《The Art of You》❃ authors note ❃



All Sadie Lane Garner needed to make herself happy was a canvas and paintbrush.

With copious projects due and little studio time, she volunteers to clean the art building in exchange for after-hour use of the university art supplies. But, she doesn't foresee the loud baseball games outside the workshop windows, the near-perfect view of the field, or the sight of devious, dark-haired athlete, Elijah Preston, known for his charm and home runs.

And it doesn't take long for Sadie to find out he also has the perfect view of her...

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Start: 6/22/21

Finished: 6/28/22

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Can I Call You Tonight? - Day Glow Icarus - White Hinterland Kalifornia - Modern Pleasure . Silver Lining - Mt. Joy Beach Baby - Bon Iver . Green Eyes - Coldplay Smoulder or Ignite - Michael Dunstan Seasons - Future Island Strawberry Swing - Coldplay Paper Thin Hotel - Matt Maltese Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear

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Falling Helplessly [FREE]

Falling Perfectly [PAID]

Hard to Find (Falling Universe) [FREE]

Rain Waltz (stand-alone) [UNAVAILABLE]

The Art of You (stand-alone)

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Most of the places named in this story are made up. If anything happens to be something real It was not done intentionally.

As always, I appreciate constructive criticism. This novel is my first draft. A lot of cultural knowledge I get is second-hand from research so if anything in this book is not appropriate, please let me know, only if you are comfortable doing so. I would greatly appreciate it!

Do not plagiarize this story, it is copywritten. This is the only account and website it is published on, therefore if you see anything suspicious, please contact me immediately. There are consequences for stealing work.

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So if you didn't notice the changes... I have decided to separate The Art of Falling from The Falling Universe, it is now The Art of You. This means it will no longer be attached to our beloved Miles Cunningham & Isabella Gallagher, which also means Sierra Gallagher will now be and her family backstory will be adjusted. I did this for personal reasons, and I hope you understand.

Isabella Gallagher is now Leila Garner, Miles Cunningham is now Mason Collins, and Addison & Jasper are now Allison and Jack. I kept the names relatively the same/similar initials to help readers follow along a little better.

profanity, sexual content, anxiety, body dysmorphia


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