《Just the Baby Momma》6.7
Ashley POV
"Aiden come on baby we don't want to be late to see daddy" I yell out into the house. Today was visitation day and we needed to head out like 10 minutes ago. His mother came into town to see him and I planned on letting her take the kids to the park or something while I had a private visit with Israel to talk about the divorce.
"Don't yell out for him like that Ashley that might be hurting his ears." Israel's mother says coming back into the house. That's one thing I can't stand. I understand I need to accommodate to my child's needs but he is partially deaf in one ear not sound sensitive. He doesn't even know about his ear and people say I am insensitive for calling out to him across the house.
"Here I come mommy" he runs from the back of the house to me. We all walk outside as I make sure their outfits are neat even though they'll probably mess them up from just sitting in the car. Today I let them pick their own outfits out but of course I helped them so that they weren't looking crazy. Aiden was wearing a pair of medium washed jeans and a dinosaur shirt with a pair of air maxes. While Kehlani on the other hand is wearing a yellow overall dress with a white shirt underneath and a pair of sandals.
"Grandma we go see my daddy! Come on" lani yells through the car door as I buckle her in.
"I'm coming girl." She laughs as she climbs in the passenger seat.
"Everybody ready ?" I ask before they say yes and we make our way to the prison. It was about a hour and a half to two hour drive depending on the day so I made sure the kids ate before hand and had toys. And as soon as I stepped out the car I realized a problem... I had on a damn dress. A short wrap dress at that. Only thing I remembered was my wedding ring. Already annoyed I feel my phone ding.
Message from Uncle Alexei
: Spoke with Warden Brownstein. Officer Wilson Will be expecting you.
I let out a breath as I apply some gloss to my lips and spray some good girl perfume on my neck.
After years of trying to contact this ugly ass warden he finally answers. That means somebody's money is running short so he is willing to take ours instead.
"Don't worry mommy, daddy thinks your pretty" Aiden says to me as he hugs my waist.
"Thank you baby" I bend down and kiss his forehead. Lani fell back asleep on the way here so sharon was busy trying to wake her.
" how do you feel? Do you want me to turn it down ?" I check his hearing aid to make sure he will be comfortable.
"It's okay can I take it out until we get to daddy it's too loud in there" he asks as I shake my head yes before taking it out and placing it in it's case. Being that I can't break the rules too much I had to leave pretty much everything in the car. I made sure to keep his case though because I'll fight if they act how they did the first few times.
As we walk through security to check in , I hand the receptionist my id before she makes a call. I take a look at a drowsy Lani in Sharon's arms before looking at Aiden who is holding onto my hand. He doesn't like it here I can tell by his body language. Even though he tells me he wants to see his dad I know he hates coming here.
"Mrs. James" I turn to see an officer coming out.
"Officer Wilson I presume" I shake his hand
"Yes, right this way" he says as i leads us the normal way past the visitation room and into a room where they would meet privately with their lawyers.
"He will be in shortly" he says before heading the door.
"please make brownstein aware that we will be meeting after the visit" I dismiss the white man. I go over to my family before bending down beside Aiden and placing the heading aid into his ear. I look up to see his hand sign "thank you." I smile to him before signing " you're welcome my love."
I look around the room taking in the scene.
" I wonder if they can hear through these walls" I say to myself before we hear keys rattle at the door.
"No they can't" Sharon answers back as I feel my eyes pop out of my head. Damn how they hell she heard that.
"Daddy!" The kids yell out trying to break free from our grips as they walk him in.
"Remember we have to wait" I say to them as the guards release his cuffs and exit the room. And as soon as the door closed the kids took off to him.
"Daddy daddy daddy we have so much to talk about" Lani says as I laugh at her. She may only be a few months shy of four but you would think she was much older by how smart she is.
"I bet we do princess and I can't wait to hear it all" he says kissing her cheek. "Okay first I have friend..." she begins
"Lani let your brother hug him" Sharon says as Lani pouts and moves out of the way
"Hey lil man" Israel smiles and he picks up Aiden
"I miss you dad" he says hugging his neck.
