《The Diablarist King》11 - The Evermires
Despite the normally two week journey to Goldstone, the King's caravan takes 30 days due to the frequent stops Alekso chooses to make to some popular cities on the way. It is somewhat of a tour for the people to meet me, and the entire caravan is alive with joy and enthusiasm. Commander Anselm was on to something when he said the union of the Aurelians and the Delsors would be what brings Mercia together. Every city or village we stop at greets us not with just respect, but with pure excitement.
When we are brought to the lords or barons' dwellings, there is always a group of villagers crowded around the carriages, trying to peer in and see the royalty inside. Prince Jean squirms and Alekso shoots a glare at me as if this is all my idea when, in fact, it's his. I smile eagerly and step out of the carriage to greet my subjects. Every time, they reach for me and hold my hands, or ask me to bless their child, and I participate in some almsgiving there or in the nearby market. Sometimes Jean will join me as my escort instead of Anselm and my ladies, but never Alekso. He worries he will become jealous and act irrational. I think he is just somewhat antisocial.
I have been welcomed as Queen of Mercia with open arms by those who come to greet me. They tell me that I am a blessing, a gift from God, someone who will bring peace and prosperity to the realm. At one point, a little boy asked me if I was a warrior angel sent to defeat the demon king. I told him I am not here to defeat Alekso, but to love and guide him as God would want.
By the time we reach Goldstone, Gisela has a chest full of things from each place we visited. Everything had to be local though. Local crafts, wares and cheeses, clothing - she says she wants to gift some things to Eldislav whom she intends to visit one day. She says Alekso won't be able to stop her, but in time I do not think he would attempt to.
Goldstone; what a city! It is as beautiful as I remember. All of the buildings, some reaching high in to the sky, are made from yellowblock, topped with beautiful, deep red roofs. The city is built in to the mountainside and can be seen from far away, but once I pass under the decadent archway, I am amazed all over again. The first level is a lively marketplace open to everyone, rich and poor alike. The rich smells of spices and breads overwhelm my senses as they waft in to the carriage. I almost stick my head out to get a better whiff. I glance over Alekso who is just smiling at me, content to watch me act like all giddy.
I can see the grand palace towering over the city, where the royalty can look upon their subjects unhindered, but it doesn't look imposing. It looks profound... Meant to make the people feel safe. Goldstone Palace was the main residence of the reigning monarchy for ages. It only changed when Alekso ascended the throne and chose to stay at the castle in Ustria. I gather because that place is as intimidating as he is.
I notice we pass the poorer district but do not go through it. Part of me wants to stop, to talk to the people, but it has been a long journey and the palace is close enough to touch, I just want to get there first before we do anything else. From what Prince Jean tells me, the palace hasn't been empty this whole time. While the palace was given to Jean as a gift from his nephew, Duke Reginald of Evermire and his wife have been staying there while their own home is being rebuilt. It suffered a fire of some sort, which they blame on rebels.
"So Jean does not live in Ustria then?" I ask as we near the entrance.
"Technically no," Alekso says. "Goldstone is where he is meant to live but he insists on being with me to give counsel, whether or not I need it. But clearly he misses it here, since that is why he is so happy. Maybe he'll elect to stay this time."
"Or maybe we will stay, and he can have Ustria," I admit that is a selfish thought. Alekso just smiles.
"We'll see."
A frown crosses my face as the sunlight shines through the open window of the carriage and the bluish purple circles around Alekso's eyes become more noticeable. He looks so tired, and the guilt eats at me. He fights to keep his demon at bay for me, and apparently the demon has pulled all power away from him. After living with demonic power for so long, the loss has weakened Alekso considerably. We haven't told anyone. I think Jean knows, but luckily he has said nothing as well. Still, I worry someone will notice him in this state and try to hurt him.
As if sensing my worry, Alekso reaches for my wrist and gently kisses my hand. "Are you excited to see the palace, darling?"
