《All the Feels》Chapter 7



I wake up on Saturday with a little extra pep in my step. That seems to always be the case when I know I'll be seeing Ainsley and Willow. I wasn't lying when I said I was getting attached to them. Ainsley is smart, funny, sweet and incredibly beautiful and Willow is a great kid, funny and sassy wrapped up in an adorable package. They're the perfect pair and I count myself lucky no other guy has snatched them up yet.

I shoot Ainsley a 'good morning' text like I do every day. I remember reading somewhere that if a girl is the first thing you think about in the morning, you should tell her. It seems like Ainsley is the only thing I think about anymore, but that may be a bit heavy for a text message.

I head into work with a strange chip on my shoulder about it. The shop used to be my favorite place to be. I fit in there in a way I never did with my parents. My friends just get me, my creativity, my drive to be the best at what I do. I feel appreciated and respected, but today all I want to do is say fuck it and go hang out at Ainsley's.

"Hey, Billy. How's it going?" Jax asks as I walk in the door. He looks exhausted and I know the baby has been keeping them up.

"Great. How's the newest little nugget?" I ask and even though he's exhausted, his eyes light up like a Christmas tree.

"She's great. So freaking cute. She's got Emily's nose." He says with a chuckle. I smile through the spark of jealousy in my gut. I know Jax went through hell and I couldn't be happier for my friend, but I'd be lying if I said I don't want what he has. An adoring wife, a few crazy, amazing kids.

It's the fucking dream.

I didn't always feel that way. I enjoyed the lifestyle that came with being a young tattoo artist. Girls love the bad boy vibe and I took advantage. But that shit gets old quick. But when I tried to straighten myself out, committ to a girl and try to build something it never worked out. I sigh and head to my station, losing myself in drawing a stencil for a bad ass piece I'm working on this afternoon. After awhile my neck starts to ache so I stretch and realize it's already been a few hours. I grab my phone and dial Ainsley, aching to just hear her voice.


"Miss me?" She asks, rather than saying hello. I chuckle and walk to the back of the shop for some privacy.

"You know it." I say brightly, enjoying her teasing. She laughs quietly as I hear a door shut on her end.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" She asks.

You is on the tip of my tongue, but I manage to hold it back.

"Whatever you want. I just want to see you." I say, not at all shy of how needy that sounds.

"Well, what movie do you want to watch?" She asks and I can't help but chuckle.

"Like Willow is going to give either of us an option." I respond and she laughs with me.

"Well, maybe we can pick something a little more... adult when Willow goes to bed." She says and I smile a little to myself.

"Oh yeah? How adult are we talking?" I ask teasingly and she huffs.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, you dirty bird." She scolds and I bark out a laugh. My body suddenly feels light and warm as I listen to the gentle melody of her laugh on the other end.

Is this what happiness feels like?

Joe, the front end guy, pops his head into the room to let me know my next client is here and I sigh in frustration.

"I gotta go. My appointment is here. I'll see you soon." I say, not able to hide the hint of longing in my tone.

"Looking forward to it." She responds warmly before cutting the call.

I go out to greet the customer and get to work on the intricate tattoo. There's a ton of shading and details which is my specialty. I get lost in the work, zoning everything out but way the ink flows onto skin.

Hours later I sit up and admire my work, stretching out my sore back and looking up at the burly dude. Most people would have needed two sessions for this piece, but this guy has an amazing pain tolerance and can sit longer than anyone else I've worked on.


"Looks amazing as always, man. Sorry to keep you so late." The guy says. I look around the shop and see only Joe is left.

It's dark outside and I feel dread spiral through my body. I glance at the clock and realize I was supposed to be at Ainsley's two hours ago.

"Fuck." I mutter to myself. I finish up with the guy quickly and send him over to Joe.

I grab my phone from the drawer where I keep it and see two missed calls from Ainsley as well as a text.

The knot in my stomach tightens and I dial her number. It rings a couple of times before she sends me to voicemail. I don't blame her for being pissed. I try to call her again and the same thing happens. I sigh heavily before firing off a text.

I groan at her response, disappointed in myself and mad that I upset her. I decide this is something texting can't resolve and head to her place. I climb the stairs of her porch and knock on her door, trying to look as contrite as I feel. She answers the door, her face hard and eyes burning.

She's hot when she's pissed.

I shake that thought away and reach for her, but she pulls back and a sharp pain shoots through my chest at the movement.

I never want to see this girl pull away from me.

"I'm so sorry, Ains. I just lost track of time. I didn't forget about you I swear." I say hoping my voice portrays my sincerity. She doesn't say anything for a long time, only looks at me and I give her the time she wants. She always thinks before she speaks. That's how I know she always means what she says.

"You can't break promises to a kid, Billy. It's unacceptable." She says firmly and I nod.

"I know. I'll apologize to her. I feel like an ass. It won't happen again. I'll set an alarm on my phone next time." I say and she crosses her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes at me and I feel like I'm about to be eaten alive.

"I'm not sure there will be a next time." She says, her voice colder than I've ever heard and it feels like her words formed a spear of ice, lodging it into my ribcage.

"Ains, I'm sorry. I really am." I say, not at all ashamed of the pleading sound in my voice. She nods, but doesn't loosen her stance.

"I believe you. But it's my job to protect Willow. She was heartbroken tonight. She sat at the window for over an hour watching for you." She says, her voice wobbling on the end and I have to rub my chest to dissipate some of the pain radiating from my heart at the thought of that sweet little girl waiting for me.

"Please tell me how I can fix this." I plead. She opens her mouth, but her attention is caught by Willow, rubbing her eyes as she pads down the stairs in her 'Little Mermaid' pajamas. She sees me and her eyes go wide. She rushes forward, throwing herself into my arms. I catch her and haul her close to me. I hold her for a minute, squeezing her tight hoping she can sense my apology. She pulls back to look at me with a wide smile before she looks over at Ainsley.

"See, Mom? I told you he'd come!" She says before looking back at me. "I knew you wouldn't forget about us." She says proudly and I have to swallow the ball of emotion clogging my throat.

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