"I miss you even more" I feel his eyes travel over to mine where I give a weak smile.
"How you been holding up baby" Sharon asks as she hugs her son.
"Not too bad ma I'm just ready to get out of here" he says before he sits down at the table only for the kids to sit right beside him. I watch as the kids tell him about everything that goes on from pool parties to school.
"Ashley" I feel a Tap on my hand
"I'm sorry?" I comes back to reality.
"How have you been?" I hear come from his mouth surprising the hell outta me.
"I've been... good. Just taking care of everything" I say to him before we fall into a staring contest.
"Daddy Aiden can play piano" Lani says as she turns his face to her.
"Oh yeah? Okay what songs can you play Santana?" His face turns to Aiden in excitement.
"I play the itsy bitsy spider and twinkle twinkle little star." He says as he looks down to his hands.
"Why you shy baby? You were so excited to see dad" I ask him
" I want dad to come home with us" he says as Izzy rubs his temples
"Aw buddy remember I told you daddy will be home soon..."
"Why can't you come now" he looks to his father as I shut my eyes. I hate that my kids have to even see him like this.
"Well Santana I did some wrong things and he got in trouble so I have to stay here until I learn my lesson" Israel explains to both children.
" like when I pulled Lani's hair?" Aiden asks As his father laughs
"Yes and didn't mommy say you were in trouble?"
"Yes I couldn't have my iPad all day" he pouts. I hate that damn iPad with a passion but sometimes I be needing them damn kids to sit down
"I'll be home soon ight?" He puts his fist out to Aiden before the small fists bumps his fathers.
"Oh oh daddy and when you get home we can have tea parties, and we can have pool parties like we do with Daisy and Michael" Lani says as i let out a huge breath.
Here we go. Damn it Lani you couldn't hold it together for a few more minutes.
"Daisy and Michael come to the house?" He asks the kids while looking directly at me.
"Yes all the time sometimes they stay over and we watch movies and eat popcorn!" She says happily
"Lani how about you tell your daddy about you horse?" I try and change the subject. Lord is it hot in here or is it just me.
"No Lani tell me about your sleepovers" he says flaring his nostrils.
"You sure we don't have that much time left I'm sure you want to here about how everyone else is doing" I say in retaliation
"Naa I got my family here I'm straight" he says looking at the kids.
Yikes well damn.
And at that moment the guards as well as Wilson comes back in the room
"Times up shadow" Wilson says as the guards allow for him to hug everyone again.
"I'll be back down as soon as I can son" his mom says hugging him tightly.
"I love you daddy" the kids tell him as Lani begins to cry.
"Don't cry princess. We'll see each other soon okay? And we can play tea party and go see your horse" he says as she nods her head.
"Come here ash" he says as I drag my sandals against the concrete floor. Surprisingly he hugs me tightly.
"We gone talk about this cause you done forgot who the fuck I am" he says before pulling away from me and being escorted out.
As planned I allowed Sharon to take the kids to get some food and to a movie while I stayed back to meet the warden and my dreaded private visit with my husband.
"Wilson, will I be in contact with you directly or only the warden?" I ask the man as we walk through the office part of the prison
"Me directly. I will be handling any day to day needs for shadow. The warden should explain his role in a moment." He says as we walk up to the office.
"Come in" a masculine voice says from the other side. Wilson opens the door for me before I step in
"Mrs.James, Emory Brownstein" he shakes my hand. He is a average sized white male with dark brown hair and a thick beard. He wore a clean black suit with dress shoes to match.
"A pleasure" I state politely
"Pleasure is all mine so what do I owe this visit" he says
"Naturally I would like to discuss our deal" I state taking a seat without asking.
"Of course. Well from speaking to your uncle we will see that your husband is not only taken care of but protected while in our care"
"And the sentence?" I ask
"Well what about it? There isn't much too much I can do."