"I hope they have kept the gardens in good order." The damned gardens, I cannot stop thinking about them. There was a giant hedge maze there and I would lose my governess in it as a child. I wonder if it still will seem big to me, or if I will navigate it easily, or if it is even still there.
We pass through the gates and drive up around the front central gardens. To my relief they are lush and green. The fountain in the middle is a copper statue of a beautiful woman dancing with fat little cherub angels. I am surprised Jean kept it - I was told that woman was meant to have my mother's likeness.
I see the duke and duchess waiting for us at the bottom of the steps. Our carriages slow down to a stop in front of them where a deep burgundy carpet has been rolled out for us. I wait for Sebastian and Gisela to come around to our door. Sebastian opens it up and escorts me out while Alekso steps out behind me. He holds my hand, leading me up the steps proudly while the others join in behind us.
I give him a little bit of a hug while he suppresses a yawn. The expression on his face, the way he carries himself, it is all quite different. It feels like he is already on the defensive. The duke and duchess both wear pleasant smiles as we approach them. They wear emerald green; Reginald's hat boasts large plumes of verdant, leafish feathers, while his wife Audrine's ball gown has the widest berth I have ever seen for a dress. They are the very picture of fancy nobility, which never seemed to worry Alekso before.
Then, of course, the couple speaks.
"Your majesty," Reginald says as he bows, while Audrine curtsies so low she nearly falls over.
"It is good to see you, Reginald," Alekso lets go of my hand to take both of Reginald's, nodding appreciatively to him. "I hope Goldstone has been good to you these few years. How goes the restoration of your estate?"
"I daresay it should be done within the next year or two, but we can always take our staff and get out of your hair before then should the Prince choose to take back his home."
Alekso looks towards me. "I present to you her highness, Queen Edeva."
"It is a pleasure to meet you both," I smile between them, extending my own hands towards Audrine. "You were not at our wedding, were you? I know it was short notice."
The two of them stare at me a moment, unimpressed, before Reginald turns his attention back to Alekso. "It was short notice, was it not, Alekso?"
"I was told it was an execution Prince Jean had been planning," pouts Audrine, her voice shrill and grating on the ears. "But I suppose a party is a party."
I blink a few times, taken aback by their unexpected attitude towards me. "Yes well it all turned out for the better. No one had to die, and instead we had a wedding!"
"Hmm, yes. Again, I suppose."
Alekso narrows his eyes at them, reaching over to take my hand. "My love, I am sure you are quite tired from a day of traveling. Reginald, my old friend, please send someone make sure our dear queen and her ladies are shown to their rooms. I have much to tell you and we should really catch up, should we not?"
Reginald nods and waves over two men. "Show them to the main apartments, as the duchess and I have been moved to the guest quarters to make room for the king and his entourage." He says these things pointedly in my direction. I know he does not need to explain the move to the servants, meaning he wants me to hear all of this. I have inconvenienced them.
Alekso hangs back and as the men lead Kwenthrith, Gisela, our luggage and me in to the palace proper I glance back to see him arguing with Reginald. His fists are clenched at his sides and he seems to be doing his best to keep calm. If he loses control of his anger I am unsure what he'll do, but there's more to it than that. He does not seem to have as much control over the Evermires as he does everyone else. But I've heard of him physically threatening his own uncle. What do they have over him that Prince Jean doesn't?
The tour of the palace was not as exciting as I had first imagined. Instead it was rather heartbreaking. Every room the servant showed us had attached to it a memory of my father, my mother, my governess, or something to that nature. I recognized the kitchens where my pet cat Archibald was caught chewing through a bag of granola and I had to defend his life against the ornery cook. The grand dining room with its fireplace that would illuminate my father's silhouette as we sat and ate supper. The throne room, where my mother told me we were going to be leaving because a great threat to my birthright was coming and we needed to be somewhere safer. At least I have my own throne here.
