry about you two getting hurt too!" I growled, turning away from them and sprinting back toward the battle.

Meli and Guila were in somewhat of a standoff. She was blocking an attack from him with her rapier, while he hovered over her, pushing down on her. There was a large crater that webbed our from where the two of them stood. She was smiling, staring at his bare hand that he attacked with.


"As expected of the Captain of the Eight Deadly Sins- your abilities are very real," The Knight hummed, pushing away from Meli so that her sword and his hand broke contact. "But I must ask, why don't you use your sword? It's quiet strange- especially for someone of your immense power."

She jumped away from him, landing gracefully outside of the large crater on one knee. After landing, Guila launched herself toward Meli, sword pointed straight at him. "Do you expect to defeat me with your bare hands?"

The captain chuckled, reaching for the sword hilt he held. Oh good, he's finally going to win. This chick has been a real pain in the ass ever since she got here.

Their blades connected, and Meli shouted; "Full Counter!"

Guila got sent flying, a large explosion shooting her backwards. I sighed happily, walking over to Meli and Diane. I smiled, "Thanks, Meli. I thought that would never end."

"Great job, Captain!" Diane squealed, beaming.

"Full Counter," Said Guila's voice, causing all three of our heads to snap in the direction she got sent flying in. "Your ability to deflect any magical ability sent in your direction with a considerable increase in power. Therefor, the stronger your opponent's powers, the more powerful your ability becomes. The downfall, of course, is that you cannot initiate your own attacks. It's very interesting."

She did her signature walk toward us as the captain smiled. "Oh, you! You held back your ability to it's minimum power knowing that I was going to use my power!"

Guila smiled, getting into an attacking stance. "Come, you three, try your hardest. I wish to be challenged."

I glared at her, then turned to Meli. He nodded, and I returned the guesture. Simultaneously, the three of us charged at the Knight. Diane tapped the ground, shouting; "Up!"

A large pillar appeared beneath me and the captain, shooting us upward. Meli charged down at the Knight, beginning to attack her countless times at a speed that made everything seem like a blur. Each attack she blocked with her rapier.

"Inferno- Rope Trap!" I shouted, pointing at Guila. A long string of fire issued from my fingertip, snaking it's way around the Holy Knight from her legs upward. She looked down in shock, shoving herself out of the way of Meli's attack. A small explosion formed at the edge of her rapier, disabling the trap that had now reached her abdomen.

I smiled, seeing Diane already beginning to shove her hands down. She smashed the Holy Knight with her fists intertwined as Meli jumped out the way, landing a few feet away from me.

There was another large explosion, and Diane got knocked back. She crashed into a large crystal, causing it to crumble below her weight. She had one of her eyes closed in pain, wincing at the impact. How the hell are we supposed to beat this bitch?!

"Please try harder," Said the aforementioned 'bitch', "Simple attacks like that cannot defeat my power, Explosion."

"Well, if you have any pointers, I'd be glad to take them." I growled, running forward. She smiled, pointing her rapier at me.

"For one, don't charge in without a plan," she suggested as a small ball of energy formed at the edge of the weapon. Just as it was a about to release, I dove to the ground feet-first. She jumped before I could make contact with her. "(Y/N), you are undoubtedly one of the fiercest of the sins. Your abilities to control flames are extremely dangerous, and your hand-to-hand combat skills rival that of Ban's. I am surprised at your lack of success- you often are the one to show the least mercy."

"Yeah, well if you put that goddamn sword down I'd beat your ass in a few seconds," I growled, beginning to throw lightning-fast punches at her. Guila seamlessly blocked each of them with the handle of her rapier, backing up as I advanced toward her.

"Well, this grows tiresome," The knight frowned, jumping backward. She pointed her rapier in my direction, a ball of energy beginning to form. I was about to jump out of the way, but her attack was stopped.

"Stop!" Said a familiar, teasing voice. Ban stood to the left of Guila, extending his hand toward her. He was undoubtedly using his Snatch ability, since her weapon was being inexplicably pulled in his direction. Guila has to hold onto it with both hands to prevent the weapon from escaping her grasp.

"Finally," I smiled, hands on my hips. "Where've you been?"

"Trying to get King off my ass," The man smirked, not taking his eyes off of the knight's weapon.

"Oh, so he is King now?" I teased, causing him to playfully scoff. I'll have to ask him about the girl he chased after later...

"Fox Sin of Greed, Ban, I would appreciate it if you took your hand off my rapier," Guila growled, her feet sliding slightly. She had to readjust her stance to prevent herself from sliding any closer to Ban.

"That's nooo way to ask for anything, Miss Holy Knight~" Ban hummed in amusement, "Besides, I'm not touching aaaanything."

He twitched his middle finger in his direction, pulling Guila further toward him. She growled. "I see, this is your power, Snatch. The details of you're powers aren't very well-known throughout the kingdom, but I'm sure a thief like yourself would like something more suitable to your personality than a weapon like mine. Drift Bomb."