"We both know with your status within the states politics and outside deals that not the truth. You have many more connections that can reduce his sentence taking into consideration the unreliable evidence against him" I watch as he leans back in his chair.
"You are a smart woman" he says
"Well it takes a woman to keep everything in order I'm sure all of us have a knowledgeable bone in our bodies" I state back to him. "Payment wise I am prepared to wire transfer 30 thousand for the remainder of his stay unless you can get it reduced."
"And if I do? How much are we talking" he looks to Wilson
"Well... that'll depend on how soon he can be a free man again... sooner than later, consider that number tripled" I tell him " if you don't mind, who paid you off the first time? Would it happen to be a newly divorcee?" I ask as he tries to find a answer. As I've learned from dealing with drug runner and suppliers I can spot an answer.
"You don't have to answer I think I know... just know unlike her, my funds are available" I stand
"Now please get my husband I would like to spread to him in private." I say before exiting the room with Wilson.
"Mrs.James will the money be split between warden and I because he is a very selfish man." He says lowly as we walk through the empty hallway
"I plan to give you you're own piece as well as some to get whatever my husband needs from the outside. I hope that you see it in your best interest to do as told with his portion" we arrive at the same room as before.
"Of course. It's a pleasure doing business with you"
Once again I sit in this damn room but unlike times before I am alone and my nerves are in shambles. I don't know how to go about this conversation especially with Lani running her mouth. He gone think I'm fucking Michael.
About 15 minutes pass as I wait. I look down to my watch getting a bit agitated.
"They know damn well they could've been quicker than this. I should slap all they asses" I speak to myself. And as soon as I say that they door is unlocked. I watch as Wilson brings Israel back into the room. This time by himself.
"How Long Wilson?" I ask the middle aged white man.
"How long do you need? Longest I can work with is 1 and a half hour max." He says.
"We shouldn't need that much but I'll knock when we are ready." He nods as he uncuffs my husband and leaves the room. We sit there for a good 30 seconds before I see him speak up.
"You been taking care of yourself?" He asks as I internally roll my eyes
"As best as I can. You've been having any trouble?" I say clearing my throat.
"Niggas know not to try me... you find out who set me up?"
"Let's not do that. You got caught up not set up. And you wouldn't have had the chance to be set up if you weren't too busy being sloppy nor unfaithful ." I snap lowly
"Ashley-" I cut him off
"And don't get me wrong she was pretty and all but to let her come and mess up your home with a damn 10 blows the hell out of me."
"No because do you know how stupid I looked? How stupid you made our family look? Hell. Even my family. Did you they started looking into my uncle. Tryna take my uncle who has laid low for the past 30 years. Then I had to clean that shit up. I have to clean up all this shit. Clean up after your businesses which I didn't even know you were opening a club until you got arrested. Clean up the shitty ass employees who I had to demand my respect from all to go home and clean up after the two kids you left me with while still trying to take care of my damn self. And why the hell you couldn't speak to me"
"Can I speak?" He asks after I finish me rants.
"Go head."
"Im sorry."
"Join the club bud." I laugh.
"Can you listen for one second damn. I let you say what you needed to say and I listened without saying shit." I huff at him. "I apologize for everything. I admit I fucked up bad and I fucked up thinking I would have time to fix it before it caught up to me. I shouldn't have let any of it happen. I been sitting in this damn place for three years not being able to see my kids for more than an hour every other month or be at home with my fucking wife. Every day I wake up wishing I didn't because of me and the shit I've put not only you but them through. Im fucking sorry Ashley. Y'all come in here, the kids are getting bigger every time and you looking better than before kills me. Not being able to talk to you to keep you safe eats me alive."
"W-what do you mean keep me safe?" I know for a fact I can handle my own. So what is he talking about.
"I don't know to who but they are reporting back to someone about everything I do In here. I eat they watch, we have visits they listen. And I know they read the letters. Im afraid of what'll happen to y'all while I'm not there"
"Oh god" I run my hands through my hair as I feel tears begin to prick my eyes. I hear the metal chair scrap the ground before a pair of arms go around me. My emotions are running high. This man honestly has put me through hell and I still love his idiotic ass
"I'm sorry baby I promise I am" he says as he kisses my forehead lightly rocking me.
