《All the Feels》Chapter 26



"Take care of yourself, Ains." I say, trying to hold back the emotion that is clogging my throat.

This shit fucking hurts. I love this girl. I love her and her daughter more than I've ever loved anyone, but I can't go through this again. I can't throw myself into a relationship when the other person doesn't feel the same. It fucking sucks being the one who cares more. And that just may break me when it comes to Ainsley.

It may already have.

The minute I opened the door, seeing her standing there looking so beautiful I nearly broke. I wanted nothing more than to pull her in my arms, hold her and tell her how sorry I was for how I treated her. She didn't deserve that. She was going through something horrific and she needed help. Maybe she didn't want it from me, but I gave it to her anyway and I'll never regret it. Each tear that falls down her face feels like another knife stabbed in my gut. I want to tell her it's ok. That everything will be fine. I just have to convince myself first.

"No." She says firmly, her face contorting into anger.

"What?" I ask and she puts her hand on my chest, shoving me back and slamming the door shut behind her.

"No. You don't get to just give up. You don't get to throw away what we have. You don't want to fight for us? Fine. I will. I'm not leaving, Billy. You are too important to me for me to walk away." She says and for the first time in days my lungs seem to fill to capacity with oxygen.

No one has ever fought for me before.

"Ains..." I say but she cuts me off.

"No, Billy. You sit your ass down, shut up and listen to me." She says angrily, shoving me again until I fall down into an arm chair. I stare up at her with wide eyes as she stews. I've never seen her so angry.

"The way I handled the situation was shit. I admit that. But that's not enough of a reason for you to give up on this." She says motioning between us with her hand. "And honestly, I'm not upset that it happened. Because it showed me what I needed to know. That at the heart of you, you are a good man. A kind, generous, thoughtful man who saved me and my daughter. I have been alone my entire life, Billy. I don't hand out trust like suckers at the bank, especially when Willow is involved. And this whole shitshow has showed me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I can trust you. Lean on you. That's hard for someone like me, someone who doesn't want to be a burden on others. But if you're willing to take it on, I'm willing to share the burden because it is a lot to fucking carry all alone." She states, her chest heaving with deep breaths as she tries to reel in her emotions.


"Ainsley-" I start, going to grab her hand, but she bats me away and cuts me off again.

"No. You need to get this. I need to make sure that you understand!" She shouts, and I push myself up from the chair, walking up close to her to get her attention. I reach out to cup her face with my hands and urge her to look at me. My eyes lock with hers and I feel her pulse pumping hard under my fingertips.

"Understand what, angel?" I ask quietly, her eyes wide and worried as she reaches out to grip my shirt in her hands.

"That I love you! You idiot." She growls out and shock barrels into my chest before my face splits into a wide smile as relief floods through me.

"What? Sorry, I didn't hear that?" I say teasingly and she groans in frustration.

"I love you, Billy." She says, her eyes flooding with tears and I wipe them away as quickly as they can fall.

"Yeah?" I ask and she nods.

"I don't want to be alone anymore. I want you there with me. I want to do life with you." She says, her voice catching as she tries to rein in her tears. My body feels like it's floating with the joy that's filling me. I pull her into my chest, wrapping my arms around her and she clings to me as if she's worried I'll disappear.

"You don't have to do it alone, angel. That's what I've been trying to tell you." I say, tucking my face into her neck and breathing her in until my heart rate begins to slow from the painful gallop it's been doing since she walked in here.

"I know. I'm stubborn." She says and I huff out a relieved laugh, tightening my grip on her.

"It's ok. I love you anyway." I say and she looks up at me with the sweetest smile.

"Really? After all this?" She asks and I nod, a wide grin on my face.


"Of course. Just promise me any other problems come up, we work through them together." I say and she nods firmly.

"I promise." She murmurs, tucking her face back into my chest.

I pull her with me to the couch, laying down and pulling her with me. She burrows into my side as I slip a blanket over us tucking her in tightly so she can't move. Neither one of us says anything, we just enjoy being together. I run my fingers through her hair and watch as her eyes slip closed. She looks exhausted and I think she's going to fall asleep soon, but they pop back open and she looks at her phone.

"I have to go soon, though. I need to pick up Willow." She says and I shake my head. I stand up and walk to the house phone, dialing Emily. She is cheerful over the phone and very willing to help.

"Don't worry. She gets to have an impromtu sleepover with Ellie tonight." I say with a smile as I crawl back onto the couch with her.

"Really?" She asks, worrying her bottom lip and I nod.

"Yes. You're all mine tonight." I say leaning down to catch her lips with mine.

It takes only a moment before she melts into me, letting out a contented sound as her hand slinks up my body and slides into my hair. She tugs a little, pulling closer and I groan at the touch. My hand finds the strip of skin between her shirt and pants, gliding along her warm flesh as it pebbles under my touch. She rolls, pulling me with her until I'm on top of her. She spreads her legs and I sink in between them, holding myself with a hand by her head. I pull away from the kiss, trailing my lips across her jawline to her ear.

"I love you, angel." I murmur, feeling her smile against my cheek where she presses a kiss.

"I love you too, baby." She whispers back and I feel like my chest is about to crack open with all of the emotions flooding through me.

"I'm gonna be so good to you. If you let me." I say against her neck and she lets out a shuddered breath.

"We're gonna be good together." She responds and I look up at her, seeing nothing but love looking back at me.

I nestle my face into her neck, relaxing my body against hers and she lets out a contented sigh. She runs her hands through my hair, scratching my scalp gently until I groan at the pleasure. Her sweet giggle rings through the air and I smile up at her.

"Are you hungry? I can cook you something." I say and she shakes her head with a warm smile before looking around the cabin like she's searching for something.

"No. But does this place have a bed?" She asks with a coy smile. I chuckle and hop off the couch, leaning down to scoop her in my arms.

"It sure does."

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