《Billionaire's Disastrous Kiss》Chapter 17


Ian was soundly sleeping on my bed, one arm folded under his head and the other resting on top of the duvet. His face looked drained and exhausted, his lips paled. At the moment he seemed less like a CEO and more like just Ian in his white t-shirt and shorts.

Seeing him like this, I couldn't make myself to wake him up. I knew I should but deep down I wanted him to rest and have a goodnight's sleep.

You really hit your head Hailey.

And even though I wake him up it's not like I can ask him to go back to his room where there's a conniving half naked woman inside. I'll talk to him in the morning. Just for today he can stay.

Glancing once again at his sleeping state I walked around the bed and found my luggage sitting next to the nightstand. I grabbed it and pulled my nightdress out of it. As I was about to go into the bathroom I spotted another suit case at the corner of the room.

Frowning, I strode over and lowered the suitcase, slowly opening it - careful not to make any noise and on the inside I found shirts, ties, pants, suit jackets- Ian's clothes.

I rolled my eyes heavenward. No way. Not happening. I agreed to let him sleep here for just one night, not anymore. I definitely have to talk to him about this tomorrow morning, as soon as he wakes up.

Nodding with determination I put the suit case back into place and strode to the bathroom to take a shower. But I couldn't help thinking if Ian knew what Melissa was planning.

Really? Nah. He can't be that wise. He's Ian stupid Kingston for a reason.

After changing into my nightdress, I took a pillow from the bed and placed it on the couch by the window. Thankfully it was comfortable or else I would've thrown a bucket of cold water on Ian's face and chased him out of the bed.

It's your lucky day Kingston.

I turned to Ian and narrowed my eyes. "Just for today Kingston. Just for today. Next morning you better have a good excuse" I blew a strand of hair out of my face and plopped on to the couch, pulling a sheet over me.

How sad. I got a luxurious hotel room only to sleep on it's couch. My pathetic life.


I woke up to a loud knock on the door.

"Hailey open the door!" Lexi's voice came bellowing from the other side.


Groggily, I sat up and checked the time from my phone. It was seven in the morning.

"Hailey, open it" Then it was Brian knocking.

"I'm coming" I grumbled sleepily and ran my fingers through my hair, tidying it. Then stood up and strode towards the door.

Before I could even fully open it, my friends came barging in. "Ahhhh show us your luxury room!!!" Lexi squealed and sprinted inside. Brian also pushed past me, catching me off guard.

Then both of them came to an abrupt halt. "Omg Hailey" Lexi gasped. "you slept with someone?"

Perplexed, I frowned and turned to her. "What?" I followed her gaze to the bed and found someone sleeping on it.

What the-

I blinked in confusion trying to figure out what was going on and then last night's memories came flooding in.


Lexi moved around the bed to see who it was and before I could even make a move to stop her she pulled the covers back.

Both of them gasped.

On the bed was Ian, still sleeping, his face buried in the soft pillow. Sensing the covers were off he groaned and pulled it back up, turning to the other side.

Sweat trickled down my face, terror overtaking me.

Achingly slowly Lexi glanced at me. "You slept with Ian Kingston?" She asked in a slow, deadly tone.

Brian gave me the same accusing look and I felt like I commited the most horrible crime ever.

"N-no I didn't" I shook my head pathetically.

"Then why the fuck is he here?" Lexi suddenly yelled and that ticked me off.

"Don't scream" I scolded. "He's still sleeping"

Both Lexi's and Brian's mouth fell open and I gasped realising what I just said.

"Did you just hear yourself?"

I took a step back in shock, my hand over my heart. "Don't even start" I shook my head in dismay.

"So you slept with him or not?" Brian raised a brow and I snapped at him.

"Of course not and-" I grabbed their arms and dragged both of them out of the room. "Why on earth would I sleep with him? He was here before I even came to the room"

"Really?" Lexi wrinkled her nose. "Why did he sleep here though?"

"I don't know" I shrugged. "I have the same question-" I furrowed my brows. "which I'm going to ask now. Bye" I shut the door in their face before they could pester me with more questions.