The Evermire's opinion of me has extended to the household staff. I get glares shot my way when it is time for supper and I walk alone down the halls. They are all familiar but still strange to me with the new, Aurelian-centric decorations of red and black. Just like at the castle, any sign of my father has been removed. I nearly trip over an old woman washing the floors who I swear had been standing at the other side of the hall a moment before.
"Watch where you put your damn feet!" She hisses. I make a hasty apology and continue to the grand dining room, wishing I hadn't dismissed Kwen and Gisela. We were all going to go explore the market together tomorrow, Jean included, but I instructed the two of them to go this evening when the crowds would start to quiet down. I had a secret task entrusted to Kwen.
She was to find someone who might have ties to a rebel group and arrange a meeting with me. I wanted to get to the bottom of that assassination attempt on Gisela. It simply makes no sense that they would be so impatient with my short reign that they would kill my step sister to light a candle under me. It makes no sense they would even know the relation between us!
As I stand at the doorway of the room, I peek in to see everyone else is already seated. Odd, I was told supper was at half past eight, just as the sun was setting. I'm supposed to be early, and yet their plates are full with the second course with the staff taking the empty ones of the first. The guards announce me and Alekso and Jean rise to their feet. Reginald does as well but far slower, and Audrine simply remains seated.
Alekso takes my hand and gently kisses it, his red eyes scanning my body over. "I do like how much warmer it is in Goldstone palace."
I'm wearing a lightweight blush colored gown, exposing my shoulders and sleeves that only go down to just above my elbow. The fabric is airy and dances with me as I walk, the fabric of my sleeves sheer. I wasn't attempting to dress seductively - it is just so much warmer in this palace with its heated stones and the sun shining on to it unhindered by trees or storms - but the look my husband gives me suggests he thinks otherwise.
"You are late." Duchess Audrine huffs as I sit down before the rest of the men do. "I do not know how they do things in the woods, but supper is served at seven thirty."
"Forgive me, your grace, but I was told by your ladies maid it was at eight." I lower my head to hide the flush in my cheeks.
"Hmph. I highly doubt she told you that. How long has she been here, Reggie? Five years? Never lied to us."
"Enough before you even start, Audie." Reginald waves his hand. Alekso stares between them but says nothing, so my curious gaze shifts over towards Jean. We catch each other staring and he offers me a sheepish smile.
"The duke and duchess are good friends of ours, Eva," he explains. "They have known me since I was a child, and were supporters of my brother."
"When Henry staged his coup," Reginald adds, "We stood to lose so much. The Evermires have been here for generations and the idea that any old fop from the farm could rival us for land and coin was almost too much to think of! You see, Edeva, God put people in certain positions for a reason. Those who were born farmers are meant to farm. The lords are meant to oversee their vassals. Butchers chop meat, hunters hunt, and merchants do not rule entire countries."
I frown a little, picking a bit at my chicken pie as it's placed in front of me. "I mean no offense, but was my father not the one who got the crown mostly out of debt when he took the throne? Jarrett XIV, at the time of his death, spent his time drinking and gambling his days away..."
"Queen Lenore's death hit him very hard, I agree."
Audrine flashes me a disgusted look. "How rude of you to speak so ill of the dead."
I want to counter that the way people speak of my father in front of me was always rude, but no one asked my feelings on it. Just the thought of how many times someone has said "Henry the Usurper" makes me pout in Alekso's direction. He seems distracted though; distracted and tired. Part of me is relieved that he has not thrown a heatwave at my tormentors, even if it means I must sit here and take their insults.
"A majority of the financial backing Alekso had for his rebellion was by us," Reginald smiles proudly at that. "We funded his whole army. And the good lad he was; paid us back first."
"Yes I will not deny that Mercia is flourishing, but the people now fear the nobility rather than revere them. Alekso and I are working to fix that. We should rule from a place of strength and compassion." I reach over and take Alekso's hand, smiling sweetly at him. "I want the people to see him as I do. He cares greatly for this country, otherwise he would not have fought so hard to make it his."