"Why'd you have to do this to us" I ask him
"I'm dumb as fuck baby. I know It's all my fault." He says before I look up to his light eyes.
"Stop I'm mad at you" i sniffle before I hear his laugh as a small smile appears onto his face.
"I'm not gone stop you ma. You got every right." He says kissing my forehead again. I bring my hand to his cheek before getting lost into his eyes. Thoughts how he'd look into mine as he'd hold me down and take my soul.
Bitch stay strong.
I look down to his pink lips. The memories of how they felt wrapped around my clit
Bitch don't.
I know I shouldn't but I bring his face closer to mine planting a passionate kiss onto his lips. I feel his large hand go around my neck causing me to gasp giving him access to heat up the moment. It happened quickly as he lifts me from the chair and sits me into the cold metal table.
You a weak ass Bitch when it come to this big headed nigga.
I feel him begin to pull the strings from my dress displaying my body before the same hand travels to my parts and begins to toy with my pearl. I moan into his mouth from the feeling I've been dying for for over year years.
Pulling me closer to the edge, he pulls the black thing to the side before spitting on his fingers and inserting them into me.
" mmm" I muffle biting my lip as I watch his other hand untie his drawstring pants allowing for his fully hard member to spring free. I close my eyes as his fingers curve upward hitting my spot repeatedly.
As soon as I feel myself coming close his fingers quickly retract from me causing my eyes to pop open. But his digits are quickly replaced by his large piece causing my mouth to fall into a o shape.
" shit baby" he stays in place as we both try to adjust after not feeling each other in years. I watch as he hold my legs down before slowly retracting himself and pushing all the way back in. As he repeats this motion I moan uncontrollably at not only the feeling but the site.
"Fuuucck baby is too deep" I say keeping my eyes trained on his movements. I know for a fact neither one of us are going to be able to last long at All.
"You can take it baby I know you can." He says as his stokes begin to quicken. His grip on my thighs get tighter as I clinch around him drawing him in. "There you go baby" he says pumping in and out of me before reaching up and placing his thumb into my mouth causing me to suck on it.
"Take yo fucking dick" he says as he rests his hand on my neck squeezing just tight enough. The roughness yet the him still being gentle put my body into overdrive. After not having any relations in literally years it still is as good as I remember it
" oh fuck YES." I feel myself getting closer as he drills into me. "I'm about to cum baby"
"Make a mess baby" he says as I feel myself unravel as I hear a string of curse words fall from his tongue signaling his release as well.
Without removing himself he leans down and kisses me harder than before.
"I love you so fucking much Ashley. Im sorry for hurting you" he says holding his head to mine. "Please don't give up on me yet." He places another kiss to my lips before he pulls away. He helps me from the table as we begin to get our selves decent again.
"Ashley. Before you go... I don't want y'all around Michael." Here we fucking go.
"And why the fuck not." I turn around as I finish tying my dress again.
"Watch yo fucking mouth. Did you forget who his brother fucking was?" He asks as I roll my eyes.
"I'm the one who told you so of course I know."
"You think niggas gone just be cool with somebody who fucking husband killed his brother.?"
"He barely knew him and he doesn't think it's true."
"Come on Ash you smarter than this shit. Either he really that fucking much of a saint which he probably not or he playing the fuck outta yo dumb ass." I listen to him thinking about how dumb I sound. All this time Michael could've been lying to me and I was easy to get over on.
"Okay." Is all I say to him.
"Come ere." He says pulling me closer. "A lot of people probably want yo head don't give it to nobody on a damn silver platter." He kisses my lips.
"Get everything ready for me to come home"
"Sir nothing about your sentencing has changed yet. Slow down patna" I shake my head.
" it will soon baby. Just get everything ready." He says kissing me one more time.
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