Then I strode straight to the window and opened the curtains, letting sunlight fall in.


"Rise and shine"

As the light fell on Ian's face, he groaned and covered his face with his hand.

"Wakey wakey it's seven in the morning"

He groaned again and pulled the covers over his head, snuggling back to the pillow.

Are you kidding me? I exhaled in frustration and stomped over, pulling the covers back. "I said good morning in two different ways. Now wake up!" I commanded.

Ian slowly opened his eyes. "What?" He mumbled in his sleepy raspy voice - which by the way is very very hot. Focus Hailey focus.

"Now pray tell why you're sleeping in my room?"

He sighed and closed his eyes again. "I paid for it"

"That-" My forehead creased. "is true" I admitted reluctantly. "But that doesn't mean you can sleep in the room you booked for me"

"I can and I will" He mumbled.

"No you can't. It's not right to sleep in the same room with your employee. Your room is just next door. Why didn't you go there?"

He let out a frustrated groan and sat up on the bed, his back leaning against the headboard. "First, you're not just my employee. You're my fiancé" I opened my mouth to argue but he held a finger up, stopping me. "Second, I can't go to my room when there's a scheming bitch inside"

I blinked. "Wait. You knew?"

"Of course I knew. I have a spy in my parents' house. My mother wanted to threaten me into marrying Melissa with that scheme yesterday" Ian snorted. "So pathetic of her"

I frowned. "Your mother did this?"

"Yes" He yawned. "Now let me go back to sleep. I set my alarm at 7.15 and I don't wake up before my alarm. Good night" He flopped back into the bed and pulled the covers over his head.

I scoffed in disbelief. Stupid Kingston.


I sprinted down the stairs in a hurry, looking over my shoulder several times to see if someone saw me. I got dressed before Ian and left the room as soon as possible so that no one would see us coming out of the same room. It would be hella lot of embarrassing if someone did. And that's the last thing I wanted.

I reached the dining hall and spotted our marketing team seated near the tall windows facing the ocean.

I walked over to them and greeted the VP with a cheeky smile, who in return scowled at me. Then as I was about to pull a chair, someone else did it for me.

I glanced up in confusion and my eyes widened in horror seeing it was Ian Kingston.

He gave me a small smile and pulled a chair next to mine. Then he sat down on it, shocking everyone else at the table.

I gaped at him. Why the hell is he sitting here?

Lexi and Brian both exchanged glances and I could see everyone else doing the same. And the VP - she was giving Ian the brightest smile ever.

"Mr. Kingston, we are pleased to have you at our table. It's a nice morning, isn't it?"

Ian didn't reply and looked up at me, waiting till I sit down.

I forced a smile on to my lips and sat down next to him, feeling the daggers of our VP on my neck. The tension at the table was so high that I thought I would melt into butter.

"So Mr. Kingston" VP started with a smile. "Are you attending the trade show today?"

But Ian ignored her and kept staring at me, his eyes twinkling in awe.

I'm dead.

Realising Ian's attention was solely on me, VP shot me a deadly glare. I gulped anxiously and shifted in my seat, eager to get out of here.

Thankfully before I could melt into butter waiters and waitresses of the hotel walked in, placing food on each table.

As they were done I took my fork to dig into my pancakes but one of the hotel staff approached us. "Mr and Mrs. Kingston" I paled. "Since you slept in the same room should we cancel the other room?"

I paled and paled, turning to a complete sheet of white. I could see the hideous glares everyone was giving me. And the look on VP's face - I bet she'd volunteer to go to hell if that means she gets to kill me.

"Sure that's a good idea"

And I bet I'd volunteer too if that means I get to kill Ian fucking Kingston.

Then as the man left Ian started eating his pancakes like nothing happened.

Calm down Hailey calm down. Let's be civil okay? No need to stab someone with a fork.

After a torturous breakfast I strode to the lobby to retrieve some of our stuff prepared for the trade show.

I reached the front table and was about to lift one of the boxes when someone unfamiliar circled their arms around my waist from behind.

I gasped.

"Heard they call you Mrs. Kingston"

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