Alekso gives me a little wink and squeezes my hand, but my speech has apparently elicited nothing more than laughter from the Evermires.
"We?" Audrine sneers. "Please, you may have married in to the title of 'queen' but that does not mean you are one. You are a merchant's daughter at best, a little girl from the forest at worst."
"That is quite enough," Alekso growls lowly, but still keeps his calm. "I am not in the mood to sit here and listen to you badger my wife."
"She should not be your wife, boy." Reginald replies, eyes trained on me. "She is a commoner."
We all are suddenly stunned to silence when Prince Jean slams his fist on the table. The dishes clank against each other and even the fire over in the corner seems to flare up a little. "Damn it Alekso! You hate when people call you boy! Why are you acting like this? You have been like this for weeks now! Eva, what is going on with him?"
I bite my lip a little, unsure exactly what I can divulge. I know Jean is aware of Kazaxon's existence, but what about this powerful, aristocratic couple who think they can go around insulting their queen in front of their diablarist king without repercussions. Goodness, they can, because Alekso is too weak to do anything about it.
"What is wrong?" Audrine presses a hand to her chest to feign shock, the other hand adjusting her gray curls. "Are you exhausting him now with your nagging?"
"I do not nag, he is just... not feeling well."
"Really... He is not feeling well." as the duchess rises to her feet, Alekso and I do so as well. Jean and Reginald remain seated and continue to enjoy their dinner. "Better check your wine before you drink it, Alekso, do not forget that your 'queen' is the daughter of the man you killed to take back your rightful place on the throne. The man who killed your father and your brothers. I would not put it past her to want some revenge..."
I have had just about enough of these two. I ball my hands in to tight fists, cheeks red and tears threatening to spill from my eyes. The trip here was so wonderful, and despite Alekso's condition we were actually having a little bit of fun. I forgot, though, that Alekso's whole premise for murdering my father was because he was not "the rightful king", and of course he did not do this on his own. By marrying him, I have allied myself with my father's own killers, including the ones who lord it over me, like the Evermires.
Shaking my head, and without asking leave of my hosts, I turn heel and rush out of the dining room like a scared little girl.
After running down the hallway and passing a corner, I quickly hide myself against the wall and take several deep breaths. Were Alekso not so tired from fighting with his demon, he would have burnt those pompous old fools to a crisp just for looking at me wrong. God, I should not be thinking like that. I cannot let my anger get to me or I am no better than they are.
"I know I may seem off," someone says from the other end of the hallway, "but that will be the last time supper ends in such a way."
It's Alekso, his hands folded behind his back as he walks beside Audrine who kicks up her skirts and acts like she was the one scandalized by my abrupt exit.
"You should have consulted us first, your majesty," I peek out from my hiding spot and see Audrine lecture the king. "We would have convinced you that this marriage is wrong. She is a Delsor. She is a commoner. The entire reason the nobility who followed you did so was because men and women of low birth have no place in the royal line!"
"Edeva was born a princess. Her father was a commoner but she isn't. She grew up in this very palace, Audrine."
"She spent her teen years a poor hunter's daughter, Alekso! She is not one of us."
"She is now, your grace, and you will show more respect to your queen."
"Alekso, I will tell you right here and right now, the only reason you are sitting on the throne is because of my family's funding of your rebellion. You insult me by undermining all I worked for because you fell for a pretty face. So do not pester me with demands of respect when I refuse to see that whore as a qu--"
It is silent for a moment, something having cut off Audrine's angry rant. A second later I hear a horrified scream and the sound of something slamming up against the walls. Without hesitating another moment I appear from around the corner and rush over to find Audrine being held up by her neck, tiny heeled shoes wiggling from underneath the various layers of her gown. It isn't Alekso who has her pinned to the wall in such a brutal fashion, though. It's Kazaxon.
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