A small ball of energy shot out of the edge of her rapier and surged toward Ban. He widened his eyes, staring at the fast-moving explosive. I'm not sure whether or not he realized what is was that was hurtling towards him, but if he did, he noticed far too late. There was a large explosion where his figure stood. I skid backward slightly, and I took a sharp inhale of oxygen as I covered my face with my arm, trying to protect my body from the strong air flow.

As the smoke cleared, I saw Ban's disheveled form. His right arm was detached completely from his body, and there were several holes in his abdomen. Both of his legs and his left arm were bent in ways I didn't think were possible, and one of his eyes were missing. I knew he couldn't die, but it was never a pleasant sight to see him in a state like that.

"I've been told you're immortal," Guila smiled, "But it seems that you are no longer able to fight."

Meli and I charged for her at the same time, rearing back our opposite fists in preparation for a strike. She jumped before we could make contact with her, turning toward us mid-air and shouting; "Smoke Screen!"

A large amount of smoke surrounded the captain and I, causing us both to cover our mouths and noses. I noticed her come up from behind us, holding her rapier out. I pushed Meli out of the way just before the ball of energy blew up, so that I took most of the force of the explosion. I felt a searing pain etch into my back, and I went flying. I crashed into large crystal platform. There was a large trench where my body had dragged, following me until I slowed to a stop.

"Now that one hurt," I muttered, groaning as I stood up.

"You alive, (y/n)~?" Called Ban, who had finally decided to get his ass off of the ground and help us.

"Sadly," I laughed, jumping so that I landed next to him.

"I see," Guila hummed, addressing Ban. That seemed to be her catchphrase, "You're immortality lives up to the legends."

"Yupppp~" Ban grinned, "Nobody can kill me cause I'm immortal~"

"Being immortal and being invincible," the Holy Knight chuckled, "are two vastly different things, Fox Sin Ban. No matter how many times you regenerate, I'll take you down."

"Well, I don't like her ooooooonneee bit~" hummed Ban, shoving his fist into his open palm. We had all gotten into a group, standing together.

"Hold up, is that true?" Asked Meli, looking at Ban.

"Yeah, Tree Legs, can we actually beat you in a fight if we tried?" I asked, smirking at the immortal.

"Really, you three?" Diane huffed, "Can we save the chit-chat for later?"

"Right!" Meli smiled, "Let's go!"

Immediatly, him and Ban rushed forward. Diane launched Meli into the air with a pillar of the crystal, and I used my Blaze Storm ability to attempt to distract the Holy Knight. It partially worked; Ban and Meli overwhelmed her while my power assisted. She had to use her Explosion to get rid of the several fireballs, that I purposely spaced out so that she couldn't take them all out with one blast. Both Ban and the captain threw punches at her, and it was fairly obvious that she was struggling to dodge them all while stopping my ability.

Sadly, once my assault came to an end, she caused a large explosion that made everyone skid backwards. Ban went flying and crashed through several crystals while Diane caught Meli before he could hit anything.

Ban came flying back from behind us, and I was about to attack Guila as well. Before we could, Diane grabbed me and covered me while a rather large explosion was directed at us. Ban crashed into the side of Diane's thigh, covered in large holes and scrapes.

"Y'know, if you were going to protect us from the attack you could've covered me too," Ban growled, looking at Diane.

"Didn't wanna," Diane huffed.

"Fine then..." Ban replied irritably, turning toward Guila once again. I jumped out from underneath Diane's torso and smiled at her.

"Thanks," I said kindly, then turned to face Guila with Ban. She was smiling cheerfully, looking at the scene before her.

"My, my," She hummed, "Even if it wasn't at full strength, to not be blown away by my attack is impressive. The toughness of the giants' clan is one to be respected.

"Captain, I think I'm dying..." Diane muttered weakly, obviously faking it. "Please, send me away with a kis-"

"You'll be fine, just rest here for a bit," Meli said, waving his hand dismissively before joining me and Ban. "Alright, let's get her, the three of us!"

Guila was shaking her head in disappointment, looking at us. It was strange since her eyes always seemed to be closed. "Are these truly the powerful knights that the legends speak of..?"

All three of us charged, heading at her from different directions. Meli took the front, I took the right, and Ban took the left. Meli started the attack with his sword, but Guila snapped and an explosion knocked him back. Ban threw a punch at her, while I attacked with a roundhouse kick. She swung her sword in a semi-circle over herself, a string of explosions cutting off both of our attempts at hitting her.

I growled, immediatly charging back in with my fist ready with a punch. She kicked me in the neck, sending me cascading backwards. I coughed, a small bit of blood spurting out of my mouth. I fell to the ground, landing on my back.

I groaned, beginning to stand up again. I saw Guila with her sword through Ban's throat, smiling sadly. "Were the legends just fairy tales?" She asked sadly, but jumped back at a familiar spear ran through Ban's chest in an attempt to attack her.

King was standing behind Ban, pointing at Guila, guiding his spear. Ban turned around, eyes widening as he saw King. I smiled at the sight of our comrade, who was glaring down at Ban and the Holy Knight.

"Hey guys."


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